Blue world!

The dark blue moonlight, scattered in the ancient silent jungle, has unspeakable beauty, like a magical country.

On the blue moon, in front of the moon spirit tree, Lin Chen suddenly appeared, with lingering palpitations on his face.

"Thanks a lot."

He thanked the head of the Yueling clan in front of him and breathed a sigh of relief.

Just now, he found that his body could not move. Instead of waiting to die, he immediately asked the clan leader of Yueling clan to bring him into the blue world.

Fortunately, the head of the Yueling clan was quick enough to take him in before he was swallowed by the black light.

"Lord, don't be so polite to me." The head of the Yueling clan respectfully said, "I don't know. What's your plan for the next step? Now it's flooded by darkness outside."

Lin Chen said, "can you control the blue world and rush out of the darkness?"

The head of the Yueling clan shook his head and said, "I tried, but I couldn't move at all. Moreover, I was pulled by a force and went deeper into the darkness."

Lin Chen's heart clicked.

So it seems that even if you hide in the blue world, you still haven't got rid of the crisis at all.

Not surprisingly, this black light should be to lead the blue world to the nightmare abyss. I don't know, if I go there, will I be able to see the last transcendent reincarnation, or will there be a greater crisis?

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't answer, the head of the Yueling clan stopped talking. In fact, his heart was also extremely heavy.

The shape of the blue world in the outside world is a blue moon.

At this time, the blue moon was completely submerged by the darkness, blooming without any light, as if it was completely suppressed.

"No! How is this possible?"

Suddenly, the head of the Yueling clan changed greatly, as if something incredible had happened.

"What's the matter?" Lin Chen looked at him. Before the head of the Yueling clan spoke, Lin Chen saw that there was thick darkness in all directions of the blue world, just like the dark sea water infiltrating from the outside, and at an amazing speed, he wanted to transform the whole blue world


Seeing this scene, Lin Chen's eyelids jumped.

Even the blue world can't resist the invasion of darkness?

"Sure enough, it was the strange space created by the little fellow Matthews. I didn't expect to see his traces left in the Yin Yang ruins after so many years."

A somewhat low voice sounded behind Lin Chen.

Lin Chen and the head of Yueling clan only felt a chill rush from the soles of their feet to the forehead, and their scalp was numb. They turned and looked in the direction of the sound.

Both of them were completely unaware of each other's existence before the other spoke!

"I didn't find many people behind me. The head of the Yueling clan is now a strong God King, and the blood vine sleeps. The blue world is equivalent to being controlled by him, and his perception is absolutely above the ordinary God King.

How could he not even notice that there was another person beside him? Is it... "

Lin Chen's heart beat like a drum, and there was a guess in his mind.

What can make the head of the Yueling clan imperceptible is probably the transcendent reincarnation!

The master of the dark sun?

Behind them stood a young man with long hair as young as Lin Chen. He had a pair of eyes that were very different from his young appearance.

These eyes are full of vicissitudes, ancient well without waves, and it seems that there will never be any waves. It gives people a feeling that they should appear on the old man who has experienced the world.

Of course, Lin Chen and the head of the Yueling clan are not ordinary people. Naturally, they will not think that the person in front of them is really as young as his appearance.

"Who are you and why do you know the name of my master?"

The head of Yueling clan looked alert and suspicious.

The so-called master, of course, was not Lin Chen, but the strong man who went to the Hongmeng realm.

The young man with long hair ignored him and looked at Lin Chen. Just about to say something, he saw Lin Chen take the lead and said, "younger Lin Chen, have you seen your predecessors!"

The young man with long hair said expressionless, "do you think if you are polite to me, I will let you go? If you dare to come here, you should know what will happen.".

Or is it that you are not bold, but foolish, and even don't know what the danger is here, so you come and die? "

Lin Chen was completely sure that this person was the last transcendent reincarnation he had never met.

He is very polite, but he is neither humble nor arrogant:

"If you wanted to kill us, you wouldn't talk to me so much. Besides, I've seen two other predecessors, who are transcendent reincarnators like you. They are not murderous people, and I believe you are the same."

The young man with long hair grinned and said, "wrong! Can't I talk to you first and then kill you? It's boring to kill you directly. Besides, I'm different from those two guys!"

Lin Chen suddenly burst into a cold sweat behind her.

No matter who is facing an existence that is far stronger than himself, or even in control of his own life and death, it is difficult to maintain absolute calm.

At the beginning, when Chen Kong relayed the message on the Tianshu stone tablet, he said that these three transcendent reincarnators represented creation, protection and destruction respectively!

Now, he can almost conclude that what the young man in front of him represents is absolutely destruction!

In front of this person, he felt more pressure.

The word "destruction" undoubtedly represents violence and killing!

Lin Chen's heart gradually sank.

He tried to keep his head cool and said, "if the elder wants to kill me, it can only show that my life should be like this."

"Don't regret coming here?" Long hair youth road.

Lin Chen said, "this is my choice. No one forced me. I have nothing to regret."

"What is the purpose of your coming here? Is it for me?"

"Yes! I want to ask my predecessors how to stop the destruction of Yin Yang ruins."

Lin Chen nodded very simply.

The young man with long hair was silent for a few seconds, and his voice calmly said, "you are exactly the same as that guy Matthews. Looking at your expression, it seems that the yin-yang ruins will be destroyed because of us who are detached from reincarnation?"

Lin Chen was stunned, and his heart said, isn't it?

In particular, the person in front of him is probably the one who represents "destruction" among the three transcendent reincarnators.

Lin Chen naturally felt that the final destruction of Yin Yang ruins must have something to do with this person.

The young man with long hair seemed to see what Lin Chen was thinking, and said expressionless, "the destruction of the yin-yang ruins is indeed because of me, but it's not because I want it to be destroyed, but because I have to.

If I have the idea of destroying it at the beginning, then why should I create it? "

Lin Chen is numb!

The head of the Yueling clan was also buzzing and gaping.

What did this guy say? He created the Yin Yang ruins?

Lin Chen recovered and immediately doubted whether he had made a mistake. This person did not represent the one of "destruction"!

Moreover, the other party seems to be more terrifying than he expected. Did he create the Yin Yang ruins? In this way, can't it be said that he gave his own life, or the lives of countless creatures in the yin-yang ruins?

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