Lin Chen stood ten thousand meters high and looked down. What he saw was a dead, lifeless land without any ups and downs.

The longfu mountain, once regarded as a forbidden area, has long disappeared.

"Knowing that tao yao could not be seen here, even longfu mountain disappeared with her, but I still couldn't help but want to come here.

I knew that I couldn't see anything, but I still expected it in my heart, and I will still be disappointed at this moment. It seems that no matter how powerful the strength becomes, it is difficult to control the inner feelings. "

Lin Chen remembers that Tao Yao said that this retreat would take at least thousands of years, so he knew long ago that there would be no gain from coming here.

But he still came here because he had a feeling that he could not see tao yao this time, so it would be difficult to meet again, or even there would be no chance to see him again.

No one knows when the black sun will appear in the ancient Bosnian world.

No one can be sure that if the dark sun appears, once it passes there, it will come back alive.

Probably, this will be his last time here.

Just as Lin Chen was about to turn around and leave, he caught a glimpse of a tall alien male not far away.

He is nearly three meters tall. He looks like a human being in general, but he has three pairs of arms. His skin is blue, his hair is short and curly, and his facial features are quite handsome.

"When did this man appear?"

Lin Chen was shocked.

The big man was standing not far from him. If he didn't just catch a glimpse of him, he was completely unaware of his partner's existence!

He carefully felt each other's breath, and the next moment, his face changed greatly!

The other side gave him an unfathomable feeling.

Especially when facing the other side's line of sight, he is like a layman looking directly at the scorching sun in the sky. Not only his eyes but also his soul are full of intense pain and fear.

This kind of feeling has never existed even in the face of the top God King!

But not for the first time.

When he was in the wilderness, he looked directly at the colorful day and sensed the terrible waves that filled the colorful day, he felt as unfathomable as he is now.

"Beyond the existence of reincarnation?"

A guess came to Lin Chen's mind.

Because he was too nervous, his muscles were tense, and his body trembled slightly. He never expected that he would have come to have a look at his old friend, but he didn't meet him. Instead, he met an existence beyond reincarnation!

Is it true that there is no place to find after stepping on iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get there?

The Zhenmo army, the kalulu ancient people and the Yin Ruins aborigines are all looking for the existence of those three transcending reincarnation, but they didn't find any clues, but they were just met by themselves?

"Bad! I don't know how the other party's temper is. Once he talks nonsense and annoys the other party, will he directly fight me?"

Lin Chen had too much to ask, but he didn't dare to open his mouth easily.

He dares to come here alone, because at present, he is not afraid of the general God King. Even if the ancestor xueteng found him, he would not advise himself.

After all, once you enter the blue world, even if you don't count yourself in it, the clan leaders of the blood vine and the moon spirit family alone have two divine king level combat power.

Even though the two divine kings' fighting power could not defeat the ancestor of blood vine, it was enough to buy time for themselves and move in to save the soldiers.

But at present, we are not facing the God King!

But the existence above the God King.

If people want to kill themselves, will they end up being killed?

Just as Lin Chen was thinking about how to deal with each other, the green faced man took his eyes back from him and looked down.

He turned into a streamer and flew down. In an instant, he reached the ground. His six arms grasped the front at the same time, just like grasping a piece of cloth. With a tear, there was a huge gap in the space, and he stepped in.

"Master, wait!"

Lin Chen is silly. Why did this guy leave without saying a word?

Lin Chen was worried about whether he would encounter danger. He immediately chased down and entered the space before the cracks closed.

Then he found himself back in the air!

The man with a green face just now has already disappeared.

Looking down, Lin Chen's pupils could not help shrinking: "this is..."

Below Lin Chen, thunders, like boa constrictors swimming, gusts of wind swept all directions.

In the storm and thunder, you can see the shadow of a towering mountain.

Looking at this scene, Lin Chen felt very familiar. After a short shock, he murmured:

"Longfu mountain! There's nothing wrong with it. It's longfu mountain. It's exactly the same as what I saw when I first came to longfu mountain. What's the matter? Hasn't longfu mountain disappeared? Why does it suddenly appear again?"

The next moment, his eyelids jumped and he had a new guess.

Although I was still in the air, I did not return to my previous position, but came to a different space, or another place in the Yin Ruins.

In short, what is certain now is that the strangely disappeared longfu mountain is located here.

Right under me!

"Why does the existence beyond reincarnation lead to this place after tearing up the space? Coincidence? No! There can be no such coincidence in the world.

Did you come here for a treasure in longfu mountain, or did you come here for Tao Yao? It should not be! "

The treasure in longfu mountain is not enough to interest the other party.

As for tao yao, even if he became the king of gods, he could not be taken seriously by the other party after he got the inheritance of the Dragon Fu Emperor!

In that case, why did the other party come here?

Lin Chen pondered for a moment, without any clue. He simply stopped thinking, turned into a streamer, and glanced down.

As soon as they approached, the thunder and storm below, like an enraged Beast, swept towards Lin Chen.

Lin Chen frowned. He was trying to defend himself. When he forced his way in, the lightning and storm that had just arrived in front of him suddenly stopped and rushed back.

Lin Chen was stunned. He realized something and showed a surprised look.

"Why are you here?"

Below came the female voice, which was full of surprises.

Tao yao!

When Lin Chen heard the sound, he looked relieved.

Because of the existence beyond reincarnation, he was very worried about whether Tao Yao would have an accident. At present, hearing each other's voice, a heart finally fell down.

A figure flew out of the thunder and storm below and came to Lin Chen in the blink of an eye. Seeing the appearance of the other party clearly, Lin Chen's happy face turned into surprise, and some uncertain said, "Tao Yao?"

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