Tianbao Pavilion.

The light surged, and a group of excited young people appeared on the transmission array and looked at the surrounding environment curiously.

These people belong to the descendants of the strong demon army.

Because of their long life span, many of the descendants of the strong Zhenmo army are comparable to the population of a country, and they simply can't get any special care.

Although we can get some training from Zhenmo army, we can only rely on our own talent and efforts to truly stand out.

Every once in a while, Zhenmo army will hold various internal assessments for the descendants of these strong people. Those who pass the assessment will be rewarded.

Some relatively generous rewards are collected from Tianbao Pavilion.

This group of young people are now coming to receive rewards. Although they are the best of their peers, they are not at all comparable to the famous strong people of Zhenmo army. They are all excited when they come to Tianbao Pavilion for the first time.

"Remember, don't run around and talk nonsense! Follow me honestly."

The middle-aged man who came with this group of young people looked serious and told him.

The next moment, the middle-aged man saw the old man in front of the transmission array and was startled. He hurried up to say hello, showing great respect.

A group of excited young people looked at the old man curiously and awefully, and guessed that the old man was a big man in Tianbao Pavilion.

"All right, go down."

The old man waved his hand.


The middle-aged man bowed and nodded.

Out of the door, a girl behind him couldn't help saying, "Sir, was that elder a big man here just now?"

"You forgot, I told you not to talk nonsense?" The middle-aged man frowned and looked at the girl.

The girl was so frightened that she lowered her head.

"Just... It doesn't hurt to talk to you."

The middle-aged man remembered that when he first came to Tianbao Pavilion, he was also very curious about everything, and explained:

"That adult is the main person in charge of Tianbao Pavilion on weekdays. Naturally, he is a big man. In the future, if you can exchange those precious treasures, or if you have any powerful means to register, he is responsible for the reception."

"Will you come directly to the transmission array to meet us?"

Hearing the speech, everyone was full of desire.

If the person in charge of Tianbao Pavilion could come to meet him personally, it would be very dignified.

"How possible!"

The middle-aged man laughed, "how dare you think about letting that adult meet you in person! If you want to have such a treatment, unless you become a strong king of God, or have the qualification to match the king of God."

God King strong?

Although these young people, as the best of their peers, are arrogant, they still feel very far away when they hear the word "God King and strong".

It's like a mortal looking up at the moon in the sky, and he doesn't think he has the possibility to touch it at all.

Just then, they glimpsed from the corner of their eyes that the rear transmission array was lit up again, and a young man appeared on the transmission array.

The old man, who made them awed, saw the young man and hurried to meet him, showing a posture very much like the previous middle-aged man, extremely respectful.

"That's the existence of God King level? It looks so young!"

A group of young people, looking at the young people who appeared on the transmission array, their eyes were full of curiosity and worship.

Judging from their appearance, the other party is generally young, but it is different from heaven and earth.

God King level strong people, if there is no miracle, let alone comparable, even they will never have the possibility of contacting each other.

"Come on, let's go! Don't look around. It's the ancestors of your clan who annoy such big people. I'm afraid they can't protect you."

The middle-aged man looked longingly and fearfully at the young man, and walked away with a group of young people.

Before the transmission, the old man looked at the young man in front of him, and his heart was full of emotion.

In those days, when the other party first came to Tianbao Pavilion, he had just joined the demon army. He knew nothing about Tianbao Pavilion. At that time, he answered questions for the other party.

Now, compared with that year, my position in Tianbao pavilion has been improved, but my strength has not changed at all, while others have grown to the point where I need to look up.

"I've met your excellency! I don't know your excellency. What specific arrangements do you have next?" The old man asked respectfully.

"I came here this time to check the means by which the God King and the strong registered here. Also, show me the list of all the treasures in Tianbao Pavilion. Now I should be qualified to check all the items?"

Lin Chen remembered that in those days, he also had similar requirements, but at that time, because of the insufficient level, many treasures were not qualified to view at all.

"Of course! If your excellency likes anything, just tell me and I'll get it. However, there's one more thing to tell you. You can use all the treasures in Tianbao Pavilion, but you can't take them away."

The old man said cautiously.

Lin Chen frowned at first, but on second thought, such an arrangement could not be more reasonable.

Otherwise, wouldn't you be able to move all the treasures of Tianbao Pavilion back to the Earth City?

The so-called highest authority refers only to the right to use!

For example, those Tiancai Dibao or Dan medicine can be taken here if he needs it, but he can't take it away and give it to others.

"I see. First, take all the means at the level of the king of God, especially the three means of attack, power explosion and body method. Remember, don't miss anything!"


The old man is very efficient

Before long, 63 Purple Jade medals were suspended in front of Lin Chen.

Inside each jade plate, there is a means belonging to the God King and the strong!

"So much?"

Lin Chen was a little surprised. Although there are many strong gods and kings in the demon suppression army, it does not mean that all strong gods and kings have their own powerful means, and not all strong gods and kings will bring their own powerful means to Tianbao Pavilion for registration,

It is equivalent to sharing with others.

In fact, only some strong gods who have the spirit of sharing will bring their own means to register here.

Moreover, these means of sharing basically do not include their real cards.

After understanding this situation, Lin Chen guessed that there would not be too many divine king level means registered here. The current number really surprised him.

"Speaking of it, it's your blessing to have so many divine king level means stored here at present!"

The old man said respectfully.

"Er... What does it have to do with me?"

Lin Chen looked at the old man in consternation, and felt puzzled.

He still has some knowledge of his weight in the demon army. Although the status can be compared with the real God King, those God kings who are strong will not bring their own means to register here because of their needs.

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