Not only Lin Chen, but also Tianfei and Xiaowu noticed something wrong.

As they continue to dive, not only the temperature drops, but also the surrounding space becomes more and more distorted. They can sense that the chaos around them is getting stronger and stronger.

"Big brother, look down!"

Xiao Wu stared at the bottom with a surprised face.

At the moment, they are deep in the ground. It should be dark all around. There is no light source. No matter how good their eyesight is, they can't see anything. They rely solely on their mind to investigate the surrounding situation.

However, at present, they see a weak light source below.

The rock and soil are affected by the distorted space. It looks like the water surface with ripples, which is very strange.

"It seems to be the entrance of a space passage."

Lin Chen naturally noticed this scene long ago, and immediately said to the heavenly concubine and Xiaowu: "you two, stay close to me! If there is any accident, I will take you into the divine prison tower as soon as possible."

With that, several blood colored vines snatched from his body and bound Xiao Wu and the heavenly concubine.

The three entered the distorted space ripples at the same time.

The vision fell into a brief darkness, and then the light came into their eyes, and they saw a white barren world frozen for thousands of miles.

"Where is this? Just now it was an entrance to a small world. Now we are in a small world?"

Xiaowu has been walking with the heavenly concubine for many years. She is not a little girl without eyes. Seeing the scene in front of her, she is sure that this is not somewhere in the Tianyu mountains.

There was a guess in an instant. While talking, she reached out and caught the goose feather snow from the sky.

This is a world of ice and snow.

It is not only cold to the extreme, but also boundless white in the eyes. The sky is covered with snow. Looking into the distance, there are mountains and ancient forests covered with ice and snow.

"The smell of chaos here is so strong. No! It is not only so simple, but also can sense that there is a surging chaotic air flow around us."

The heavenly imperial concubine tried to feel it and said in surprise. "Really! The cultivation environment here is much better than that in the ancient world of Yunmeng. When I practice in such a place full of chaotic air currents, I feel that I may be able to break through to the next level in a short time! What is this

Where, if it is a small world of fragments, it is absolutely impossible to have such a good cultivation environment. "

Xiaowu looks surprised and immediately overturns the speculation that this is a small world of fragments.

Lin Chen also noticed this. He communicated with Xiaoyuan in his mind and made her feel the chaos here.

Because of the integration of nine "chaotic hearts", Xiaoyuan's perception of chaotic airflow is even more acute than him.

Soon, Xiaoyuan said: "master, if I am not mistaken, the chaotic atmosphere here is different from that of the Yin market.

It is also different from the Yangxu kingdom or the Yunmeng ancient kingdom. It's the same as the chaotic heart you just got! "


"People can't be 100% sure. But in my feeling, it's the same."

Linchen was overjoyed at the speech.

That is to say, if Xiaoyuan is right, the heart of chaos does not come from the Yin Ruins world, but it does not come from the Yunmeng ancient world.

The chaotic origin of Yunmeng ancient world is not old enough to worry about!

After a sigh of relief, another question came to mind.

Where the hell is this?

It can be ruled out that it is definitely not a small world of fragments, nor is it a special area such as the netherworld at the junction of the Yang ruins and the Yin Ruins.

If chaos can be born, then probability means that this place is at the same level as the Yang ruins and Yin Ruins!

"Could it be that there are other areas at the same level in the Yin Yang market besides the Yang market boundary and the Yin market boundary?"

Such an idea came to Lin Chen's mind.

But he obviously couldn't give an answer.

Up to now, he still has too many unclear points about the Yin Yang ruins.

At the beginning, if Zhen Tianlu hadn't told him that the yin-yang ruins would also be destroyed, he even thought that the yin-yang ruins would be eternal.

"Elder brother, do you think this place has anything to do with the ancient legend of Tianyi mountain?"

Xiaowu takes back her eyes from the snowflake in her palm and looks at Lin Chen.

The little girl was not nervous at all. She seemed to be traveling. She was a little excited on her face. Deep in her heart, she was even happy to spend more time with Lin Chen.

If you go back to the global city, you won't have so much time alone.

"What legend?" Lin Chen looked at her in bewilderment.

Xiaowu said: "it's a legend. Tianyi mountain is the origin of the whole Yunmeng ancient world!"

The heavenly concubine interjected: "this kind of legend is not believable at all. On the Middle Earth, the history is too long, and there are countless false legends in stories. There are many places where there are exactly the same legends, which are not believable at all."

Lin Chen also thinks this legend is unreliable.

As far as he knows, the origin of the whole yin-yang ruins should be the place of Hongmeng, which is the place where the cangyun demon ancestor is still there, waiting for the black sun to appear.

To say the least, even if this is the origin of Yunmeng ancient world, what can it have to do with this small world?

Lin Chen thought for a while and said: "the atmosphere of chaos here is so strong. Although the cultivation environment is not as good as the origin of chaos, it is more suitable for cultivation than many cave treasures in the ancient world of Yunmeng.

In this environment, many powerful creatures will probably be born. Rather than guessing here, we might as well look for the aboriginal creatures here, and perhaps we can get the answer directly from them. "

In addition, Lin Chen had an unspoken purpose in mind.

That is to try to find more chaotic hearts here.

Even if the chaotic heart in your hand is integrated with the divine prison tower, the improvement will be limited!

Is it possible to find enough chaotic heart to fuse the divine prison tower to the limit?

Although it sounds a little whimsical, we should try it after all.

Moreover, don't forget that you still owe tao yao a few chaotic hearts!

Originally, I thought that when I came back to Yunmeng ancient world, I would never get more chaotic hearts. Now, it seems that there is a new possibility!

The three did not stay in place for too long. They quickly determined a direction to move forward. Lin Chen released his mind and shrouded a large area.

"I hope there must be Aboriginal creatures here. Otherwise, it will be too much trouble to find the answer by yourself!"

Lin Chen was also worried. He was not 100% sure that there would be intelligent creatures in this world like the wilderness era.

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