In terms of realm, although Lin Chen is only the middle true God, his combat power is far beyond his realm.

As long as the one who comes to trouble is not the God King and the strong, he really doesn't give advice at all.

In his reaction, only one of the several smells flying towards him is the half step God King level. In this way, he doesn't feel the need to avoid these people.

However, before those smells came to him, an unexpected situation occurred.


The earth shook violently.

In the distance, a building, which looks like an ancient Egyptian pyramid or a mountain made of bronze, rises slowly from the ground. It is a thousand feet high, just like a giant beast from the ground. It is very spectacular.

Even though it is far away from Lin Chen, with Lin Chen's vision and the huge volume, it seems that there is an ancient altar on the top of the building.

"What's that? This cultivates some kind of mechanism in the cave?"

Lin Chen narrowed his eyes, and an idea came into his mind whether the altar above the building would be a transmission array.

Since you can't fly to the blue moon by yourself, can you directly transmit it to the blue moon with the help of the transmission array here?

At this thought, Lin Chen's eyes immediately became hot.

The smells that were approaching him were obviously attracted by the sudden appearance of the strange building. Instead of approaching Lin Chen, they immediately flew towards the building.

Lin Chen was naturally unwilling to fall behind and flew to the bronze "pyramid" at the first time.

There was still a long way to go before the "pyramid". Suddenly, a layer of blood appeared on the surface of trees in all directions, and then they grew like countless snakes, plundering towards him to bind him.

Lin Chen's eyes were frozen and he stopped at once.

The dark flame spread from his body and rushed in all directions, burning the tree trunks that rushed to him to ashes.

The next moment, I saw his front, the space was distorted, and a figure appeared when I walked.

"It's you!" When Lin Chen saw the man, he frowned and his eyes were cold. "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon. I don't know whether it was your bad luck or my good luck! I'd like to kill you here directly. However, according to the master's intention, I'd better catch you alive and compare

Better. You have other uses for him! "

The red ghost stared at Lin Chen with a grim smile, like a ferocious beast staring at the killing prey. At this time, his ugly face was covered with a layer of shadow, which seemed more terrible.

If you are timid, let alone fight with him, I am afraid you will faint at the sight of him.

If he bumped into this guy at another time, Lin Chen would be happy to fight with him, but now he is eager to go to the altar and doesn't want to spend too much time on this guy.

However, looking at the other side, it is obviously impossible to communicate.

"Do you know why your master wants to catch me alive?" Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

"What else can it be? Naturally, it's because you are so hateful. Master, he plans to deal with you personally. At that time, you will be skinned and spirited. You can't live without dying." The red ghost snorted coldly. Lin Chen said: "the reason why he wanted to catch me alive was to devour the blood vine in my body. You might think that I got the blood vine because of good luck, but in fact, all this was the trick of that guy! His strength was at a bottleneck

There has been no improvement for many years, so I want to strengthen myself by swallowing. If I guess correctly, when the blood vine in your body is strong enough, he will also swallow you up. As far as he is concerned, you are not so much a disciple as a treasure specially cultivated by him. When he is "mature", he will

When you die! "

"What a load of nonsense! As my master said, you are very cunning. When I get rid of you, I must pull out your tongue and see how you talk nonsense!"

The red ghost didn't have any waves when he heard these words. Instead, he looked at Lin Chen with more murderous eyes. It seemed that he had expected Lin Chen to say such words.

Seeing this, Lin Chen scolded in his heart. The old blood vine monster obviously gave his disciple a preventive injection in advance.

He really wanted to provoke the relationship between the two masters and disciples of the other side. The problem is that what he said is true, not deliberately fabricated.

"If you don't believe it, you will feel it carefully. How does the blood vine in your body feel now?" Lin Chen said faintly.

"Don't feel it! The blood vine in my body is urging me to 'eat' you."

The red ghost's eyes were greedy. If the master hadn't told him in advance, he would like to have his own blood vine devour the other party, or the blood vine in the other party's body.

He has a feeling that, in that way, he must be able to greatly improve the blood vine in his body!

Lin Chen naturally had the same feeling as him, and Wen Yan was not surprised: "so, you should know that the blood vine in your body wants to devour me. Then, as the real body of blood vine, the ancestor of blood vine, that is, your master, wants to devour both of us. In his eyes, you and I are the same

All of them are food reserves! "

The red ghost's expression changed, and then he shook his head with certainty:

"No! The master has saved my life and won't do anything to hurt me. Just like I have never thought of doing anything to the master.

As for you? If swallowing you is good for the master, as a disciple, I should catch you alive. Filial piety to the master is what my disciple should do! "

When Lin Chen heard the speech, he felt an impulse to scold.

This guy is loyal to ancestor xueteng, but he doesn't believe it. Ancestor xueteng really didn't have any other thoughts about this disciple.

For so many years, ancestor xueteng has never accepted any disciples, and he is definitely not the kind of person who likes to accept disciples and preach. Now he wants to improve his strength with the help of the devouring method. After he failed to attack himself, he immediately accepted such a disciple. Moreover, this guy has blood vine in his body as well as himself. If it is a coincidence, even a fool would not believe it

"It seems that talking to you so much is a waste of saliva! In that case, instead of making you the rations of the old Gorgon monster, let the Gorgon in my body devour you."

Lin Chen realized that this guy was very stubborn and could not help but break his mind to let the other party take the initiative to turn back.

To think in another direction, this guy is a treasure of heaven and earth for the ancestor of blood vine. Isn't it the same for himself?

He can also devour the blood vine in his body! My own requirements are not as high as those of the ancestor of the blood vine. I don't need to spend time and energy to cultivate the blood vine in this guy more powerful. It seems to be a good choice to swallow it directly?

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