The ninth God of candle frowned, "in the wilderness, do you want to give me an account of this matter?"

The king of the famine God said lightly: "your disciple ran to find my disciple's trouble. Now he is still living well, but he wants me to explain to you. What's the reason? I think you should explain to me!"

Although they didn't start, their breath became stronger and stronger. It seemed that they were engaged in an invisible contest. Lin Chen felt great pressure just standing aside, and his heart beat faster and faster without control.

As for the golden winged bat dragon, his face was already a little white, and his face was soon full of sweat. It looked much worse than Lin Chen.

"I don't know what you two are up to, but don't do it in my place. If you really want to fight, please go to another place." A gentle woman's voice sounded out of thin air in this world.

Lin Chen immediately felt that another divine king level breath came.

Obviously, it was the God King Jiyue in the palace in the distance who sensed the tense situation here. In order to avoid the God King of famine and the God King of candle nine fighting here, he had to intervene.

"Let's go!"

The nine gods of candle didn't mean to do it. They glanced at Lin Chen coldly and said to the golden winged bat dragon, which disappeared as a streamer.

The king of the God of famine said in a deep voice, "let me remind you that I won't interfere if you let your disciples retaliate by themselves. But if you bully the small and attack my disciples, then you and I will never die."

"Don't threaten me, when I'm afraid you won't succeed? As for my bullying, it's a joke. He's not qualified for me to deal with it!" The cold hum of the candle nine God King sounded.

A moment later, Lin Chen followed the God of the wasteland into the magnificent hall.

There are already many people waiting here. In addition to the candle nine God King, there are several other people who make Lin Chen feel unfathomable.

The existence of these people, including the human race and other ethnic groups, is obviously the God King of the demon army!

Chen Kong was in the crowd. Looking this way, he respectfully said hello to the God King of famine, and then nodded to Lin Chen and Dongfang Ji.

"Those guys in the Yin Ruins made you bring the information recorded on the Tianshu stone tablet?"

The God King of famine came to Chen Kong with some expectation in his eyes. Chen Kong nodded and said, "a God King of the Yin Ruins named Zhen Tianlu came to the door on his own initiative and said that he had made an agreement with you and Lin Chen. After assembling the Tianshu stone tablet, he would tell the Zhenmo army what was recorded on it. However,

He did not explain in detail what the Tianshu stone tablet was. "

The God of famine said: "I'm afraid it's Qing Yan's fool, who is superior and has a tough attitude. That's why people ignore him and don't want to explain more?" Chen Kong smiled, thinking that the God King of heaven is indeed an old enemy of the God King of Qingyan. He really knows the God King of Qingyan well enough. Although he is a little new, the specific process is not bad. It is really that the God King of Qingyan is too high-profile and leads to gloom

The aboriginal gods in the ruins did not like it, so they did not cooperate.

"The Tianshu stone tablet is said to be a special stone tablet that existed between heaven and earth at the beginning of the birth of the Yin Ruins world. It records information about the origin of the Yin Ruins world.

The aborigines in the Yin Ruins believed that they might be able to find the source of the disaster in the Yin Ruins from the records on the Tianshu stone tablet. At the beginning, I happened to have several pieces of debris in my hands.

For the sake of calming the demon army, my disciple handed over several pieces of stone tablets that had a great effect on him to the aborigines in the Yin Ruins. The condition was that after they put together the Tianshu stone tablets, they must inform the Zhenmo army of their records.

The disaster in the Yin Ruins may one day come to Yunmeng ancient world. If you can know the reason, you may have a strategy to deal with it. "

The God King of famine opened his mouth slowly and explained the general situation to the people present.

Lin Chen murmured in his heart, when will those stone tablet fragments have a great effect on me?

It's no use at all!

He knew in his heart that the master was asking for credit for himself. Naturally, he would not break the stage. He just needed to show an honest and clever attitude.

"Tell me, what was recorded on the stone tablet that day?" The king of heaven looked at Chen Kong again.

Chenkong said, "what is recorded above is like the self talk of a peerless strongman in the Yin Ruins."

Lin Chen and the God King of the wasteland both have bright eyes. It seems that the stone tablet on that day was not born in chaos, but was made by an ancient strongman in the Yin Ruins?

What is recorded on the Tianshu stone tablet is the words left by the ancient strong to future generations?

Without further questioning from the God King, Chen Kong began to repeat what Zhen Tianlu had said to him.

"I witnessed the beginning of chaos, the convergence of stars, the formation of mountains and rivers, the growth of all things, and witnessed the prosperity of the Yin Yang ruins. When I pressed the world, my Tao would be like a blue sky, and all living beings would kneel down to worship. I thought that if the Tao was immortal, it would be immortal. Until I saw the destruction of the old world. A big world at the same level as the Yin Yang ruins was destroyed in front of me! All creatures in that world, whether strong or weak, turned into

Flying smoke.

At that moment, I finally realized that I was not eternal, but the dust in reincarnation. We are all just martyrs. When the world collapses, we will turn into dust.

Life and death, reincarnation, this is who can not break free reincarnation! The only thing we can do may be to learn from the lost dog, find a way to go to the new world before the old world perishes, tremble there, and hide carefully!

Reincarnation! It is a hopeless reincarnation. It is truly eternal. It is a giant ship that has been rotating since ancient times. No one can stop it. And I am a mole ant. If I want to fight against it, I will be crushed to death.

I originally thought that there could not be any power that could rival reincarnation. Until one day, I met the existence of transcendent reincarnation. no Perhaps it should be called controlling the existence of reincarnation! "

Linchen listens to chenkong's retelling with bated breath for fear of missing a syllable. With chenkong's narration, he seemed to see that countless years ago, the strongest being in the world stood in front of a huge stone tablet with a face of despair, even though he was invincible in the eyes of the world, even though countless creatures knelt down to his "Tao

”But in the face of eternal samsara, he is so weak that he is no different from ordinary people.

When hearing Chen Kong's last words, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly rounded and his heart beat wildly!

Beyond the existence of reincarnation?

Is that the existence above the God King?

Is the black sun and the colorful sun of the great wilderness related to the existence of transcendence?

Also, what does the so-called control "reincarnation" mean?

Lin Chen took a deep breath, calmed his mind, and patiently listened to Chen Kong go on. In addition to wanting to know whether he had said anything to the stele maker. I also want to know, where is this elder who stood at the peak of the Yin Yang ruins at the beginning and witnessed the destruction of the old world?

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