"Why don't you just throw in the towel? I don't really like fighting with people. It's so boring."

On the childish face of the sea demon queen, she smiled and said along with Lin Chen's words.


Lin Chen was made speechless by the woman, and her state was inferior to that of the other party, which did not mean that she would lose.

Moreover, even if you really lose, it doesn't mean you will admit defeat directly!

If you can say this, should you say that the woman is self righteous or too cheeky?


At this time, the queen of the sea demon suddenly turned into a thunder and lightning, and came to Lin Chen.

When she grasped her right hand, a trident made of water appeared in her hand. It looked like it was forged from some silver metal

At the same time.

Lin Chen was surrounded by hundreds of transparent "siren queens" holding tridents.

Linchen's eyes were frozen.

After grasping the Xuanyuan gun flying from the center of the eyebrows, ignoring the "sea demon Queen" formed by the water, the Xuanyuan gun burned with flames and cleaved at the sea demon queen.

The sea demon queen didn't think much of it at first. When she sensed the blazing smell of the gun, her expression changed.


Before she made the next response, the Xuanyuan gun flew out of the dark flame, like a fire dragon, and hit the sea demon queen.

At the same time, the "sea demon queens" gathered by the water rushed to Lin Chen with a trident in their hands.

At the critical moment, on Lin Chen's body surface, there appeared armor made of blood colored vines.

The "sea demon Queen" condensed by the current could not break the armor that fell on Lin Chen and did not cause him any damage.

On the contrary, the blood colored vines flying out pierced the body, just like a balloon full of water was punctured, and with a bang, they turned into water and fell into the sea.

The dark flame devoured the siren queen in the blink of an eye.

When the flame dissipated, the sea demon Queen appeared in the sight of the public. On her body surface, there was a colorful silk, which swam around her like a swimming fish.

This is obviously a treasure to help the sea demon queen block the blow just now!

Just, there is no perfect block.

Not only were some of the treasures burnt, but even the clothes and hair of the sea demon queen were also burnt black. They looked very embarrassed, as if they were half baked

"My realm is really not as good as yours. But my strength seems to be much better than yours! In my opinion, it would be easier for you to just throw in the towel instead."

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen smiled and said.

Now, only the God King and the strong can make him truly feel a sense of crisis. There will be a feeling of imminent disaster. As for a real God in the upper position?

I really can't put much pressure on him.

What's more, the sea demon queen in front of me seems not as good as the real God on the other side of the demon army!

"You... You hide the realm?"

The sea demon Queen's expression changed again and again, and it was hard to accept. The blow just now came from a guy whose realm was not as good as his own.

The key is that the other party clearly hit at random, rather than using any powerful means!

How can a guy whose realm is not as good as his own be so powerful? A hit at random will give him a feeling of threatening his life.

"I see!"

She thought of something and suddenly realized, staring at the Xuanyuan gun in Lin Chen's hand, "it's not you, but this long gun! Does this long gun fuse with that 'chaotic source core'?"

Lin Chen was stunned. Unexpectedly, the blind cat met the dead mouse and guessed something.

Even without the help of Xuanyuan gun, he has some ways to defeat the other party, but Xuanyuan gun is indeed his killer mace, and it does integrate the "heart of chaos"!

Even, it has fully fused 9!

Seeing Lin Chen's expression changed, the sea demon queen snorted coldly, "it seems that I guessed right. If you have the ability, don't use this long gun and fight with me!"

"Just think I have no ability. Anyway, my purpose is to let you answer my questions. As for whether I have ability, it's up to you. No matter how weak you think I am, I won't lose a piece of meat."

Lin Chen shrugged and didn't eat the other party's suit at all.

In terms of weapons, he really took advantage of the other side.

But so what?

Why do you have to ask for fairness when fighting with others!

Lin Chen is not interested in fairness. What he is interested in is the result!

The sea demon queen was silent for a few seconds and smiled: "why don't you use this weapon? If you can beat me, how about I accompany you tonight?"

Lin Chen: "...."

Hearing this, Xiaowu in the distance stared directly and whispered: "shameless, it's the man who blocked my face and seduced me. It's a pity that I can't beat her. Otherwise, I have to deal with her severely."

The heavenly imperial concubine glanced at the disciple and thought, when has he become your man?

The people of the sea demon clan thought that their queen would win easily and beat the other party severely. However, they didn't expect that their queen would not only be defeated in a fight, but also be forced to use beauty tricks!

They all looked embarrassed.

One of them held back for a moment and said, "intelligence is also a part of combat power. Her Majesty's strength is not only her strength, but also her superior wisdom!"

"That's right. To deal with the enemy, we must naturally pick the weak points, and men are very lecherous! The Queen's move is wonderful... Wonderful..."

A female clansman echoed.

However, their tone of voice was clearly not as confident as before, and even their voice was a little lower. Seeing that Lin Chen was looking at her speechless, the sea demon queen coughed, "why, am I not your type? But think about it, the world says I am the woman of the king of the great wilderness? Think about it, let the greatest of the great wilderness

Don't you feel excited when women come to serve you? "

Lin Chen said expressionless, "if you say a thousand things, I can't be interested in a child who hasn't developed yet."

The sea demon Queen's expression suddenly froze, and her eyes seemed to spray fire.

The little dance in the distance was proud, and stood up the moving curve, as if Lin Chen was praising her.

The next moment, she was shocked and shouted, "big brother, be careful!"

When the sea demon queen talked with Lin Chen, the space behind Lin Chen was distorted. A figure swept out of it. It was the sea demon queen.

At the same time, the "sea demon Queen" in front of Lin Chen turned into water and fell to the sea.

The right palm of the sea demon queen, like a sharp blade, stabbed Lin Chen at the back of his heart.

Just when her palm was about to touch the blood vine armour on Lin Chen, it seemed that she was directly crossing the space, directly crossing the blood vine armour, and stabbing into Lin Chen's body! "You are a little fart!" She said triumphantly, with a sneer on her face.

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