Facing the red ghost's sarcasm, Lin Chen was unmoved and said slowly: "I think you will understand how stupid you are in a short time! You can't even tell what is the most important right now.

Or is it that for you two, I am even more important than the secret hidden in the cultivation cave?

If so, I thank you for looking up to me. "

The red ghost naturally knows what he means.

Turning to look at the huge buildings emerging from the ground in the distance, he was also a little anxious. He didn't want the secret, or chance, to be obtained by others.

Not to mention being obtained by the aborigines of the Yin Ruins, but also by other people of the same kalulungu nationality, which he did not want to see.

Seeing the red ghost's gloomy expression, Lin Chen understood something: "it seems that you don't care about the secret hidden here.

But you still come to trouble me because you think you can kill me in an instant?

Since you know my real strength from your master, you should know that you, even the top half step God King, can't beat me in a short time.

It's impossible. Your strength is comparable to that of the God King?

If you know you can't beat me in a short time, but you still choose to come to me for trouble at this time, can I understand that your mind is not very good, and you don't know what is the most important thing right now?

Could it be that you are not so much a disciple of the old Gorgon monster as a dog he keeps. Without him telling you what to do, you would not be able to use your own brain?

Think about what you should do right now! "

Although there were no vulgar words, he was so angry that the red ghost almost vomited blood. He just felt that the boy's mouth was too damaged.

After he had just noticed Lin Chen's breath, he didn't even think about it. He came to trouble for the first time.

It can be said that his behavior of coming to Lin Chen for trouble was dominated by his emotions, not by his brain.

From this point of view, Lin Chen's words are not really wrong. It's really a bit stupid! Lin Chen continued: "if I'm going to procrastinate, you can spend it here with me.

Think about it with your head. When your master knows this kind of time, you don't go to the altar to investigate the situation, but spend time with me here. Will you give you a big mouth? "

"You --" the red ghost was furious. The boy's tone was like an elder teaching a younger generation. It was unbearable! One step out, the man was already in front of Lin Chen. He clenched his right hand and hit Lin Chen on the head. Bursts of energy fluctuations, like countless waves superimposed together, came to Lin Chen with a terrible smell of destruction.

Lin Chen's wings flapped behind him. When he retreated, he threw the Xuanyuan gun out of his hand! A dark flame surged out of his palm and wound around the Xuanyuan gun.

Burning Yan! Boom! In front of the Xuanyuan gun and the red ghost fist, the air waves like armor collided with each other, producing a shocking explosion and shocking anti shock force, which made the two men back a distance at the same time.

Lin Chen was obviously aware that this guy's combat power had really improved to a higher level. He thought that the other party had just said that this promotion could be carried out nine times. His heart sank slightly.

But even so, he still has no fear of the other side, mainly for now, he really doesn't want to waste time with the other side.

But since the other side insists on fighting, he will also accompany! Boom!! At the altar in the distance, I don't know what happened. A dark blue light column rose into the sky. In the blink of an eye, it was connected with the blue moon in the sky, just like a blue round bridge connecting the ground and the sky.

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen's eyes were round and her heart was hot.

As expected, is the altar the key to the blue moon?

Is the secret of cultivating the cave hidden in the blue moon?

The red ghost also saw the amazing scene. When he realized that many smells that had been on the other side of the altar were rapidly disappearing and seemed to lead to another world, his expression did not change.

Lin Chen said: "the secret of cultivating the cave is hidden in the blue moon.

If you want to lead to the blue moon, you need to use the light column! When the light column disappears, there will be no possibility to go to the blue moon! "

What he said was just a guess in his heart, but it was said in a very positive tone, which made the red ghost's face change again and again.

Unless the red ghost really thinks that Lin Chen's life is more valuable than the secret here, he doesn't have to think about what choice he should make now.

Moreover, if you stop fighting with Lin Chen now, it doesn't mean you won't have a chance to fight next time! He quickly made up his mind. He stared at Lin Chen with a gloomy look in his eyes. Then he turned into streamer and flew towards the blue light column.

Lin Chen followed at the first time and shouted: "you don't want to spend time with me here. How can you go back on your word?

I now believe that your noumenon must be amazing, even one of the best special lives in the Yin Yang ruins.

If it weren't for your amazing talent, how on earth would you practice to this level with such a stupid brain? "

The red ghost gnawed his teeth and felt an impulse to fight back.

He took a deep breath, pretended not to hear it, and came to the blue light column. Seeing that many strong people who had gathered here had disappeared, he rushed directly into the blue light column.

"If this pillar of light really leads directly to the blue moon, and so many people have entered it now, wouldn't it be a big scuffle soon?"

Lin Chen said so, but without any hesitation, he immediately rushed into the blue light column.

He knew very well that the battle with the red ghost was just going to stop for a while. It was likely that the next moment it would be on the blue moon, and the battle between the two would continue! At that time, he may face more than a red ghost!

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