Irina was pushed out of the door by Lin Chen and pouted. She was a little unhappy.

The tall ocean horse is cute, but it is also unique, sexy and cute.

However, she didn't knock at the door again. Lin Chen looked really tired. She just wanted to share her joy with him, not necessarily pester him.

If it weren't for Lin Chen, she wouldn't know how many years it would take before she could enter the middle of the day after tomorrow.

However, because of Lin Chen's relationship, she has become an existence in the later stage of the day after tomorrow. Her strength is more than 10 times stronger than before. It feels like she is riding a rocket up. It's really incredible!

There is no doubt that the little man is very attentive to her and very different.

Otherwise, why did Lin Chen also teach Li Kaishan? However, Li Kaishan is still one step away from the middle of the day after tomorrow, and she is already in the late day after tomorrow?

She is extremely grateful to Lin Chen. Because of Lin Chen's relationship, something in her heart has become possible for her.

Suddenly, Irina smiled, looked at a room not far away, and said with a smile:

"Lan Lan, are you peeking? Don't worry, I won't go in and attack your brother Lin Chen at night. However, if your brother Lin Chen attacks me at night, I won't refuse him!"

Behind the door of the white and blue room, a Jiao hum came: "brother Lin Chen won't attack you at night!"

The sound fell, and the door that had opened a crack was completely closed.


Feng family courtyard.

Fengkunyue stood in front of fengkunlin with hatred and anger on his face.

At this time, his face was still red and swollen, and looked very embarrassed.

"Brother, I don't care. You must clean me up. I want him dead! You must help me!" Fengkunyue's eyes are full of resentment. Today, his face has been lost.

The good play arranged was exposed by Lin Chen, and Lin Chen beat him into a pig's head. Finally, he was blackmailed for a sum of medical expenses and lost tens of millions. Now think about it, he feels meat pain!

Seeing that fengkunlin frowned and didn't answer, fengkunyue hurriedly said: "brother, there were so many people watching the entertainment in the sky at that time. It's estimated that this matter will soon be spread. At that time, it's not just me who will lose face. The whole Feng family will lose face! You can't ignore it!"

Fengkunlin frowned at his disheartened brother. "I told you not to annoy Lin Chen for the time being."

"I, I didn't know he was so powerful! Even the diamond bodyguards of Ares international bodyguard group couldn't beat him!" Fengkunyue said.

Fengkunlin sighed. He blamed himself for this. He just warned fengkunyue not to provoke Lin Chen, but didn't explain to him how strong Lin Chen was.

That diamond bodyguard is equivalent to the peak the day after tomorrow.

His cousin Jing Hongkun is also a master of the day after tomorrow, and the old Zhao around Yan Shiwei is also a master of the day after tomorrow. As a result, none of them is Lin Chen's opponent!

This shows that the day after tomorrow, it is impossible to win Lin Chen!

But fengkunyue didn't know this. Obviously, he wanted to retaliate because the Feng family and the imperial capital Yan family had a cooperative relationship now, which was somewhat inflated!

"Well, in a word, I know this. Just listen to me. Don't bother Lin Chen again!"

When he finished, he saw that Feng kunyue's face was showing dissatisfaction and he wanted to speak again, so he directly waved his hand to interrupt him:

"I know what you're going to say. Don't worry. Since I'm your brother, I'll help you out!"

Feng kunyue's eyes brightened and he hurriedly said, "brother, what do you mean by that? Do you have a way to deal with that guy?"

He originally planned to continue to use the people of Ares group to attack Lin Chen. After all, Lin Chen has abandoned one of their diamond bodyguards this time.

However, people from Ares group came to take Yan Chen away, but did not say whether they would take revenge.

Obviously, the other side is not stupid. Lin Chen can beat Yan Chen to such a miserable situation. They also have some guesses about Lin Chen's strength. For such a strong man, they may not be willing to continue to provoke him!

Therefore, fengkunyue had no choice but to ask his brother for help.

Although he is also a member of the Feng family, his influence in the Feng family is not even one tenth that of his brother!

"Of course I have a way to deal with him!"

Fengkunlin's tone was indifferent, and his eyes were cold. "Although that boy is very strong, he may even have stepped into the inborn world. He is simply a monster, but there are still many better people than him in the world! Let him live two more days, and then he will die!"

Xu Shanhu has already said that in addition to the super master he found, another super master will come tomorrow. He specifically asked if he was sure he could deal with a congenital master.

And Xu Shanhu's answer is: the Super Master who will come tomorrow has killed many people even in the middle of his life. He is the third largest killer in the world. Shadow demon!

A super giant in the dark world!


The next morning.

After Lin Chen sent an Xueyao to the company, he called Lin Qizhi and asked if she was in the noodle shop. He wanted to send the plaster to Lin Fu.

Linqizhi said that there were guests at home. She didn't go to the noodle shop today. Lin Chen asked the address and planned to go directly.

The ghost will arrive at Yuehai in the afternoon, so he just needs to come back before noon.

Linqizhi's house is located in an old city village in Yuehai city. It is not rented, but owned by their own family.

Although the house is only more than 40 square meters and the environment is not very good, it has a house after all. If it needs to be demolished and reconstructed in the future, it may be able to get good compensation.

On the whole, her family lives fairly well by the small noodle shop, but it is definitely not rich. In Yuehai City, it is in the middle and lower living standards.

The couple worked hard from dawn to dusk, earning thousands of yuan a month.

However, there is no way. Lin Fu is lame and has not read any books. Now he can't do physical work, so he can only operate the noodle shop together.

For the two of them, this kind of hard life has become a habit. However, for Lin Mu, it is still hitting her from time to time.

Because she is a native of Yuehai city. Her parents left her the house in the village in the city.

Originally, she was very beautiful when she was young. In addition, she had a house at home and was a local. It was not difficult to find an excellent man.

But then she took a fancy to the honest and handsome rural Boy Lin Fu, and married him despite the opposition of her family.

As a result, she has become the worst one among the people she used to know. When she met her former classmates and friends, she felt a little embarrassed.

Especially during the Spring Festival, the words of the family were always full of sarcasm, which made her even more embarrassed.

Who told her to go her own way and marry Lin Fu.

It's not that she regretted marrying Lin Fu, but the feeling of being despised and looked down on by others really made her very sad. That's why her character has become a bit snobbish and realistic.

She is looking forward to linqizhi, the precious daughter, catching a golden turtle one day and turning her around!

Today, Lin Qizhi's birthday, Lin's mother's brother and sister also came, which is undoubtedly another very unhappy day for Lin's mother.

In particular, xuyueru, the daughter of her sister liuyongqi, brought a successful boyfriend to show off

"Hehe, younger sister, do you think my jade bracelet is OK? Xiao Ru said it cost 20000 yuan. How do I feel that it looks like there is nothing different?" Liuyongqi looked at Lin's mother with a proud smile on her face.

Her parents loved her from childhood, and her sister was more beautiful than herself, so liuyongqi was very jealous of her sister for some time.

However, Mei Mei found a poor boy in the countryside, which almost made her laugh.

Now she can't say how happy she will feel when she sees her sister doing so badly, but it's inevitable to show off how good her life is when we meet and hit each other a few times.

It satisfies her vanity.

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