Tianyi mountain, a valley in the middle area, is desolate. The brown soil has no vitality, and there is not even a green vegetation on the ground.

Normally, there was no one here. Now, there are a large group of people here.

Among these people, there are many strong people in the surrounding areas of famous earthquakes. The reason why they appear here is simply because of the color light column that appeared before! They are all here to find treasure! However, most people are not standing, but lying on the ground, with some pain on their faces.

The unwilling and helpless eyes looked at the only woman standing.

The woman, with only one hand, crushed all the other treasure hunters, as easily as flying an ant.

In retrospect, when they went to rob the woman, it was like a group of kittens provoking a tiger. It was just asking for trouble, not a level of competition.

If the other party hadn't killed them, they would not just be lying down, but all of them would have lost their lives and never had a chance to get up again.

"Thank you, fairy, for your mercy. We have no eyes. We have exceeded our abilities. We have offended you."

An old man took the lead to get up from the ground. After all, he was an old Jianghu man. Knowing that he couldn't fight at all, he completely lost his mind to fight with the other side, but was curious about the identity of the woman.

As far as he knows, there seems to be no such person in the surrounding countries.

It should have come from a more distant place! "I dare to ask which faction the fairy comes from. If I have a chance in the future, I will come to apologize!"

The old man said sincerely, showing great respect.

Looking at Nangong Yun one after another, he became curious.

What the old man asked was what everyone wanted to know.

"Get out."

However, Nangong Yun only responded with the word Lengleng. She didn't mean to tell her family.

The old man was embarrassed and thought that the woman was so arrogant. It seemed that in her eyes, she was not qualified to know her name at all.

But who let others' strength be much stronger than their own? If they let themselves go, they really can only go away! When the old man turned to leave, he saw several figures not far ahead.

It was Lin Chen and his party.

"Are you looking for treasure again?"

The old man was stunned, and then he gloated.

In his opinion, the newly arrived people, as long as they dare to fight, will inevitably be suppressed by this enigmatic woman! As a result, the woman looked surprised when she saw the people who had just appeared.

To be exact, when I saw the only man among them.

"It's you! Why are you here?"

Nangong Yun was surprised to see Lin Chen, but that was all.

After she woke up, the first time she naturally wanted to find the God King of Kane. Later, she learned that the God King of Kane was on the other side of the Yin and void world.

Out of great curiosity about the Yin and void world, she heard some news. It's a pity that no matter how amazing her talent is, she is not even the real God of the void at present. The news of the Yin and void world belongs to the secret of secrets, and she can't touch it at present.

It's even more impossible to know that Lin Chen was in the Yin and void world before. He just came back soon.

In fact, she doesn't pay attention to Lin Chen, and she won't ask about it. If Lin Chen hadn't appeared in front of her, she would have forgotten this person.

"I came here to meet someone. I felt your breath, so I came to say hello to you.

If you know the news that you have awakened, you will be very happy.

What's more, if you encounter any trouble during your time in the Yin and void world, you can go to the earth city to find me.

If I can help you, I will help you! "

Lin Chen said directly.

He would come to say hello, not because of nangongyun himself, but because the God King of Kanye had taken care of him, and nangongyun was his own disciple.

Since the God King Kaye is not here now, it is natural to help take care of nangongyun12.

Lin Chen's words seemed to him to be no problem, but they fell into Nangong Yun's ears, but it was another feeling.

"I didn't realize you were so arrogant.

If I can't solve the problem, can you help me?

Also, how do you know that my Shifu is in the Yin and void realm right now.

Those guys also told me that the affairs of the Yin and void world are confidential. You can't tell me more! What secrets can you even know? "

Nangong Yun's voice was full of undisguised dissatisfaction.

It seemed that her words were humiliating her.

Xiaowu said angrily, "how can you be like this.

Big brother is kind-hearted. You don't know what's good or bad. What do you mean by sarcasm? "

Nangong Yun said coldly, "you are wrong. I didn't mock him, but just told a fact.

If even I can not solve the problem, can not deal with the enemy, then he is even more unlikely to have a way! If he continues to think so, sooner or later he will harm himself! Rather than being sarcastic, I was doing him a favor! "

I think so?

Lin Chen was full of black lines, and then remembered that the other party didn't know his current strength at all. It was estimated that his realm was still at the level of that year. In this way, he felt that his words were pure self righteous, which was not surprising.

However, the woman's character is really smelly. Although there is no malice, the attitude of being aloof and naturally looking down on others is really unpleasant.

Linchen was trying to explain. Suddenly, his face changed and he looked behind him. His face looked startled and uncertain.

Just now, xueteng sent him the signal that danger was coming and told him to leave here quickly! This is not the first time. The same situation happened when the old blood vine monster approached the nest of the evil spirits outside the realm in the Yin and void world! At that time, the blood vine also urged it to escape quickly.

What is the situation now? The old Gorgon monster is coming to him?

But how could this be possible! The old blood vine monster should still be in the Yin and void world. How could he appear here and still come for himself?

According to master Huang Tian's arrangement, his real combat power should not be leaked out. He is a powerful king of gods. How can he keep an eye on his middle true God?

Totally illogical! "Look at your face. Is it possible that someone has come to you for revenge?"

Nangong Yun glanced at Lin Chen and said slowly, "I can never ask for your help. On the contrary, if you ask me for help, for the sake of my master's good impression of you, it's not impossible for me to help you!"

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