"The heart of chaos?"

Lin Chen naturally knows what is floating in front of him.

Looking at the whole demon army, the number of chaotic hearts that even the God King and the strong have touched cannot be compared with themselves.

He looked at the king of the God of the wilderness, wondering where he had got a "chaotic heart", and what did it mean to show himself?

"This chaotic heart does not come from the Yin Ruins, nor does it come from the great wilderness." The God of famine said in a deep voice.

Lin Chen's expression changed: "master, do you mean that this chaotic heart comes from our Yang ruins?"

The God King of heaven looked dignified and nodded.

Lin Chen felt heavy.

It was time to come, but it came after all!

The emergence of a chaotic heart in the Yangxu community means that the chaotic origin over there has aged to a certain extent.

Just like the chaotic origin of Yin Ruins!

Let's take a look at the dead and lifeless Yin Ruins. If we don't do anything, I'm afraid that today's Yin Ruins will be the future Yang ruins!

"The emergence of the heart of chaos represents that the Yang ruins are following the old path of the Yin Ruins. It further confirms that the day when the Yin and Yang ruins are destroyed will come sooner or later."

Seeing Lin Chen's dignified look, the God of famine said with relief, "you don't have to be too nervous. Even so, we still have a long time to prevent the destruction of the Yin Yang ruins.

I asked you to come here. Besides telling you this, the more important thing is to tell you good news. "

"Good news?" Lin Chen looked at the king of the God of the wasteland.

"The first person who discovered the heart of chaos in the ancient world of Yunmeng was a half step god named SOMO. He didn't know it was the heart of chaos, but he sensed that it contained huge chaotic energy and regarded it as a kind of chaotic wonder.

The boy was trapped in the half step divine king realm for many years. As a result, his brain was almost abnormal. He directly swallowed the chaotic heart as a pill and tried to digest it. "

The God King of famine said slowly.

Lin Chen's eyelids jumped wildly.

A long time ago, he wondered whether the chaotic heart could be taken directly!

But at that time, he felt that it was safer for him to integrate the chaotic heart with his treasures, so he didn't try.

But unexpectedly, there were "crazy people" trying before him!

"But... Then, what is the result?"

The closer we are to the God King, the more difficult it will be to further improve.

Hearing the news brought by the God of famine, he just felt that there was a surprising way in front of him, which might enable him to quickly reach his dream.

"Since I said it was good news, he certainly succeeded."

The God of famine smiled.

According to the intelligence of his disciple, he had guessed the result on weekdays, but now he is asking like this, which shows how nervous and expectant he is. "That boy SOMO is also cunning. He found that the chaotic heart made him stagnant. After there were signs of loosening, he didn't report the relevant information of the chaotic heart. Instead, he used all means to search the whole Yunmeng ancient world

Chaotic mind. In the end, he really found a lot. According to him, he took a total of 13 chaotic hearts, and then successfully broke through to the God King level. But from my point of view, that kid is definitely lying! The real quantity should be greater than what he said

A lot more. "

The famine God King said, seeing Lin Chen's angry face, he was surprised and said, "what are you angry about?"

"That bastard! It's really shameless! The chaotic heart that appeared in Yunmeng ancient world should be shared by everyone. How can he swallow it alone! It's shameless to hide the information and go to find it by himself!" Lin Chen said angrily.

The king of the famine God said, "if you were him, you wouldn't do that? Instead, you would report the information truthfully as soon as possible?"

"Of course, I will do the same as him!"

Lin Chen took it for granted.


The God King of famine was speechless by this guy's strong face, so he simply went on, "although he concealed the news and swallowed a lot of chaos.

However, for one thing, the fertile water didn't flow out of the field. For another, he successfully broke through to the level of God King, which can be regarded as adding a general to our demon army. So, no one has gone through his old accounts. "

Lin Chen thought that if he didn't successfully break through to the level of God King, he would be in trouble.

"It's really good news that you can quickly improve your realm with the help of chaotic hearts. But the problem is, now those chaotic hearts have been swallowed by SOMO alone. This good news is of no use to me?"

Lin Chen feels a little pity. It would be great if he were the first to find the "heart of chaos" in the ancient world of Yunmeng.

However, when you think about it carefully, you can't fall on your own.

Moreover, my harvest in the Yin market world is no less than that of SOMO.

The God of famine said: "after SOMO reported the news, the demon army dispatched all its forces and found only a few more chaotic hearts!"

Lin Chen's eyes lit up: "how do you deal with these chaotic hearts?"

He looked at the "heart of chaos" in front of him and wondered, "could it be distributed to the powerful gods?"

"This chaotic heart was handed over by the people under my control. It was not sent to me by anyone. I am not going to hand it over to anyone." Said the God King.

Good guy, isn't this a misappropriation?

It is certain that his master is not the only one who will swallow some chaotic hearts.

But even so, the chaotic heart that eventually gathered in the Tianbao Pavilion of the demon army still exceeded the number found by SOMO.

It can be seen that in today's Yunmeng ancient world, with the aging of the origin of chaos, a large number of chaotic hearts have really appeared!

However, according to what happened in the Yin Ruins, once these chaotic hearts are found out and taken away, the origin of chaos will not produce new chaotic hearts. "Although not all the chaotic hearts will be handed over to Tianbao Pavilion, there are already a lot of them in Tianbao Pavilion. After discussion with a group of powerful gods, we plan to use these chaotic hearts to subdue the demon army and cultivate another one

A God King is strong. "

The God King of famine didn't go on. In his opinion, what he said was clear enough.

Lin Chen really understood.

The above plan is to select a half step God King among the members of the demon army, so that the half step God King can quickly break through and become a strong God King with the help of the heart of chaos!

Just like the SOMO that has broken through!

His eyes looked expectantly at the God of famine. The God King of famine smiled lightly and said: "among my disciples, you are the only half step God King. Naturally, I recommended you. But you should also know that I am not the only one who has the power to control the demon army. There are also some internal contradictions. It will not work if I recommend you alone."

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