Seeing Lin Chen's face in doubt, the long haired youth continued to explain:

"In a word, you just need to know that there is a way to help you achieve your goal in Hongmeng!

If you want to go to the Hongmeng realm, you need to prove to me that you have the possibility of becoming a seventh order God King. "

"Seventh order God King?"

Lin Chen jumped in his heart, "can I ask, elder, what is your realm?"

"I am the seventh order God King."

After the long haired youth answered, he saw Lin Chen's face surprised, "as far as I know, you seem to regard me and my two separate bodies as the existence above the God King?

But in fact, we are still gods. However, in terms of realm, it is indeed above the strong gods of yin and Yang ruins. "


Lin Chen was surprised again when he heard him call the other two beings who are detached from reincarnation as separated bodies.

However, instead of asking questions, he continued to ask questions that he was more concerned about.

"How many levels does the divine king have in total? What are the first levels of the existing divine kings in the Yin Yang ruins?"

"There are seven levels of the God King. Those strong God kings you know are the first three levels."

"Above the God King, is the original controller, the unique Pangu?"

"Above the king of God is eternal Allah. Above eternal Allah is the unique great existence. The so-called eternal Allah refers to a perfect world, or the master of the eternal world.

If I want to break through from the seventh order God King to eternal Allah, I need to build the yin-yang ruins into a perfect world. "

Lin Chen only felt a roar in his mind, and many doubts finally dissipated at this time.

The so-called reincarnation of yin and Yang ruins, continuous destruction and rebirth, in fact, this person in front of him is constantly trying to create a perfect world!

But so far, the created world still has defects, so it can't be avoided and will usher in destruction.

If the perfect world is finally created, it will be truly eternal. By then, the new yin-yang ruins will never be destroyed.

The other party can also break through the realm of eternal Allah!

"The requirement to break through to the next level is to create a perfect world with countless creatures? This is the final form of the inner world? Those stars in the inner world will eventually turn into real stars?"

Lin Chen's heart was greatly impacted, as if he had pushed open a door and saw a new world he had never imagined.

Now he is not even the king of God.

The so-called eternal Allah is too far away from him, and there is a very ethereal feeling.

At present, rather than thinking about the God King, he cares more about how to find a way to live for the creatures in the yin-yang ruins.

However, he finally understood why the other party had previously refused so simply.

The other party's purpose is very clear, and he wants to break through to the level of eternal Allah.

Therefore, we need to destroy the old world and strive to create a new and perfect world.

If you want to keep the creatures in Yin Yang ruins alive, you need to transfer all the creatures to the new world.

The key is that these creatures themselves can be seen as an imperfect part of the old world.

You know, these creatures, especially those powerful beings, are essentially the "children" of the chaotic origin of the old world.

It can be said that it is also a part of the origin of chaos in the old world!

A few of them can be transferred to the new world together. If they are all transferred to the past, it is doomed that the new world will not be perfect!

In this way, it is impossible to break through the convenience!

This is contrary to the other party's pursuit. Of course, the other party can't agree!

However, judging from the previous words of the other party, there seems to be a way to transfer the creatures of the old world to the new world in the Hongmeng realm, but it will not have any impact on the new world?

Lin Chen said, "the elder just said that if you want to go to the Hongmeng realm, you need to prove the possibility of becoming a seventh order God King?"

"That's right! All the creatures in the Yin Yang ruins are bred by the origin of my inner world. The power in your body actually comes from me.

If you are allowed to leave Yin Yang ruins and go to Hongmeng realm, it will cause losses to my inner world. The stronger the guy who leaves the Yin Yang ruins, the more power he takes away.

Unless you leave the Yin Yang ruins, what benefits may it bring to me? Otherwise, why should I let you leave? "

The young man with long hair answered very simply.

Lin Chen shifted his position and thought about it. He thought that he was the other party. I'm afraid it was the same reaction.

After all, once this precedent is set, a large number of Yin-Yang ruins creatures want to go to the Hongmeng realm, estimating that the other party will pay a lot of price.

"I become the seventh order God King, which can bring benefits to you, elder?"

Lin Chen realized another key point and was a little curious.

"Yes! Once you, or any creature in the Yin Yang ruins, can become the seventh order God King, then as the creator of the Yin Yang ruins, I can get great benefits from the original controller!"

The young man with long hair nodded.

Lin Chen said, "what is the possibility of becoming a seventh order God King?"

It is obviously different to become a seventh order God King from the possibility of becoming a seventh order God King.

"In the world I created, it is impossible to become an existence at the same level as me at all. If you want to become the seventh order God King, you can only go to the Hongmeng realm."

"The so-called possibility is to become the fourth level God King by yourself, just like the original Matthews. As long as you can become the fourth level God King in the Yin Yang ruins, then I will send you to the Hongmeng world."

Now, Lin Chen understood completely.

The creatures of yin and Yang ruins, especially the powerful monks, will bring trouble to each other when they go to the Hongmeng realm, so the other party refuses to agree.

But if there is the possibility of becoming a seventh order God King, it means that it may bring great benefits to the other party. In this way, being willing to pay some price for convenience is equivalent to gambling!

At the same time, Lin Chen thought of another point.

"The elder I met before said that the condition for sending me to Hongmeng realm was to be able to hurt him. Now it seems that it is actually the same.

If you want to hurt each other, at least you need to break through to the fourth level God King. In this way, to go to the Hongmeng realm, there is and only one condition to become a fourth order God King! "

At this point, Lin Chen completely got the answer he wanted.

"Then I don't know. How can I break through to the level of the fourth God King?"

Lin Chen looked at each other with burning eyes.

It was the other party who looked like a fool.

"Do you think it's possible for me to tell you directly?"

"..." Lin Chen suddenly understood that the way to become a fourth order God King by self understanding was also part of assessing the possibility of existence.

In fact, he had thought of this for a long time, just to take a chance

Maybe the other party is careless and slips the tongue.

"Is there anything else you want to ask?" Said the young man with long hair.

Lin Chen secretly said in his heart that this man was much more talkative than the other two predecessors he had met before. He answered questions and doubts for himself. This time, he obviously came to the right place.

No matter how you look at it, the young man in front of you doesn't look like the one in the Trinity who represents "destruction".

Before he answered, the other party said, "if there's nothing to ask, then I'll send you on the road. For the sake of your coming from that planet, answering your doubts for you is a lot of fate. Next, there's nothing to remember."

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