Looking at the yin-yang ruins, although there are thousands of ethnic groups, and there are countless special lives that are extremely powerful from birth, there are absolutely few that can be compared with the moon spirit tree. These special lives are not so strong, but they all have their own spirituality. They are naturally arrogant. In most cases, they would rather die than recognize others as the Lord, and would not hide in the body of human monks

, become its vassal!

I guessed that the life level was not under the moon spirit tree. Lin Chen was the main one. The old woman made waves in her heart. She looked at Lin Chen again and realized that the young man was more extraordinary than she had expected.

"I prefer to think of myself as his brother rather than the master."

Lin Chen was born in China in the new era. He doesn't like the unequal relationship between master and servant. For him, xueteng is his own person and has long been like his relatives.

One day, xueteng was completely normal, and he would not stop him from leaving.

At the same time, he communicated with the blood vine in his heart and asked if there were any other gains besides borrowing the power of the moon spirit tree.

Soon, Lin Chen found that the consciousness from the blood vine was guiding him to somewhere.

Suddenly, Lin Chen was overjoyed.

It seems that it's really like what I guessed. The elder still left something else in the cultivation cave, which can only be obtained after recognizing the main moon spirit tree. At present, the blood vine undoubtedly wants to guide him to the past.

When he recovered, he saw the old woman looking at him. He thought for a while and said, "what should I do now?"

At first, the old woman didn't understand what this meant. Then she thought about it and realized that Lin Chen meant that it was the blood vine in his body that recognized the Lord Yueling tree, not Lin Chen.

According to the reason, the whole blue world belongs to the blood vine, and the Yueling family should also listen to the blood vine orders.

The problem is that the blood vine does not exist independently. At least so far, it is parasitic in Lin Chen.

Even if xueteng gave orders, only Lin Chen could sense it, and could not directly become the "master" of the blue world and the Yueling family.

"From today on, all members of the Yueling clan will listen to your orders!"

The old woman said simply to Lin Chen.

This "you" naturally refers to Lin Chen, not xueteng.

Lin Chen smiled and nodded, satisfied with the answer.

In this way, after returning to the Earth City, he arranged the old woman and many strong Yueling people in the Earth City. Even if he left the Earth City, the safety of the Earth City would be adequately guaranteed.

The old woman said, "I don't know. Master, what will you do next?"

"Just call me the Lord of the earth." Lin Chen said.

The old woman nodded: "I don't know what you plan to do next, Lord. How do you deal with other intruders?"

Seeing the other party's tone was still very polite and respectful, Lin Chen didn't correct it.

Originally, he intended to be guided by the blood vine and immediately went to see what secrets were hidden here, but when he heard the old woman's words, he suddenly realized a crucial point.

Now that I have become the master of the blue world, isn't it in my own hands that all the people, including the aborigines of the Yin Ruins and the kaluogu people, have their lives?

According to the old woman's previous words, with the help of the power of the blue world, I can also have the strength of God King level. Isn't it easy to deal with these empty gods? "Although the kalulungu people will not send all the empty gods here, they are definitely a large part. If they kill all the empty gods who came here, the influence of the empty gods will not be as strong as that of the God King

But it can definitely hurt their strength! "

Lin Chen was very excited. His first thought was to kill all the kaluogu people who came here!

Now is the same as closing the door and beating the dog. It is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

In this way, it will certainly bring unprecedented heavy losses to the kaluogu family!

But then he remembered his previous conversation with the God of famine.

By doing so, the Zhenmo army and Mao Dun of the kalurogu clan will undoubtedly be completely intensified. The two sides are afraid that there is no way to resolve their grievances. There is no doubt that it is completely the practice of the radicals!

"This is completely contrary to the position of Shifu's neutral sect. It's better to imprison these guys in the blue world first, and then discuss with Shifu about how to deal with them after returning to the outside."

Lin Chen quickly made a decision.

He looked at the old woman and said, "those guys, what's the situation now?"

The old woman said, "I am still in a dreamland!"

Lin Chen said, "don't worry about the others, let their consciousness stay in the dreamland. However, there is a guy who will bring him to me now."

As he spoke, he described the other party's appearance. It was the red ghost who had fought with him before and stepped into the blue light column first.

"Just take this guy and try to see what kind of fighting power the blood vine can wield with the help of the power of the moon spirit tree! This guy is even more excellent nourishment. Others can let go, but this guy can't!" Lin Chen smiled: "if you tell the old man xueteng outside, his disciples not only failed to bring me to him, but died here and became the food of xueteng. I don't know, the old man

What expression would it be! He finally tried his best to make a wedding dress for me! " Looking at Lin Chen with a cold smile on her face, the old woman felt cold from the bottom of her heart and realized that the young man in front of him was definitely not a kind-hearted person. Although he was not willing to give a hand to the moon spirit tree, but

There is absolutely no lack of cruelty to the enemy.

The old woman's hands are bound with seals. It seems that she wants to make the red ghost arrive here in some way.

A few seconds later, she looked at Lin Chen awkwardly: "I can't directly borrow the power of the mother tree now. I need the consent of the bloody vines in your body."

Lin Chen communicates with xueteng and asks him to cooperate with the old woman.

The old woman tied her hands again. Soon, with his marks, the space in front began to distort, and finally turned into a space gap, emitting blue light, and a figure flew out of it.

It is the red ghost whose face is somewhat confused!

"What is this place?"

The red ghost was still in the dreamland just now. He was fighting with others to rob the heart of the moon spirit. As a result, he suddenly came here. He was a little confused.

The next moment, he saw Lin Chen. Although he still couldn't figure out the situation, he immediately showed a grim smile on his face: "it's you, boy? You're really unlucky! I thought I had asked you to skip the robbery, but when he came here, I caught you again?"

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