"Asshole! I will never let you go.

Wait for me! "

With Lin Chen's prompt, the last words of the golden winged bat dragon just now came to yeyi's mind.

I didn't pay attention to it before, but when I think about it, I realize something wrong.

If the golden winged bat dragon is really about to fall, what he said should be that his master will not let Lin Chencai go.

However, what he actually said was that he would find Lin Chen to settle accounts by himself. It seemed that he didn't think he would fall down at all.

Facing Ye Yi's puzzled eyes, Lin Chen explained: "when I fought with him, I noticed that the guy's soul breath was unusual, giving people a feeling that the origin of the soul was incomplete."

"You mean, that was not his body just now, but a separate body walking outside?"

Yeyi people are now well-informed and naturally know that there are some special lives with special noumenon. They just walk outside on weekdays. Even if there is speculation.

"It's possible.

However, if you are an ordinary person, you should not have such strength, and you should not bring Yunmeng to your body.

But in any case, that guy didn't really fall. There's no doubt about that! "

Lin Chen explained.

Ye Yiren sighed with relief, but his eyes were still dignified: "since he didn't really fall, even if the God King behind him came to trouble, he should be able to ask the master to deal with it.

However, this matter, after all, is equivalent to making a grudge against a God King and a strong man. It is better to talk to the master first. "

Among Lin Chen's masters, there are two strong gods.

The God King of the wasteland is the top existence in the God King level. As long as he doesn't really kill the golden winged bat dragon, it's not difficult to keep Lin Chen in the open at least, but we should also be wary of whether the other party will play tricks in the dark.

Obviously, it is the most wise move for Lin Chen to immediately go and discuss with the God King of heaven in Yunmeng ancient world.

Lin Chen planned to take yeyi people back to the Earth City, and then went to the God King of the wasteland without stopping.

The God King of famine didn't expect Lin Chen to come back to him so soon. He guessed what trouble had happened.

"The trouble that can make you come to me should be related to the God King and the strong?"

Even if he guessed that it was related to the God King, he still acted very relaxed and said with a smile: "there is no need to panic. As long as the rules of the demon army are not broken, I can help you deal with it.

Even if the rules of the demon army are broken, as long as your hands and feet are clean enough not to be found, no one can do anything to you! "

Lin Chen was moved in his heart. His words undoubtedly showed that his disciple's weight in the heart of the God King was more important than the rules of the demon army.

He told the God King about what had happened after he returned to the Dragon kingdom.

After hearing this, the God of famine said with a smile, "you guessed right. The golden bat dragon did not really fall. However, it was not just a loss of a separate body. It could be said that it lost half its life."

Facing Lin Chen's puzzled eyes, he explained: "the real name of that guy is not the golden winged bat dragon, but the golden winged double headed dragon."

"Double headed dragon?

It means his noumenon has two heads?

But when he fought with me, he revealed himself. I didn't see the second head. "

Lin Chen didn't understand.

The famine God said, "that's because what you see is not his complete noumenon.

With the help of his inborn talent and supernatural powers, he divided into two and possessed two noumena.

His two ontologies, with the same strength, are much more powerful than their separate bodies. With this means, they are equivalent to doubling their combat power.

The difference from the complete noumenon is that the noumenon divided into two has only one head.

This method is not vulgar, but it also has a drawback. That is, both ontologies are non renewable. If you kill one of his ontologies, it will naturally cost him half his life. "

Lin Chen immediately thought of the worry free city master who also had two bodies, showing a sudden look.

The Yellow God King continued: "he must hate you deeply in his heart. He would like to tear you to pieces.

It is estimated that he will ask his master to come forward and trouble you.

But you can rest assured that if you have a teacher, his teacher will not trouble you on the surface. "

Lin Chen's heart thumped and he wouldn't bother himself openly, that is to say, he might stab him in the back.

"I don't know who his master is?

And master, are you on your side? "

Lin Chen asked.

"His master's name is Zhu Jiu, and He Wei does not belong to the same faction.

Speaking of it, do you know how to divide the powerful gods of the demon army? "

The God of famine shook his head and asked.

Lin Chen's face was full of curiosity: "I don't know. I just heard that elder martial brother said that there were also open and covert fights among the powerful gods of the demon army, and they were divided into different factions?"

The God of famine said: "the fight between the God kings of the demon army is basically just a small fight, just like the God King Qingyan and I don't like each other, but we don't really want to hurt each other's lives.

The real division between the powerful and the God King of the demon army is the difference in ideas, that is, the factions you call. "

"Conceptual differences?"

"To put it simply, it is the difference in attitude towards the evil spirits outside the realm.

Some powerful gods advocate that all the evil spirits outside the boundary should be eliminated. Only by completely exterminating them can the future trouble be eliminated forever. However, after fighting for so many years, the evil spirits outside the boundary still do not live well. It is very difficult to exterminate them; Therefore, there is also a strong advocate of the God King that he can coexist with demons outside the world.

Set aside some areas in the Yunmeng ancient world, so that evil spirits outside the world can survive in the Yunmeng ancient world, thus stopping the struggle for countless years. "

Lin Chen showed a sudden look: "radicals and conservatives?"

The God of famine was stunned and said with a smile: "this statement is very appropriate.

Yes, some people are radical and some are conservative in the face of demons outside the world.

The radicals think that the Conservatives are too optimistic. We have been fighting with evil spirits outside the world for countless years. We have too many blood debts from each other, and there is no possibility of coexistence at all. Moreover, the act of coexistence may feed the tiger and eventually lead to unbearable consequences; Conservatives think that the radicals are too self righteous. If they were so easy to destroy the evil spirits outside the boundary, the two sides would not have fought for so many years! Even if we continue to fight and sacrifice countless lives, this war will never end! "

Lin Chen said: "what about you, master?

Are you a radical or a conservative? "

The God of famine smiled and said, "why don't you answer this question first?"

"Er" Lin Chen thought that if his answer was different from that of his master, wouldn't it be embarrassing?

On second thought, the reason why Shifu asked me was that I didn't want him to say anything first, and then I agreed with him. Instead, I wanted to know what I really thought in my heart!

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