"We each sent one person back to fetch the heart of chaos and left one waiting here."

Although they were dissatisfied with the final transaction "price", Zhen Tianlu did not continue to pester, and soon three powerful gods left.

At this stage, the transaction is settled. You just need to wait for the other party to "deliver".

Lin Chen felt relieved.

"It would be nice to have five chaotic hearts!"

Lin Chen was really worried. The other party couldn't find five chaotic hearts at all.

If that is the case, even if the other party wants to trade again, it is impossible to meet his requirements.

If the other party said that all together, there were only 4 or even 3 chaotic hearts, Lin Chen could only choose to trade.

Because he didn't want to see the conflict between the indigenous forces in the Yin Ruins and the demon army.

Moreover, these fragments of heavenly script are of no use to him.

"I really want to thank this guy. If he hadn't opened his mouth, I might not have been able to get five chaotic hearts." Lin Chen glanced at Zhu Yuantong.

He had no idea that the other side could show a few chaotic hearts. In this case, the negotiation was actually at a disadvantage.

The reason why he took the five chaotic hearts as his goal was that the Xuanyuan gun had fused the four chaotic hearts so far.

The fusion to the limit, according to the information, is the fusion of 9!

That is to say, the number of chaotic hearts needed to fuse Xuanyuan guns to the limit in order to achieve qualitative change is exactly 5.

If there are only 4, it sounds similar, but there is an essential gap!

In less than a day, the three God kings who had left returned here and gave the five chaotic hearts to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen knew that they didn't really want to be enemies with Zhenmo army, so he didn't worry about what they would do in secret.

After receiving the heart of chaos, he simply handed eight pieces of heavenly script to Zhen Tianlu.

In addition, he also told the other party about the land of Hongmeng, as well as the fact that cangyun demon ancestor and Zhu fan were watching over the ancient nightmare abyss in Boxun, waiting for the "Black Sun" to appear!

After hearing this, Zhen Tianlu said solemnly that he had known it and would tell the other gods when he returned.

This information is very important to them at present.

He was about to say thanks to Lin Chen. Then he remembered something and said with a smile:

"Why didn't you tell me the news earlier? You have to wait until now. You have a lot of evil minds. It's clear that we've been cheated. In the end, we still owe you a personal favor? If you want to bear a grudge, you can't even hate it!"

"Master, what did you say? I didn't think about it so much. It just occurred to me that this news might be useful to you, so I tell you."

Lin Chen laughed and said, "I don't know what you're talking about.".

In fact, before they came back to the Yin Ruins, Zhu fan and cangyun demon ancestor let them, if they had the opportunity, tell the situation of the nightmare Juyuan to a group of God kings in the Yin Ruins.

Cangyun demon ancestor and Zhu fan both knew that if they wanted to restore the Yin Ruins to their former appearance, they alone would not be enough.

If we can twist the power of the strong in the Yin Ruins into a hemp rope, we will be more likely to deal with the "Black Sun" rising from the nightmare abyss.

Lin Chen chooses this kind of time to speak, which is really to sell a favor.

When Zhen Tianlu left, the God King of the barren sky, who had been silent, just opened his mouth.

He said with a smile, "my original idea was to let you fight with jinjiaoyu after you go back, lose early, and then return to Yunmeng ancient world early. Now it seems that it would be better to wait until the end of January?"

Go back early and lose early?

You might as well be more direct, saying that you should go back early and be beaten and leave!

Lin Chen made a roast in his heart, nodded and said: "it will take some time to improve my own means, or to fuse the five chaotic hearts with Xuanyuan gun. After I go back, I will start to shut down!"

In less than a month, I can't do anything, but if I enter the God prison tower, I think it's enough?

It's probably because Lin Chen has no bottom in his heart.

After returning to the stronghold of the Zhenmo army in the Yin market, Lin Chen returned to his residence for the first time and officially began to close down. It can be said that a second was not wasted.

After entering the God prison tower, Xiaoyuan and ling'er were already waiting for him. They were all looking forward to him.

Seeing Lin Chen looking at him with some apology, ling'er pursed her lips and said, "don't worry, I think it's unfair. I just came to see the excitement!

Instead of dispersing the five chaotic hearts on the two of us, it would be better to use them all on the Xuanyuan gun. I just want to see what the so-called qualitative change is like. "

Not only she, but also Lin Chen is curious and expecting.

With a wave of his hand, five chaotic hearts appeared in front of him.

On weekdays, it makes people feel a little quiet. With a sickly mania on his face, he opens his mouth like he is worried about being robbed.

The mouth seems to turn into a black hole, directly swallowing the five chaotic hearts together!

Lin Chen took a smoke at the corner of his mouth. He originally wanted her to take it slowly one by one. At this time, he could only swallow the unspoken words.

Lin Chen doesn't know how long it will take to digest the five chaotic hearts and the final qualitative change stage.

But it's certainly not short!

During this time, Lin Chen doesn't plan to wait.

When the mind moved, the space in front was distorted, and 16 heavenly demon beads flew out one after another.

Cultivating with the help of "heavenly demon beads", naturally, it will not only rely on "heavenly demon beads", such as the special abilities of Taoist jade rhinoceros.

"It's a pity that xueteng is now in a deep sleep. Otherwise, with its help, the effect should be better! I don't know whether xueteng can wake up before fighting with jinjiaoyu?"

Reach out and grasp a "heavenly demon beads", and the original power will be merged into it. In an instant, the runes on the surface of the "heavenly demon beads" are flashing wildly, becoming more and more dazzling.

In the end, the "heavenly demon beads" were like punctured balloons, which dissipated with a bang. Only a mark formed by the condensation of chaotic air flow remained, just like some kind of rune, flying into the eyebrows of Lin Chen!

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