"Don't push too far!" Mr. Du was annoyed, and his eyes became blood red!

He cursed loudly in his heart. This guy just doesn't know what to do. Do you really think he's easy to mess with?

If songfeihang and Qianbao didn't speak for him, he would be something!

Everyone is speechless. Is this boy too good at kicking his nose and turning his face? Mr. Du let him go. He even said that he wanted to let Mr. Du lose everything. He was so arrogant that he didn't have any brains!

Zhangyuerong was a little happy because the matter had been solved. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen came out again and smiled bitterly.

It's too much exaggeration to let Mr. Du lose everything. She hopes that this matter is over. From now on, Mr. Du will not interfere with her life.

Songfeihang and Qian Bao were also a little shocked.

They know that Lin Chen is not simple, but it's too much exaggeration to say that old man Du has lost everything.

"Young man, let it be so. Why are you so aggressive?" Zeng Xingyu, the executive vice mayor who had never spoken, said at this time.

"Yes, enough is enough!" Deputy director Yu also said in a deep voice.

Suddenly, people's eyes lit up. The two big men came forward. This boy, should we be honest now?

"Hum! Boy, don't think we du family are really afraid of you!" Father Du's son is very upset. This kind of thing happened at his father's birthday party. He lost all his face. At this time, he hates Lin Chen!

Hua Hua

Suddenly, the sound of hurried footsteps came, and then a group of policemen burst in.

Headed by two middle-aged men with dignified faces!

"Where are Du Jingwei and Du Yanhui?" Among them, the middle-aged man with Chinese character face in police uniform said coldly.

This scene made everyone present dumbfounded again.

What happened?

Dujingwei and duyanhui are Mr. Du and his son!

Are these cops here to catch them?

When they remembered Lin Chen's words that had made old Du lose everything, they were all cold in their hearts and looked at Lin Chen with an incredible look.

Master Du's face also changed!

According to his influence and fame, it is impossible for the police to rush home to find themselves, unless they have made up their minds and have enough evidence!

Why do these people come here now instead of early or late?

His body trembled and he suddenly looked at Lin Chen. His forehead was sweating and his face was pale!

"Director he! Mayor Yang!"

When Vice Mayor Zeng and deputy director Yu saw these two people, they were both shocked and ran to them. These two people were their immediate superiors!

One is the second in command of songchang City, and the other is the head of the Municipal Bureau, but they all don't bring Deputy!

Although only one word is missing, power is very different!

"Vice Mayor Zeng and deputy director Yu, are you here?" Mayor Yang, a tall, thin, elegant, middle-aged man, said, "well, you two stand aside first."

With that, he hurried to Lin Chen and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, I'm sorry. I'm late!"

Director he also walked quickly to Lin Chen and saluted him directly!

This scene undoubtedly confirmed the speculation in people's hearts, and they all took a breath, but they really don't know what the identity of this young man is!

It was unexpectedly possible for the top two powerful people in songchang city to come and work for him!

People think of the phone call Lin Chen made before, saying that it was a phone call that made Mr. Du lose everything. At that time, they thought that this guy was a fool who didn't know what to do!

Now, they are fools!

The energy of others is so great that they can't imagine it!

Mu Jingdan, Xiewen and Zhang Yuerong's second and youngest aunts all turn pale to the extreme. The other party's energy is so terrible. If you want to kill a small person like yourself, don't you even have to make a phone call and run over with your little finger?

At this time, their intestines are green with regret. They and others are so ignorant of life and death that they have offended such a person!

Lin Chen called zhenghongtao and asked him to check the Du family. If there was any problem, he would clean it up!

But with the domineering manner of Mr. Du and his son, how could there be no problem!

The dragon group usually doesn't attack the businessmen and politicians in the secular world. However, if they really do, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for these people!

Unless, they can really clean without any stain!

The heavenly members of the dragon group are a special existence for local people, so it's not surprising that Lin Chen saw these two people coming.

This is like the ancient royal guards. When they go to a small place, how dare those officials not give face?

"It's not too late. Mayor Yang is kind. What are you doing here? Just go on. Don't worry about me." Lin Chen said faintly.

"OK!" Mayor Yang nodded.

Then he did not speak, but director he spoke.

"Dujingwei and duyanhui are suspected of tax evasion, collusion with lawbreakers, extortion, intimidation, murder and other charges against their competitors! Du Jingwei was suspected of killing the husband of a mistress two years ago, and the circumstances are serious. Now they are immediately arrested!" Director Ho said righteously.

With that, he waved his hand and a pair of policemen came forward to subdue the Du family!

"No! No! Don't catch me!" Duyanhui was paralyzed with fear.

"It's over! It's all over!" Du Jingwei looked at Lin Chen with a deathly gray face.

He knew that the Du family was finished, and it was not because of the crimes committed by him and his son, but because of the young man!

One of his phone calls really made him lose everything!

No matter how much he doesn't want to believe, the facts are already in front of him!

If he had known this, he wouldn't even look at Zhang Yuerong. It's a pity that there is no regret medicine in the world!

Mayor Yang and Lin Chen made a few courteous remarks, and then took director he and a group of police to escort the Du family and their son and Liu Jinghui away.

Poor liujinghui, just because Lin Chen said, take him to investigate. If there is no accident, he will not be shot because of his crimes. He will never get out of prison in his life!

Vice Mayor Zeng and deputy director Yu also left with the him. They had no deep friendship with the Mr. Du. At this time, it was too late to protect themselves. Where would they care about him!

After a group of policemen left, the scene was still silent. The scene just happened was really like a dream. Everyone looked at Lin Chen with awe and enthusiasm.

The power embodied in the other side is like an ancient emperor in private!

Lin Chen looked at Zhang Yuerong, who was staring at him, and said with a smile, "sister Rong, why do you look at me like this? Do I have flowers on my face?"

Zhangyuerong's face was complicated. She suddenly found that Lin Chen was too high.

Master Du is a legendary figure in songchang City, but he is so vulnerable to attack in front of Lin Chen!

Lin Chen's strength is more terrible than she imagined.

At this time, she suddenly felt inferior. She was just an ordinary woman with two children. Although she looked good, there were more beautiful people at the end of the day!

For himself, will he just play and forget himself when he gets tired of playing?

It's not that Zhang Yuerong doesn't believe Lin Chen, but women in love are always suspicious and sentimental. At the moment, she is.

Lin Chen didn't realize Zhang Yuerong's thoughts. Seeing that she didn't answer her own words, she didn't care. Instead, she turned to look at Zhang Yuerong's second aunt and younger aunt, as well as mujingdan, Xiewen and others.

These people had already turned pale. At this time, Lin Chen looked at them and suddenly felt a little weak.

Then, these people were so scared that they all knelt on the ground!

"Lin Chen, let me go. I don't have eyes! I deserve to die!" Aunt zhangyuerong's teeth trembled with fear. Even Mr. Du was crushed and sent to prison. What is she?

"Yes, yes! I don't have eyes! Sorry! Sobbing... Sorry! For the sake of being Yuerong's friend, please forgive me!" Mujingdan was so scared that he began to cry.

"Yes, yes! Lin Chen, please forgive me. I grew up with Yue Rong!" Xiewen also begged.

"Lin Chen, after all, I'm Yuerong's second aunt. Will you let me go?"

The rest of the people also begged for mercy one after another and were extremely frightened.

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