The voice was deep and the tone of voice was softer than before. It was like an old man who was instructing Lin Chen and was showing him a clear way.

What he said was indeed a point that Lin Chen had not considered before.

Although the current situation of the Yang market is not as bad as that of the Yin market, the Yang market, including the Yunmeng ancient world, will be completely destroyed one day.

All the living creatures are parasitic in the Yang ruins. With the collapse of the Yang ruins, it will be the end of the destruction of both form and spirit!

According to the owner of this mysterious voice, the great wilderness will be a new yin-yang ruins.

If you stay here, you will not only prolong your life by one cycle, but also get many opportunities. In this way, I'm afraid no monk wants to leave after coming here.

However, Lin Chen is an exception.

"Thank you for pointing out a bright way, but as you said, Lin Chen is really a stupid person!" Lin Chen arched his hands, grateful and apologetic.


The other party heard the meaning of Lin Chen's words. Even if he ended up in the end, he would return to the ancient world of Yunmeng. His voice was somewhat surprised.

"Because I have two pursuits. First, I naturally want to reach the top of my path and see what it is like at the end of my path. Second, I want to protect those people who are extremely important to me. I ask myself that I am not a saint. I just wanted to keep my family well, but maybe I was influenced by some elders in the ancient world of Yunmeng. I also feel that

Since I am a member of Yunmeng ancient world, I should shoulder a responsibility.

Although I was born to my parents, I am also the fulfillment of the chaotic origin of Yunmeng ancient world. Only then can I come to this step. If I could, I would like to ask for a chance! " Hearing this, the other party sneered: "the old will not go, the new will not come, everything will end, and no one can change it. This is reincarnation! Do you want to help the Yin Yang ruins survive this disaster? Joke! It's a big joke! Just rely on

You? You look up to yourself! "

At last, his voice was like a thunderbolt, which made Lin Chen's mind tremble.

Lin Chen was ridiculed by the other party, but instead showed a happy face: "the elder said that I can't do it, that is to say, it's not that there is no possibility at all, but that my strength is not enough to change the outcome." "Don't say it's you. You and all the powerful gods in the Yin and Yang ruins are just Mantis blocking the way. You're overpowering yourself! When you get together, you're just a little spark, but you try to fight the sun. It's not only ridiculous, but you don't know how to live or die


The other party sneered repeatedly. When it came to the God King of the yin-yang ruins, his tone was somewhat contemptuous.

Lin Chen was shocked. He secretly said that this man's strength was even more terrible than he had expected. It seemed that even the strong king of yin and Yang ruins could not enter his eyes?

Lin Chen wanted to say that the other party was already impatient.

"That's all! Since you want to go back, I'll take you back. Stop talking nonsense and disturb my mood!"

Lin Chen came here to ask about the way to return to Yunmeng ancient world. It is reasonable that the other party should send him back directly. He should be very surprised.

But in fact, it was a little annoying.

If you have just used some scripts, you may be able to get more useful information from the other person.

He wanted to ask questions, but he was also worried about provoking the other party. In that case, let alone let others send him back. I'm afraid it's a question whether he can leave alive‘ There's no way. Anyone who makes others' strength too much stronger than himself can beat himself up without coming forward in person. Under this strength gap, if you want the other party to answer questions, you have nothing to do but expect the other party to be in a good mood

That's right. "

Lin Chen is helpless. His strength is now the top strength no matter in the Yin Yang ruins or the great wilderness. However, this time he is facing the existence that really stands at the top of the Yin Yang ruins and the great wilderness pyramid!

"In that case, I will be in trouble. I also want to take the Lord of the great wilderness kingdom to Yunmeng ancient world. I wonder if it is feasible?"

If this question is asked, it is possible to be rejected. If it is rejected, the deal with the king of the great wilderness cannot be reached.

Lin Chen didn't think about it. Just like Xiao Wu and the heavenly concubine, he went back to collect the king of the great wilderness into the divine prison tower, and then saw if he could hide it from the world and take him away directly.

But in an instant, he denied the idea.

It's better to be honest in front of this master who can't figure out the details. If it's a big deal, I'll go back and directly beat the king of the great wilderness and rob the "heart of chaos", regardless of whether he was seriously injured!

It is better to beat others violently than to be seriously injured by the owner of the voice.

"Yes, but let him figure it out. He won't be able to come back after he has gone there. He doesn't have to worry about dying with the yin-yang ruins. At that time, the chaotic origin of the great wilderness will force him back."

Lin Chen's heart thumped: "elder, what you mean is that the passage I came to earlier has..."

"Yes! It doesn't exist anymore! Therefore, if you have a critical moment in mind, the idea of bringing people to the wilderness through that channel is pure fantasy."

"I don't know. Is there any other way to the great wilderness?"

The voice was silent for a moment before he said, "the great road is good and will not cut off all possibilities."

Lin Chen immediately understood that there were other channels connecting the great wilderness in the Yin Yang ruins. The reason for this seemed to be that there were some rules, and everything would have a chance of life?

So, the possibility that the yin-yang ruins will not be destroyed means, presumably, this glimmer of vitality!

The question is, although this glimmer of vitality exists, if you want to seize it, is it obvious that it is the extreme!

Lin Chen was no longer wordy. He immediately returned to the capital of the great wilderness Kingdom and told the leader of the great wilderness Kingdom what the elder had said. Then he said:

"That is to say, if you go there, you will not come back before the Yin Yang market is destroyed. If the Yin Yang market is never destroyed, it means that you may never come back here. So, do you want to go with me?"

The king of the great wilderness nodded and said yes without much thought.

If the yin-yang ruins are destroyed, he will also follow the destruction of form and spirit. Maybe he will hesitate, but since the chaotic origin of the great wilderness will save him at the critical moment, there is no need to hesitate.

"If you stay here, you will have more opportunities and get more treasures. After I leave, no one can compete with you. Why do you want to go with me so much?"

On the way, Lin Chen asked curiously. "It doesn't matter. When the Yin and Yang ruins are destroyed, I will come back here, and no one can match me. Then, work hard and seize all the opportunities and treasures that have appeared. Those who dare to disobey will be killed directly!" Great famine King

The king of Korea said lightly.

Lin Chen: "...."

When they came to the bottom of the sea again, before they continued to approach the colorful sun, a space channel appeared in front of them, and the old voice sounded.

"If you enter it, you can return to the ancient world of Yunmeng. If you stay here, you will cross a cycle. Perhaps, you will have the opportunity to explore my field!"

The old voice sounded again, still admonishing Lin Chen.

"Thank you for your kindness, master!"

Lin Chen just thanked him, then turned into a streamer and disappeared into the space channel.

The monarch of the great famine Dynasty followed. A long sigh sounded at the bottom of the sea. Finally, it was dead again!

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