The unity of heaven and man can control everything around without the naked eye. Even ants crawling on the ground or leaves falling in the distance will appear in my mind.

Although the shadow demon evaded the naked eye, the sound of air flow caused by his body movement told Lin Chen where he was.

The unity of heaven and man is generally a realm that can only be understood at the later stage of the birth, or even at the peak of the birth. It is also a barrier that must be crossed to break through the birth!

Breaking through the inborn, there are too many difficulties, just like going to heaven, and the unity of heaven and man is one of them.

If heaven and man are not integrated, how can they be called land immortals by virtue of the power of heaven and earth?

At this time, the shadow devil was scared out of his wits.

Lin Chen's strength, according to his guess, should be equivalent to the middle of Saint level, that is, the congenital middle of China.

He was so young that he was already a strong man in the middle of the holy heaven, which had already made him feel incredible. But now, he found that the other party had realized the unity of heaven and man by virtue of it. He was so surprised that his jaw fell to the ground!

The shadow demon's own strength is very strong. In terms of realm, he is only one step away from the middle of the holy level. But if he only talks about speed, he is much faster than the middle of the general holy level. He also has a special body method, so he has killed several people in the middle of the holy level!

It was listed in the list of gods!

However, the strong man of the unity of heaven and man can be said to be his nemesis. At this time, Lin Chen to him is like a cat versus a mouse!

Feel the intense pain coming from the shoulder. The bones should be broken.


In an instant, the shadow devil had a decision in his heart!

He flashed to the window and jumped out in an instant!

Everyone in the room was a little confused. The scene just happened so fast that they didn't react. The next moment, the shadow devil ran away!

Nima, do you want such a hole?

When he came out, he looked like a loser just now. As a result, he didn't dare to fight for a while. He ran away!

Xushanhu's face was pale and he had an impulse to scold his mother!

He originally thought that it must be easy for the shadow demon to solve Lin Chen. After all, Qiu Tianxiong said that he was so powerful before. He also said that he was a world-class expert on the list of gods. The shadow demon always looked like an expert.

As a result, he was beaten by others and ran away directly!

Irina looked at this scene and was stunned. At this time, she was hugged by Lin Chen and couldn't help looking up at Lin Chen.

He has three-dimensional facial features and sharp edges like a knife. He looks good, but he is not the kind of handsome girl who can make little girls crazy. However, he has a kind of evil and domineering temperament. It seems that there is nothing in this world that can make him shrink from fear.

Just now Lin Chen hugged her and covered her ears. Obviously, he was afraid that her eardrum would be hurt by the sound of sonic boom. This silent tenderness seemed as if a breeze was blowing in the deepest place in Irina's heart.

She looked at Lin Chen and suddenly became obsessed.

"Want to run? You think it's beautiful!"

When Lin Chen saw that the demon was about to run away, he sneered, let go of Irina, and only jumped out of the window.

They hurried to the window to watch. They saw that Lin Chen was also walking on the waves at this time, like a flash of lightning, chasing after the shadow demon!

The shadow demon was very fast, but Lin Chen was even faster than him. In the blink of an eye, Lin Chen was about to catch up with him!

"Boy, don't go too far. Believe it or not, I will fight with you!" The shadow devil was scared to death and turned his head and shouted.

The cry of the shadow demon attracted the attention of many people.

The people in xuanhu residence, some in wooden houses, some on bridges, and some by the lake, soon found the scene on the lake.

Walking on water is slower than on land, so people can barely see their bodies.

"Shit, what's that? Someone is running on the water? Is this a magic show?"

"Mom, someone is running on the water. Oh, Superman, Superman!"

"NIMA, this is true or false. Lightness skill floating on the water? Is this a martial arts drama? No, immortal Xia drama? Where is the camera? Why didn't I see it?"

"Ah! It doesn't feel like a movie. It seems to be true. The young man in China behind us seems to be chasing the foreign old man in front of us!"


People talked about it one after another. Those who ate half of the meal had no interest in eating. They all ran to the window to watch.

Han Shuang's face was so red that he was about to bleed. His legs were twisted together, twisting his bumpy body, trying to suppress the strange feeling of his body. His eyes were blurred, as if they were about to drip water.

Suddenly I heard people shouting outside. I couldn't help glancing out of the window. Then I saw a scene that stunned her.

The old man, who was not afraid of her Han family before, was chased like a lost dog. Both of them walked on the water like gods and men!

And the man who chased him, unexpectedly, she knew him!

"Lin Chen! Why is he here? He... He is so powerful?" Han Shuang stares round her beautiful eyes.

She knows that Lin Chen is powerful, but it is also ordinary after all. However, now, Lin Chen even runs directly on the water, which is beyond Han Shuang's understanding and does not belong to the scope of ordinary people!

The next scene will be unforgettable to all present!

Lin Chen was only threeorfour meters away from the shadow demon. Suddenly, he kicked his right foot, and the lake under his feet exploded like a shell bombing, splashing water. Then Lin Chen burst out and went towards the shadow demon!

Lin Chen's right hand became a fist and his body twisted into a strange posture. From a distance, he looked like an angry arhat, with a bit of dignity.

Bang Bang

The noise came from the air, as if thunder had struck the hearts of the people, frightening them all!

Golden body subduing devil fist!

This is the fist technique that Lin Chen used to refine his body in combination with Tianbao pill when he was the day after tomorrow. However, it is also a powerful martial art. It is extremely strong and invincible!

"No!" The shadow demon was so scared that Jain wanted to crack and screamed. He dared to turn around to resist, but Lin Chen had already punched him in the chest!

Click, click, click

Like a broken stone slab, a strange sound rang out in the shadow demon's body. Suddenly his body trembled and he fell down!

If you can no longer stand on the water, you will sink directly into the water.

There was a dead silence around. Lin Chen looked around and all those people subconsciously stepped back. It seemed that Lin Chen was a wild beast running to the world. Some people had fanaticism in their eyes, some had fear, and some had worship

All kinds of eyes were different. Lin Chen didn't pay attention to it. He grabbed the ghost who had become a dead dog and couldn't move. Then he ran in the water and returned to the Tianzi No. 1 wooden house!

At this time, all the people around could not help but look at the Tianzi No. 1 wooden house and ask who the people were.

Those who can come to xuanhu residence are basically either rich or expensive. They belong to the upper class circle of Yuehai city and have a wide range of contacts. Soon, they will know that in Tianzi No. 1 wooden house, the leaders of all major gangs in Yuehai city gather together!

The young man just now is the new and old brother Dachen of the night dynasty!

People's faces varied after hearing the news, but there is no doubt that from this moment on, the reputation of the night Dynasty will rise to a higher level.

Chenge, the eldest brother of the night Dynasty, will also become a new legend of Yuehai City, which will be praised by everyone!

After Lin Chen returned to the wooden house with the shadow demon, there was silence in the wooden house. No one dared to speak. Only Irina came to him, smiling like a flower, and looked at his eyes with some obsession.

Walking on the water, one punch ruined the 97th place in the list of gods and the third place in the list of world killers, which made Irina feel dizzy.

"Do you want to live, or do you want to die?" Lin Chen looked at the shadow devil way that had lost half of his life.

Just now, his fist directly broke the ghost's spine and almost broke his ribs. If he was an ordinary person, he would have died no more. That is to say, the ghost was a saint level master. He could only live one step away from the middle of Saint level, but he had no ability to resist.

"I want to live." The shadow devil's tone was weak, and he said simply.

If you can live, who wants to die!

Moreover, Lin Chen asks whether you want to live or die, not whether you want to live or die!

"Well, tell me, who wants to kill an Xueyao?" Lin Chen said faintly.

The shadow devil's face changed, and he finally said, "Wei Hanlei, the emperor's capital, Wei family!"

For the killers of the killer organization, they don't know the information of the taskers, but the shadow demon is different. He is the owner of the organization. Naturally, he knows it clearly!

At this time, he also hated weihanlei. If it weren't for the woman and the task, he wouldn't have met Lin Chen, the evil spirit, and wouldn't have fallen to this point!

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