After telling the following people to shut up and not disturb themselves, Lin Chen closed the door and quickly took down the "heart of chaos" and sat cross legged on the futon.

The "chaotic heart" went down the throat and reached the stomach, but it was like a stone entering the body without any reaction.

With such a successful example as SOMO, Lin Chen would not think that the "heart of chaos" could not be digested.

Immediately, he operated the power in his body, like a flood hitting a reef, to constantly hit the "chaotic heart" in his body.

With the passage of time, the "heart of chaos" finally changed, shook violently, and burst out bursts of pure chaotic energy.

This chaotic energy surged with Lin Chen's own energy, gathered together, and finally entered Lin Chen's inner world.

Lin Chen was overjoyed!

But before he was happy for a moment, he found that his inner world shook violently, as if he could not contain this pure and huge chaotic energy, and was about to collapse!

Seeing this scene, Lin Chen's heart sank.

"What's the matter? Could it be that although the 'chaotic heart' contains great energy, it can't transform this force at all? Forced transformation will lead to the collapse of the inner world and the end of the soul?"

Lin Chen has a feeling of falling from heaven to hell. He is anxious and helpless.

But on second thought, Shifu will never deceive himself. He is also a half step God King. Since SOMO can improve his realm with the help of "chaotic heart", why can't he?

"I don't believe in the same realm. If others can do it, I can't! Since Shifu didn't emphasize to me that he needs any special means of transformation, qianglai is!"

In Lin Chen's character, there is a ruthless force.

At this time, he is ruthless, regardless, and runs his internal power madly to devour the chaotic energy that intrudes into the inner world.


The world inside him shook violently. The stars finally couldn't bear it and began to show cracks.

Lin Chen's heart and hair were cold, and he said, "it's over.".

However, the next second, I saw that the chaotic energy that was difficult to convert flew directly into the crack and was rapidly repairing the damage of the inner world.

In the process of repairing the damage, Lin Chen found that his realm was slowly improving.

"The 'heart of chaos' is a way to improve the realm by repairing the inner world. It damages and repairs at the same time. In the process of repair, it becomes more powerful?

I said, since Shifu didn't say that there was anything to pay special attention to, it's OK to forcibly convert! But he can't tell me in advance. He has to surprise me! "

Lin Chen was surprised and happy. At the same time, he felt a little lucky.

Although the "heart of chaos" is to improve the realm by repairing the inner world, from the situation just now, the premise is that the inner world must be strong enough.

If not, I'm afraid that the inner world will collapse completely before it can be repaired, and it will really end up in a panic attack.

If he had taken the "chaotic heart" immediately after he guessed that the "chaotic heart" might be able to take it in the wilderness, it would be an extravagant hope even to return to the Yin Yang ruins alive, let alone to improve his realm.

"Speaking of it, SOMO was really playing with his life, and I only took such risks on the premise that I knew someone was trying to succeed. I was not as crazy as him!"

Lin Chen sighed in his heart that those who could reach the level of the king of gods were basically desperate, and none of them were simple.

After a period of time, all the 15 half step divine kings I have to face are ruthless characters, especially the Yan Emperor. Is it really possible for me to defeat each other?

Lin Chen felt that it had not been long before the inner world had recovered to calm, and the "chaotic heart" in his body had completely disappeared. It was obvious that it had been completely "digested".

"Is it over so soon?" He stood up and said helplessly, "there are too few chaotic hearts! I can feel that the realm has improved a little, but it is still far from the level of the divine king, and the improvement of combat power is not much. If I take 13 chaotic hearts, too

The heart of God can never break through to the level of God King! "

SOMO said that he took 13 chaotic hearts and broke through to the level of God King.

But according to the God of the famine, the number that the guy really took should be more than 13!

Lin Chen didn't know how much chaos King SOMO had to take to break through, but he could be sure that he needed more chaos than King SOMO.

After all, he was only one step away from reaching the level of divine king, but he had just stepped into the level of divine king not long ago. "It's too extravagant to think about this. Nine chaotic hearts can make a qualitative leap in a cloud dream treasure. Although I don't know the quantity I need, it must be amazing


With emotion, since there is such a shortcut in front of him, he is definitely not going to miss it.

On the day when the retreat ended, Lin Chen and Teng she set out to return to Yunmeng ancient world.

On the way, Teng snake told Lin Chen that the specific date of the competition between him and the other 15 banbu God kings had not been set, but it would be six months later at the fastest.

"Half a year?"

"Half a year has been very fast. You don't think about it. Under normal circumstances, the king of half steps closes once, often hundreds of thousands of years, or even millions of years."

Teng serpent explained: "even if the 16 half step gods, including you, are summoned immediately after being determined, not all of them can reach Tianbao Pavilion in a short time.

In particular, if you happen to be in a critical retreat, you can't directly interrupt others' retreat. It's just like that you shut yourself up with the help of the heart of chaos. Can you just go in and pull you out?

Therefore, it is necessary to leave some buffer time. However, the buffer time should not be too long. The shortest period is half a year, and the longest period is one year. If someone still hasn't come back after one year, it will be regarded as giving up automatically! "

Lin Chen said with a smile, "I also need some time to prepare!" Teng snake looked at him a few times and said with a smile, "it seems that you have figured out how to make use of the last few months. Shall we go back to Earth City first or Tianbao pavilion?"

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