If Lin Chen came back by himself, he was bound to encounter some trouble, but he couldn't deal with the king Qingyan by himself.

However, he is now returning with the God King of famine and the God King of Kanye, and has become a disciple of the God King of famine. He has not encountered any trouble, and the accommodation arranged for him is still located in the best and safest area here.

No one dares to have an opinion about this.

In the room.

Lin Chen carefully studied the bone fragments like coloured glaze on his palm.

It is hard to imagine that such a treasure as beautiful as a work of art should be part of the skull of a monk.

Moreover, he is also a powerful God King in the Yin Ruins!

Lin Chen is a little distracted. He is not immersed in the alternative beauty of this "work of art". There is only one idea in his mind:

This is part of the wreckage of the God King. Even if the God King and the strong fall, they will eventually return to the dust.

In his ear, it seemed that the words that Zhen Tianlu had said to him sounded again.

"There is no eternity!"

Even the yin-yang ruins will be destroyed.

The bones in front of him are telling Lin Chen that the king of God and the strong are also likely to fall!

Once it falls, it will be completely lost between heaven and earth.

"Maybe there is no real immortality in the world? Even the Yin and Yang ruins can't get rid of this, let alone the cultivators who rely on the chaotic origin of the Yin and Yang ruins to grow up. However, there is no way. Anyway, compared with ordinary people, I have lived so long and made a lot of money! If I hadn't become a cultivator, now I would have fallen to the dust with Yi people and Xi ran people. Only one thing, I should almost go back

Home, there is no need to stay in the Yin market! "

Lin Chen thinks he has earned a lot from his long life.

However, if he has a long life and spends all his time on cultivation, he still feels a little lost. Only by spending more time on his family can he really make a lot of money.

A very important part of his "Tao" is "guarding".

Guard those who are vital to him!

If his relatives and lover are gone, even if he can truly live forever, it means nothing to him.

Lin Chen closed her eyes, stopped thinking and gathered up all her thoughts. As the elder martial brother Dongfang Ji said, take the skull in your hand as a part of your body, and then let the original power of your body try to flow into the skeleton to draw the hidden power of the skeleton into your inner world

Boundary for conversion and absorption.

At present, of the 990000 stars in the world in Lin Chen, 6916 have reached the limit.

If he wants to break through to the middle Lord, he needs to make the number of stars reach the limit more, from 6916 to 99000!

In addition, every 99 stars is a unit, and 100 units need to be perfectly connected into a whole!

"More smoothly than I expected!"

When the power of the source easily entered the skull on his hand, Lin Chen was very happy, but his expression changed dramatically before long.

The power of the source returned to him with the power contained in the skull. It felt like an ordinary person's blood vessel was injected with hot magma, and all his internal organs burned in an instant.

Lin Chen not only suffered severe pain in his body, but also felt terrible pain in his soul. "After all, it is the power of the king of gods and the strong. Even though the power has been worn away for a long time, even though there is no idea of the king of gods and the strong, I want to digest this power, just like a child directly gnawing an ancient tree with his teeth

The trunk of the giant tree is not destined to be an easy thing! "

As long as he can break through the final bottleneck and endure some pain, it is nothing to Lin Chen.

He gritted his teeth and continued to guide the original force to pull that force into his inner world.

With that power, it merged into the torrent of the original power of the inner world, and the 6917th star gradually burst into light.

After realizing this, Lin Chen was very excited. It was like beating a chicken's blood. He just felt that even the pain of the body and soul had weakened a lot in an instant.

Time passed, and in a twinkling of an eye, more than half a month had passed since Lin Chen closed the door.

Finally, the power contained by the 99000th star in his body reached the limit.

"The next step is the last and most critical step! Take every 99 stars to form a small unit, and take 99000 stars as a large unit, that is, to form a complete unity!"

Lin Chen was not in a hurry to be happy and became more focused.

He realized that the strength contained in the skull in his hand was not much. If he could not take the last step in a hurry, he would not know how long it would take to step into the realm of the middle empty true God.


Finally, another two days passed, and a roaring sound came from Lin Chen's body.

At the same time, the ninety-nine thousand bright stars in his inner world are completely connected into one. The surging power of the origin is like a torrent of levees, carrying the terrible power that can annihilate all things.

Until this time, Lin Chen took a long breath, and the tight nerves relaxed completely.

He looked at the glass like skull on his hand.

I don't know when, it was covered with numerous cracks. Suddenly, with a bang, it turned into countless light spots and completely dissipated between heaven and earth. "At last, I have taken this step to become a real God. I don't know how long it will take to go further. Now the situation of cangyun demon ancestor has already been determined. Even if I continue to stay here, I can't help. It's time to

Back to the ancient world of Yunmeng! "

Lin Chen stood up, thinking so, and immediately thought of another problem.

How can we return to Yunmeng ancient world?

It will take a lot of time to find the space channel to go back by yourself.

At this moment, a voice sounded in Lin Chen's mind.

"Disciple, come to the hall!"

Lin Chen subconsciously thought that it was the God of the wasteland who was calling him, but then he realized that the voice was clearly not the God of the wasteland, but the flying snake!

"Master Teng snake has also come to the Yin market world? That is to say, the reinforcements of the demon army have arrived. Maybe I can get the answer to how to return to the ancient world of Yunmeng directly from him!" Lin Chen was overjoyed and disappeared in a moment.

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