In the deep sea, there is a magnificent palace.

It is made of crystal stone with special material. It shines faintly in the deep sea, just like the Crystal Palace in the myth.

This is the residence of the sea demon clan.

Led by the two sea monsters, Lin Chen passed through the heavy guard and came to the gate of an imperial palace.

The male sea demon went in first to report. He came out soon and took Lin Chen with him.

Entering the beautifully decorated Crystal Hall, Lin Chen saw that there was already a man waiting for them here.

It is a little girl who looks about 10 years old.

With a pair of dragon horns on his forehead and a Golden Snake tail behind his back, he is no different from human children. His small face is chubby and extremely cute.

"Is this your queen's child?"

Xiaowu is surprised to see a child in such a place.

The male sea demon's expression changed and he said angrily, "don't be rude to the queen!"

Now, let alone Xiaowu, even Lin Chen and Tianfei are stunned. This little girl is actually the sea demon queen, the top ten super strong in the wilderness?

Lin Chen's expression became a little strange.

He doesn't judge people by their appearance, but how can people in the wilderness say that she has that kind of relationship with the king of the wilderness?

Did people in the great wilderness never see her, or did they underestimate the abnormal degree of the people in the great wilderness?

He looked at the old man beside him, and saw that the other side was also stunned. In his heart, he said, it seems that it is the former, but the possibility of the latter is not completely zero!

The sea demon queen didn't care about being treated as a child.

She glanced at Lin Chen's face, walked up to the old man and asked in a childish voice, "are you the messenger of the great wilderness dynasty?"

The old man nodded hurriedly.

Although the sea demon queen in front of him looked like a child, he did not dare to underestimate it.

In the world of monks, many things cannot be seen only on the surface. It is not uncommon for a weak looking child to cut off other people's heads in the next moment.

"Your Lord, are you looking for something called 'chaotic source core' recently? What is it used for?"

When the sea demon queen asked this, she smiled childishly and casually.

But calling the other side deliberately is obviously not just asking.

The old man trembled in his heart.

The other side throws two questions one after another, which means that the previous question has already been answered, so you don't need to answer it yourself!

The key point is to answer the following questions!

He wondered how the other party knew about it. If he leaked more information through his mouth, he would come to no good end in the future.

The problem is, if he doesn't answer now, I'm afraid there will be no "future" at all! "After the 'chaotic source core' is integrated with other magic weapons, the latter can undergo qualitative change! Our Lord is to integrate it with weapons, making that weapon not only have great changes, but also have new special capabilities." Older choice

Answer honestly.

"What new abilities?" said Rao, the sea demon girl

The old man was embarrassed and said, "I don't know if it's a small one. Lord, how could you tell me such a thing?"

"Why did you go to the northern region?" The sea demon queen asked with a smile.

The old man guessed that the other party had known the answer long ago. He asked this question on purpose and answered honestly: "I have received the news that the leader of heaven robbing cult has a chaotic source core. I will take it!"

"That is to say, now you have a 'chaotic source core'? In that case, take it out and I will integrate it with my weapons. Naturally, I will know what new capabilities will appear."

The sea demon queen laughed.

The old man scolded secretly, and he knew that the other party had not made a good idea.

However, it's not that he doesn't want to hand it over, but that he doesn't have it at all!

For a moment, I didn't know how to answer, so I couldn't help looking at Lin Chen.

"Chaotic source core" is in the hands of this guy, and there is more than one.

The sea demon queen turned her eyes and fell on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen was still very calm, looking at her, without the slightest intention to avoid.

Both Lin Chen and the old man thought that the sea demon queen wanted to ask Lin Chen about the "heart of chaos". As a result, the sea demon queen asked:

"Where did you come from, the three of you, who do not belong to the wild?"

Lin Chen is OK, but he is still very calm. Xiao Wu and Tianfei are not as calm as him, especially Xiao Wu, who is obviously surprised!

No one expected that the queen of the sea demon could see that they were not wild creatures, and suddenly asked!

"This guy has some skills!"

Lin Chen secretly said that the strong man of the demon army could judge whether he was a living creature of Yunmeng ancient world or a demon outside the world according to his breath.

Of course, now he has long known that apart from the Yunmeng ancient world and the Boxun ancient world, there are also the Yin Ruins world and the mysterious world of the great wilderness. The original breath of life is different.

The sea demon queen in front of him obviously has similar abilities.

Now I can be completely sure that my previous feeling came from the sea demon queen!

Lin Chen asked: "the creatures who do not belong to the great famine. If they do not belong to the great famine, where do they belong? Is there another world in this world besides the great famine?"

The queen of the sea demon curled her lips and said, "are you kidding me?"

Lin Chen said, "I'm not interested in getting your words across. But if you don't want to answer my question, why should I answer your question?"

The sea demon queen thought for a while, nodded and said, "that's reasonable!"

Lin Chen said, "so, you answer my question first, and then I will answer yours."


The sea demon queen simply refused and was not led by Lin Chen.

She shook her head: "why is it so troublesome? We have a fight. The winner can ask as many questions as he wants, and the loser can answer the questions honestly. How good it is.

Otherwise, if you ask one question, I'll answer it. If I ask one question, you can answer it again. If it goes on like this, it's really troublesome for one person to ask several questions. I have several questions to ask, for example, is the 'chaotic source core' in your hands? Do you know more about that thing? "

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