"It's nothing strange. People just mention it casually and let him make up the count. The person who really wants to see is not him at all."

The golden winged bat dragon had already held a grudge against Lin Chen. At this time, he became the focus of the audience. He was even more upset and sarcastic, but what he said was his real idea.

Other people present, including several powerful gods, also believed that those aborigines in the Yin Ruins must be looking for the God King of the wasteland, and Lin Chen was just passing by.

It doesn't matter whether you go or not!

The king of heaven looked at Lin Chen.

Lin Chen understood the meaning of the God King of the wasteland. He didn't even want to take a shortcut: "I'll go with you, Shifu!"

Even he himself felt that Zhen Tianlu let himself go and estimated that he was just making up, but it was not important that he was not making up. He was really curious about what Zhen Tianlu said about cooperation.

Is it possible that it has something to do with the person who left the Tianshu stone tablet, or the existence of transcendent reincarnation?

If it's relevant, you should go anyway!

Chen Kong came back here with the help of a stable two-way channel connecting Yunmeng ancient world and the Yin market world. Therefore, it is not difficult for Lin Chen and the God of famine to go to the Yin market world again.

Before going to the Yin market world, Lin Chen first returned to the Earth City, and then asked Dongfang Ji who stayed in Yunmeng ancient world to help him take more care of the situation of the Earth City, and then set off with the God of famine to the Yin market world.

With the help of the space channel, Lin Chen came to this ruined Yin Ruins again. Looking at it, Lin Chen was devastated. He secretly said that he only hoped that Yunmeng ancient world would never become like this.

Unfortunately, according to the current information, the destruction of Yunmeng ancient world, or the whole Yin Yang ruins, is inevitable.

If there is no way to stop it, even if Yunmeng ancient world does not become this scene, it will eventually be completely destroyed.

Lin Chen and his disciples didn't go to the camp of Zhenmo army in the Yin market, but went straight to the Canyue cult.

Zhen Tianlu seems to have expected that the Zhenmo army would be willing to cooperate with them. He arranges his men to wait. Lin Chen meets him very smoothly.

"You are here!"

Zhen Tianlu looks happy when he sees Lin Chen and the God King of heaven.

The king of the famine God said lightly, "you still need to race against time for cooperation, lest we come too slowly?"

"Naturally, we need to race against time. If we came too late, even if there were any important objects left in that place, they would have been taken away long ago!" Zhen Tianlu said.

"That place?" Lin Chen thought secretly that the so-called cooperation was to let the people of the demon army go somewhere to find some treasures for them?

The problem is that each of the three strongest forces in the Yin Ruins has a solid foundation, and there are many divine kings. If they want to find treasures, can they not do it by themselves.

If they can't do it by themselves, the Zhenmo army may not be able to do it!

Should not, is it to let the people of the demon army take risks instead of them?

At this thought, Lin Chen was cautious.

Although I have a good impression of Zhen Tianlu, I am not familiar with him enough to fully trust each other.

Zhen Tianlu said: "we have put together the Tianshu stone tablet completely. In addition to finally knowing the contents recorded above, there is another harvest. That is the elder who left the Tianshu stone tablet, where his cultivation cave is located!"

Lin Chen and the God of heaven revealed their happiness at the same time. The cooperation they said was really related to the man who left the stone tablet.

Perhaps, in his cultivation cave, you can get more information about the three transcendent reincarnators!

Even if not, there may be other gains.

When he thought of something, the God of famine looked suspicious and said, "in that case, you don't go to see what's in the cave for the first time. Instead, you come to us for cooperation. Is it difficult? You can't enter it by yourself?"

Zhen Tianlu shook his head and said, "wrong. Our people have gone inside, but we don't know what's going on inside. None of them came out."

"So, you want our demon army to send some strong men to have a look?" Lin Chen showed a sudden look. Zhen Tianlu still shook his head: "if that's the case, we still don't want to cooperate with your Zhenmo army. The reason why we came to you is because those guys of the kalulungu clan have found the place, and they

Enter it! "

The God King of the wasteland stared at him and secretly scolded him that the God King of Qingyan was really a waste. The demons outside the boundary could find the entrance by themselves without notice, and even broke in.

However, he knew nothing about the Qing Yan God King, and he would only conflict with others. It was not enough to accomplish things, but more than to defeat things!

"So, you hope to cooperate with the Zhenmo army. In the final analysis, it is to go into the cave and work together to clean up the kaluogu clan first?"

"Exactly!" Zhen Tianlu's expression was somewhat urgent. "We need to move faster. If we go late, we may have made a trip in vain." Although these aborigines in the Yin Ruins are very realistic, they didn't plan to find the Zhenmo army at first, but found it difficult to deal with them by themselves. Even if they could do it by themselves, they would have to pay a lot of money before they thought of cooperating with the Zhenmo army

However, the God King of the famine did not care about such side details.

"This matter is qualified for the town demon army to call most of the God King and powerful. However, it will take a little time for them to come! Wait here, and we will come again soon."

The God King of famine was so simple that he immediately went back to call people.

"The God King, the strong one?"

The God King of famine realized that his words were not clear. "No, no, no, no! What we need is not the God King and the strong, but a real God like him. The God King and the strong can't enter the cave at all. We tried to break into it by force, but it almost collapsed. But God

If you enter under the king, you will not be affected at all! "

Lin Chen thought that he didn't come to make up the numbers. On the contrary, he can say that he is the main character. As the master of the divine king, he is the real supporting role in this cooperation? The God of famine was quite surprised, but he quickly accepted the fact, "it seems that the elder who left the stone tablet in the book of heaven had expected that we would find his cultivation place. In other words, he deliberately left clues

, so that you can find it.

The God King cannot enter, but he can enter below, which is the rule set by him! It's just, why should we make such rules? One possibility is that he may have left some kind of treasure in it, or it may be a chance, which is useless to the God King and the strong, but it is of great use to the practitioners below the God King and the strong! "

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