To Lin Chen's relief, the God of the famine didn't mean to stay here, but planned to return to the ancient world of Yunmeng.

There were some people in the ancient world of Yunmeng, including the Oriental sacrifice, who wanted to go back to have a look after they had been away for so long.

"By the way, elder, why are you trapped here?"

Lin Chen, relieved, inquired curiously.

Soon, from the answer of the God King, he knew the general situation.

At that time, the God King of the barren sky came to the ancient world of bosun in order to find out the specific situation of the old nest in the ancient world of kaluro.

If you want to know more about the kalulungu people, see if you can get rid of the unfavorable situation that the enemy has always been in the dark and the enemy in the light.

Before he found the Maha holy city, he first met a powerful God King of the kalurogu family.

The two fought fiercely, and the God King could not defeat the God King of the wilderness, but the God King of the wilderness could not take him down immediately. They chased each other and came to the abyss of nightmare.

Later, he was escaped by the God King. The God King of famine felt that the nightmare abyss seemed to have some secrets. After a search, he entered the statue and found no secrets. Instead, he was trapped inside.

"That guy should have known something strange here. He deliberately led me here. After all, I was too careless!" Said the God King.

Qingyun Hu and chenkong came to Lin Chen's side. Their faces looked helpless.

No matter how they exhorted, cangyun demon ancestor was unwilling to leave here.

After telling cangyun demon Zu about the Yin market, it was counterproductive, because cangyun demon Zu thought that the collapse of the Yin market was essentially the same as the destruction brought about by the "Black Sun".

In other words, the disaster in the Yin Ruins may also be related to the "Black Sun", so he is even more reluctant to leave. "It's not that I don't care about the Yin market world, but my strength is not weak, but if the three forces of the Canyue cult add up, they can't make the Yin market world back to its original shape, then I can't do anything if I go back! I might as well,

Stay here and see if you can find the possibility to restore the Yin Ruins. "

Cangyun demon ancestor seems to have found a better reason to stay here, and is more determined not to return to the Yin Ruins.

Zhu tired of wasting so much energy to save the guy, but the guy didn't plan to leave. He was a little angry at first, but after hearing what cangyun demon ancestor said, he thought it was possible.

The disaster of the Yin Ruins may really have something to do with the place of Hongmeng!

As a member of the Yin market world, if there is a possibility to change the Yin market world back to its original appearance, we must strive for it anyway.

Not to mention the cangyun demon ancestor, even he planned to come back after sending Lin Chen and others away.

"What are you going to do next, you two, to stay here to accompany master cangyun demon?" Lin Chen asked, looking at the green cloud and the dust.

Qingyun Huang shook his head and said, "I promised Miss Tao Yao that I would follow you. In that case, I won't break my promise."

Chen Kong nodded and said: "anyway, it is the greatest harvest of this trip to confirm that the master is safe. Everything is worth it! We can't help staying here!"

Lin Chen will not refuse these two powerful help and continues to follow her.

After learning about the situation in the Yin market, the God of the wasteland also planned to go there directly to meet disciple Dongfang Ji.

Led by Zhu fan, several people set out on their way home.

On the way, the God King of the barren sky showed great interest in Lin Chen and asked him about many of his experiences. Except for those that were more secret, such as the inheritance of tao yao by the Dragon talisman emperor, Lin Chen basically told each other once.

When Lin Chen was almost finished, the God said, "you saved me this time. Do you have anything you want?"

Lin Chen hurriedly said, "compared with your kindness to me, what I have done is nothing. In fact, even without me, Master Zhu fan will save you!"

The God of famine smiled noncommittally and said, "since you said that you once pretended to be my disciple in front of my disciple, are you interested in joining me?"


In the Yin Ruins, the demon troops are stationed.

After several powerful evil demon kings left, the people of the demon army would not continue to stay here and wait for the second time.

Immediately transfer the position and move the stronghold of Zhenmo army to a place far away from the original stronghold and more hidden.

"That woman just likes to make her own decisions! Didn't I say that she should stay here and don't run around before more powerful gods come to support her?

She didn't even come to tell me, so she took people away. I really think my words are Farting! "

The God King of green nightmare looked angry, and Chen Kong stood in front of him with a worried look.

Chenkongshan said: "Lord Kanye, she said... She said she was not your servant. She said she wanted to stay or go. There was no need to follow your instructions."

In his heart, he secretly scolded that he was the king of God and wanted to leave. What could he do to keep the king of night?

Besides, the God King Qingyan is a little arrogant. The words of the God King Kanye are right. Everyone is a strong God. Why should she listen to your arrangement?

Of course, he was afraid to say that.

The green vein on the God King's forehead jumped, but he didn't continue to get angry. He also knew that there was no point in getting angry at Chen Kong.

"The true God of red cherry hasn't come back yet?" He asked.

Chen Kong shook his head: "I also feel a little strange about the true God of Hong Ying. He is a little afraid of death... Er, he is very cautious. Before leaving, he left a jade amulet and said that he would be summoned every three days.

If the arraignment is suspended, something must have happened. In other words, something must have happened to him at the moment, but no trace of him could be found. Maybe... "

"Maybe what?"

"Perhaps he has fallen!"

Hearing this, King Qingyan's face became even more ugly: "why did the demons outside the boundary know the location of our previous stronghold? Have you made an investigation?"

Chen Kong shook his head helplessly.

The God King of green nightmare said with a cold face, "it wasn't long before the boy named Lin Chen left. They came here. Do you all think it's a coincidence?"

Chen Kong was shocked: "do you mean that Lin Chen leaked the location of our stronghold to the demons outside the boundary?"

The God King of Qingyan said lightly: "yes or no, when the boy comes back, he will directly grasp the search consciousness. Naturally, it will be clear!" Chen Kong realized that the other party just wanted to find a vent receiver, and this receiver was Lin Chen!

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