Although it seems that Lin Chen has calculated, the information provided by Lin Chen is very important to the three forces in the Yin Ruins.

Zhen Tianlu said simply, "OK! In that case, I'll help your master. Anyway, I think these guys of the kaluogu clan are very eye-catching."

His figure was like a shattered foam, which disappeared in situ in an instant.


There was a loud noise in the distance.

The giant cocoon formed by red vines is divided into two.

The ancestor of the blood vine was also divided into two parts. His body became two pieces and fell downward.

However, the "corpse" turned into dry vines in the blink of an eye, turned into powder and dissipated in the wind.

He and the figure of the ugly young man appeared dozens of meters away.

The king of the God of famine had no expression on his face and stamped his right foot.

There were ripples in the space under their feet. The space in all directions between the ancestors of blood vine was severely distorted, like an invisible cage, trapping them in it.

Old xueteng was OK. Although the ugly young man beside him pretended to be calm, his face was full of fine sweat, and his face turned white. Obviously, with his strength, he could not bear the pressure brought by the God of the wilderness.

When seeing Zhen Tianlu appear next to the God King of the famine, the ancestor of blood vine also changed his expression. Obviously, he had no confidence in the joint efforts of the two God kings.

He said in a deep voice, "do you really want to be here and share a life and death with me? Even if you can kill me, I can at least let one of you be buried with me!"

He turned to look at Zhen Tianlu: "it's probably you! I advise you to just watch the play."

The strength of the God King can be divided into strong and weak. Even the ancestor of blood vine thought it was unrealistic for the God King of famine to be buried with him. However, if it was Zhen Tianlu, he would be a little sure.

"The old man is playing a trick."

Lin Chen secretly scolded the guy for being cunning.

Zhen Tianlu was unaffected and said lightly: "I also want to watch the play at the same time. I don't want to get involved. However, I owe the boy a favor and have to pay it back.

In addition, I hate being threatened by others in my life. If you really think you can take my life under siege, try it! If it really falls, I can only blame myself for my inferior skills! " The blood vine ancestor looked gloomy: "you should know that the entrance to cultivate the cave is not far away from us, although you can't see it. If you fight here, it's likely that the entrance, and even the whole special space

, completely destroyed. In this way, all your true gods who have entered into the void may die in it. And you will never know what is in it! This is really what you want to see

Results? "

Zhen Tianlu's expression changed. The other party said what he was most worried about.

The king of the famine God frowned.

The words of ancestor xueteng, even he, must be taken seriously.

Although he wanted to kill this guy, he didn't want the cultivation cave to be destroyed. After all, he was still looking forward to getting more information about the transcendent reincarnation from there.

Zhen Tianlu was not afraid that the other party would say he wanted his life, but at this moment, he kept silent and was not as strong as before.

The God King of heaven looked cold, but he didn't open his mouth either.

Lin Chen flew to the king of the famine God and said, "master, leave this guy's life to me! One day, I will kill him by myself."

The ancestor xueteng smiled scornfully when he heard the speech. Obviously, he didn't take Lin Chen's words to heart at all. He just thought he was giving the God King a step down. The ugly young man beside him laughed and said: "are you the other guy with blood vine in his body? As expected, you are an idiot who overestimates your strength! With your skill, you will be billions of years later

And they don't deserve to be compared with my master. "

"You are the mad dog of this old man. If the owner doesn't talk, you will bite people?"

Lin Chen turned to look at the ugly young man. He was puzzled. What is another guy with blood vine in his body? Is it difficult? Is there another existence similar to his own situation?

The ugly young man was furious: "my name is red ghost. My body is a strange life that you can't imagine. I'm a new disciple of the master.

Master, he has the grace of regeneration for me. He not only saved my life at the critical moment, but also gave me a part of his body! If you dare insult him, I will kill you! "

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, and saw a bloody vine flying out of his palm, like a big snake, wrapped around his arm, and turned into armor in the blink of an eye. He didn't look at all surprised by Lin Chen's blood vine armor.

At this point, Lin Chen finally understood that there really was another situation similar to his own, and it was the guy in front of him!

"New disciple?" Lin Chen narrowed his eyes and looked at the king of blood vine, "old man, do you take him as a container and plan to use it to cultivate a powerful separated body? When it is strong enough, you will swallow it up and use this method to expand your body


Ancestor xueteng had no expression: "nonsense!"

The red ghost was obviously very loyal to the blood vine ancestor, and shouted angrily: "Damn it, you dare to sow dissension. You think I'm a fool. How can you doubt the teacher who is so kind to me just because you say a few words.

A middle level true God also dares to talk nonsense in front of my master. When I get there, I'll abolish you and bring you out to my master! "

The blood vine ancestor had a cold smile on his face: "my disciple is a real God, but he once killed the half step God King. If you really meet him in the cave, you will be unlucky."

Before you know it, night has fallen.

Just as Lin Chen was about to answer, he heard Zhen Tianlu say, "there it is!"

Lin Chen turned around and saw a beautiful scene.

Like a dreamy light curtain like the aurora, it hangs high in the sky and is like a curtain blown by the wind. It gently shakes, making people feel like they are in a dream.

A blue "full moon" appeared in Lin Chen's line of sight. It was as hazy as a layer of water mist in the middle, which made people feel very unreal.

"Go!" The blood vine ancestor grasped the red ghost's shoulder, turned into a streamer, and took the lead in flying towards the blue moon. Obviously, this is the entrance to cultivate the cave!

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