Long Xuelan has never seen such a crazy guy. His life is in his hands. He even wants to take advantage of himself.

The point is, she doesn't believe that Lin Chen has such a magical skill.

However, looking at Lin Chen's expression, it really doesn't seem to be lying. If she can really get rid of the torture caused by her body, it's really nothing to give him some benefits.

"Is your skill really useful to me?" The tone of long Xuelan has begun to loosen up.

"Of course it's useful. This skill can not only help you get rid of the pain caused by your constitution, but also has great benefits for your accomplishments. You'll definitely make a lot of money if you deal with me." Lin Chen said.

With that, he simply told all the knowledge he knew about the ten thousand poisonous insects.

At this time, long Xuelan finally determined that the man's "ten thousand Gu poison body" was indeed the name of his constitution.

She really didn't expect that Lin Chen knew so much about her constitution. For a while, she had a ridiculous feeling of meeting a bosom friend for a long time.

While Lin Chen is talking, he is also observing the expression on long Xuelan's face.

He found that there was no special expression on the woman's face when he said how terrible pain the owner of the ten thousand poisonous insects body had to bear in the process of constitution formation.

However, when he said that the mother of the child born with poison would die after giving birth to her, a touch of sadness finally appeared on the woman's face.

Finally, Lin Chen inquired curiously, "can I ask who has changed your constitution like this?"

He was really curious.

Who is the one who can be cruel enough to transform long Xuelan into a ten thousand poisons.

If long Xuelan's mother was accidentally poisoned when she was pregnant, which resulted in her becoming a natural poison body, it would be nice to say that, after all, that would turn her into a poison body and save her life.

Otherwise, children born with toxic body will not live long even if they do not die directly after birth.

However, Lin Chen also knew that some people would deliberately cultivate the existence of ten thousand poisonous insects in order to get powerful natural insects.

In that case, the poisoning of the child's mother is naturally man-made!

I don't know. What kind of situation does this woman have?

"It has nothing to do with you. Don't ask too much!" When long Xuelan heard his words, his eyes were frozen to the extreme.

"I'll treat you as if you didn't cheat me. If I finally find out that you're kidding me, I'll make you die ugly. You know, if I want to kill you, you can't escape!"

Long Xuelan looked at Lin Chen and asked coldly, "what do you want?"

"Can you detoxify me first? I'm dying." Lin Chen smiled triumphantly and knew that he had overcome this difficulty.

However, it is not surprising.

Normal people simply can't understand what kind of pain long Xuelan has to endure because of her physique, but Lin Chen probably knows something about it, so she also knows how tempting her method is.

Therefore, he dared to say what he wanted.

"You deserve to die. Who made you so greedy!"

Long Xuelan glared at him and felt helpless. This guy was determined to eat her, but it happened that she was really interested in the skill he said.

A purple insect appeared on Lin Chen's neck and bit him.

The original bleeding wound, the blood quickly solidified, and Lin Chen's physical condition quickly improved.

Lin Chen found that the insect was the one who bit him before. It was he who poisoned himself and it was he who detoxified himself.

Moreover, this time I was bitten, and I didn't feel the same intense pain as last time.

The insect seems to have another pair of teeth, which are specially used for detoxification.

Although Lin Chen knew the magic of some poisonous insects originally, he still had to marvel at this time.

"Great, Lin Chen, you don't have to die. Great! Sobbing..." an Xueyao saw that Lin Chen was getting better. She couldn't help crying with joy and hugged him tightly.

"Don't cry. If you cry again, you'll become a little cat. I'm not only fine, but also good." Lin Chen stroked an Xueyao's hair, looked at long Xuelan and asked:

"What can you do for me?"

Long Xuelan looked at Lin Chen's complacent appearance, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong.

After some hindsight, it seems that you are too good at bargaining?

It was obviously this guy's life in his own hands, but he was so excited that he detoxified him directly. Now he came to ask himself what benefits he would give her?

However, it was not good to let the "purple blood bug" bite him again at this time, so he had to say: "I'll give you money, how about it?"

At this time, Lin Chen was already happy.

This cold woman obviously doesn't know how to bargain at all. If she really takes his life and an Xueyao's life to coerce him to hand over his kung fu first, he will have a headache.

"Money? I don't want it. Is there anything else?" Lin Chen shakes his head. He is not short of money now.

With that, his eyes lit up and he asked, "by the way, do you have any natural and local treasures in the voodoo sect? If so, why don't you give me some?"

Long Xuelan took a surprised look at Lin Chen.

Some don't understand why Lin Chen doesn't want money, but what kind of natural materials and earth treasures he wants.

As a congenital strong man, he has no physical problems. Why do you want these things?

Lin Chen looked at her expression and knew that although long Xuelan was proficient in Gu Shu, poison Shu and medicine, he didn't know at all. People can also improve their accomplishments through Tiancai and Dibao.

At the end of the day, it is estimated that there are very few people who can refine natural materials and earth treasures into pills to break through.

In the eyes of the world, Tiancai Dibao is basically the medicine used for treatment. At most, it has better efficacy.

"Is it useful to me anyway?" Lin Chen was too lazy to explain and asked again.

Long Xuelan said lightly: "our voodoo sect has cultivated a lot of medicinal materials in a valley on the other side of Guizhou and Hunan Province. Some of them have been cultivated for hundreds of years, including common ones such as wild ginseng and Polygonum multiflorum, and some I can't name. If your skills are effective for me, I can take you there and let you choose some."

Lin Chen's eyes were bright and he said, "deal!"

He guessed right. The voodoo sect really has good things.

Moreover, looking at this, the voodoo sect has estimated that it has been inherited for at least hundreds of years. Even the medicinal materials have been cultivated for hundreds of years. There are definitely many good things!

Wild ginseng, Polygonum multiflorum, etc. are not uncommon, but if the year is high enough, they are also of great use.

What's more, the things long Xuelan said that she couldn't name should not be simple. Otherwise, how could the people of voodoo sect have been cultivated for hundreds of years!

These things are obviously what he needs. As long as there are enough natural materials and earth treasures, his accomplishments can be improved rapidly!

Finally, there must be a lot of good things in the primeval jungle over there in Guizhou and Hunan Province. He can also look for them when he arrives.

There may be some surprises!

"Now that the deal has been concluded, tell me your skill. If there is no problem, I will take you there." Said long Xuelan.

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "no, I have to go to check the goods first. If the medicine is OK, I'll give you the skill again!"

With that, he saw that long Xuelan was not good at staring at him. Obviously, he was very dissatisfied with his proposal. He couldn't help laughing:

"Hey hey, don't get excited. Anyway, you have your own destiny. I can't beat you. Are you still afraid that I will take your things and not give you the skill?"

"Hum! I dare you!"

Long Xuelan said coldly, "if your skill is useless, I will take back not only the things I gave you, but also your life! When will you go with me?"

Obviously, she finally accepted Lin Chen's proposal.

As Lin Chen said, she is absolutely sure that she can kill Lin Chen, so she is not afraid of his tricks.

"In a couple of days, I'll take care of things here first, and then we'll start." Lin Chen said, looking at fengkunyue with cold eyes.

Feng kunyue, who is on the other side, has long been foolish.

He never thought that Lin Chen, who was about to die, suddenly said something about Wan Gu poison body, and finally asked long Xuelan to detoxify him, and then reached an agreement.

This is too stupid!

Seeing Lin Chen's cold and fierce eyes, Feng kunyue was scared and trembled. He hurriedly looked at long Xuelan and said:

"Dragon's gate leader, how can you let him go? He killed your people! Besides, I'm on your side. You can't ignore me!"

Long Xuelan didn't seem to hear his voice, and asked Lin Chen, "what's the name of the skill you said?"

"The book of ten thousand poisonous insects and demons." Lin Chen said.

"Ten thousand Gu demon classic."

Long Xuelan repeated a sentence, then nodded and said, "I hope this skill is useful, otherwise, I will kill you. I will find you two days later, and then we will start."

With that, she jumped out of the window and disappeared into the night.

Lin Chen didn't stop her. The poison in anzhongzhou and others was not serious, but common Gu poison, which he could solve.

Seeing that long Xuelan really didn't care about himself, fengkunyue left directly. He was so scared that he sat down on the ground.

"Lin... Lin Chen, don't mess around. I'm from the Feng family. If you mess around, our Feng family won't let you go!" Fengkunyue's fierce inner stubble road.

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