"Why should I pretend to lose my memory?"

Xiao Wu looks at the heavenly concubine and feels puzzled.

The heavenly concubine said, "what do you mean by what you just said? Whether you want to restore your memory has nothing to do with whether he likes you or not?"

Xiaowu curled her lips and said, "of course it is. I like him, but if he doesn't like me, won't I become the supporting actress with a miserable ending in the drama?

I don't want to live like that. If he doesn't like me, he simply won't restore his memory. In this way, I won't like him and I can live happily! "

After a few words, Lin Chen and Tianfei were stunned again.

When you think about it, how reasonable is it?

"You answer quickly, do you like me? What I said is the love between men and women. Don't say anything to fool me like treating me as a sister!"

Xiao Wu looks at Lin Chen and urges him to tunnel.

The latter words made Lin Chen speechless again. For a moment, he simply didn't know how to answer. He coughed and said, "even if I don't help you, with the passage of time, the damage to your soul will also repair itself, and eventually your memory will recover. The difference is just that it costs too much

Some time! "

"Then wait until my memory automatically recovers!"

Xiao Wu stared: "what you mean by this is that you have no love for me? In that case, if you are really good for me, you should take the initiative to leave me!

Or do you want to see me cry for you, so as to satisfy your vanity? Maybe you can boast to other men? "

"Little dance, shut up. Do you know what you're talking about?" The heavenly imperial concubine frowned and scolded loudly.

Although Xiaowu lost her memory, she still felt a little afraid when she saw the angry look of the heavenly concubine, and said:

"I'm not wrong! If I like him but he doesn't like me, shouldn't he take the initiative to leave? Leaving me with him will only make me deeper and deeper!"

"You -"

The heavenly concubine's pretty face was cold. The girl didn't know how worried Lin Chen was about her just now.

Even if I lost my memory, it would be a little too heartbreaking to say such words.

However, her words didn't come out, and Lin Chen interrupted, "Xiao Wu is right!"

The heavenly princess looked at Lin Chen in surprise, and then heard Lin Chen continue: "in that case, we will separate here. But the heavenly princess is your master. She can't trust you. How about letting her follow you?"

Xiao Wu is not unkind. In addition, she also wants to ask about her past. She nods and agrees.

"Just stay with Xiao Wu and I'll deal with something."

Lin Chen looked at the imperial concubine and said, "there are many people in the cabin here. They should be captured slaves. There are many children among them. If you don't have any place to go right now, why don't you send them back?"

The imperial concubine immediately understood that Lin Chen wanted to go to the bottom of the sea again to find the answer he wanted.

In this case, it is much safer to let Xiao Wu leave with him than to follow him.

In addition, he has items that can be connected with him. In this way, when he has handled the matter, he will naturally come to find himself and Xiaowu.

The heavenly imperial concubine knew her strength and could not help Lin Chen at all. After understanding his mind, she immediately agreed.

"You must be careful yourself. No matter how powerful the treasure is here, or how amazing the secret is hidden, it is not as important as your life."

Before Lin Chen left, the imperial concubine told him with some worry.

"Don't worry, I understand."

Lin Chen smiled and nodded. His body disappeared like smoke.

The old man of the great wilderness Dynasty showed his joy and thought that Lin Chen had forgotten him. However, he felt a terrible force over him, and his figure also disappeared.

"Do you like him, too?"

The heavenly concubine's eyes were confiscated, and a small dance with curiosity sounded in her ears.

Her expression suddenly froze and her heart was ashamed. How could this dead girl have lost her memory and be able to see it at a glance?

Are you so obvious?

After Lin Chen separated from the heavenly concubine and Xiao Wu, he went to the strange sun deep under the sea again without stopping.

When he saw the big day again, the previous scene soon appeared. He saw that another "chaotic heart" flew by from afar.

"If you want me to be induced to leave again by the illusion, at least you have to do something different! This is treating me as a fool. I think that the same scene can make me hit the bait for the second time?"

Lin Chen was prepared and knew that the dreamland would probably reappear again. When he saw the same scene as before, he couldn't help but say a word in his heart.

The next moment, he heard a little dance from above.

"Where are you, big brother? Sobbing... Big brother, come and save me! No, you let go of me. Where are you, big brother? Come and save me!"

Lin Chen first felt a tight heart and then sneered.

"If I didn't know that Xiaowu has lost her memory and is with the heavenly concubine, maybe I would have been caught! I'd like to see what you are!"

He stared at the colorful sun below, and his speed exploded to the extreme.

In his sight, the colorful sun became more and more clear, and soon he saw that on its surface, there was a layer of colorful gauze clothes with a thickness of several tens of feet.

It looks ethereal, like an aurora, but it is filled with an amazing smell of destruction.

Lin Chen sensed danger on the gauze clothes on the surface of the colorful sun, and he immediately stopped.

Uncontrollable, the old man who actively followed behind Lin Chen looked at the strange gauze clothes and looked frightened.

What he sensed was not only the danger, but also the feeling that if he touched the gauze, he would end up with the death of form and spirit!

Another reason why Lin Chen stopped was that he saw an acquaintance!

"So you're here?"

Lin Chen looks at the sea demon queen not far away.

The other side is also looking towards him.

"What do you mean I'm here? Hum, you don't even want to find me after seeing me disappear?" The siren queen rolled her eyes.

Lin Chen said expressionless, "it's just a separate body. If it falls, it will fall. What can I find? Even if your body falls here, it has nothing to do with me."

"You - heartless fellow!"

The sea demon Queen's words were blocked in her throat and she was so angry that she clenched her teeth. Even if this is the case, can you not be so direct!

She snorted coldly, unwilling to be outdone, and said, "do you think I will care about your life or death, I --" "I don't care if you care about my life or death. I just want to know if you have nothing to do with this layer of gauze when you stand here? If you forcibly want to break in, it will be like a border gauze, which can hurt you, so you can only stand outside?"

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