Lin Chen could clearly feel that several people were following him. As soon as he stopped, they stopped. It was obvious that he had no good intentions.

He has never been here. Naturally, he has no enemies. These people are eyeing him. They probably want to spend some money. It can only be said that the public order in this place is really chaotic!

He smiled and didn't care. Instead, he moved on. Anyway, when these people planned to jump out, he could just clean them up.

However, just walked out a few steps, but suddenly a voice came.

"Brother Adelman, are you back? Aunt Adelman said last night that you were coming back. Let's go home right away."

The sound was very pleasant, clear and sweet, just like a lark.

Lin Chen was still thinking at the beginning that adge's treatment was much better than his own, and a girl with such a nice voice came to pick him up.

Listen to the sound, the girl will never be so ugly.

I was forced by myself. Unexpectedly, it was a broken insect that led the way.

However, then he felt wrong, because the girl who spoke seemed to be coming towards him.

"Brother Adelman, don't go. I'm here!" The girl said again in a hurry.

Lin Chen was stunned and turned to look.

A girl with picturesque features, skin like congealed fat, giving people a sense of ethereal tranquility is coming to him.

The girl was dressed in minority costumes and carried a bamboo basket on her back.

However, Lin Chen doesn't know much about ethnic minorities, but she doesn't know which ethnic minorities her clothes belong to.

Just, no matter who you are, I am not a brother Adelaide!

What is this?

Lin Chen didn't care when he found out that he was being followed. However, now he is a little confused.

What is the situation in Liuqi town? I just came here. So many strange things have happened!

Seeing Lin Chen stunned, the girl directly came up and took his hand, walked to one side and said, "hee hee, brother Adelman, haven't you seen me for a while and don't know me? I'm Elaine!"

While talking, she also winked at Lin Chen.

Girl, what do you want? What do you mean by that look?

Lin Chen wanted to ask directly, but seeing her mysterious appearance, he didn't ask. He is a skilled and courageous man. Anyway, the little girl can't do anything to him.

So he let the little girl pull him aside.

Have you come to have an affair? Lin Chen is a little suspicious. Can he be handsome enough? When the beauty saw her, she fell in love at first sight. Can she help herself?

Or do you want to play a fairy dance with yourself and take yourself to the hotel. When you leave her, suddenly several big men kick the door and break in?

For a moment, Lin Chen thought a lot and looked serious.

However, at this time, the girl suddenly whispered in his ear, "you are being watched by others and pretend to be a member of our Miao family. Those behind you know that our Miao family is united and that you are a Miao family, so they won't bully you."

Lin Chen finally reacted. After a long time, it turned out that the little beauty was kind enough to save herself, so she pretended to know her.

For a while, he was unable to laugh or cry. He thought, I really don't need your help.

However, the impression of Liuqi Town, which has just become worse, is somewhat better.

Sure enough, everywhere is the same. There are bad people and good people.

He was so kind that he could not refuse it directly, so he whispered: "then I am a Han. Do they dare to bully me? We Han people are the most arrogant in China. Which minority nationality are they?"

The girl gave him a blank look. "They are your Han people. They are the Han people from other places!"

Lin Chen: "...."

Lin Chen's face was embarrassed. For a moment, he had the impulse to turn around and slap those people in the face. These guys are really shameful!

He stopped and said with a smile, "it's all right. You can go. It's ok if these people don't trouble me. If they trouble me, they are looking for death."

"You, do you know what you're talking about?" The girl was stunned and then said angrily, "don't try to be brave. Those people are not good people. They not only rob money, but also beat people! Come with me!"

With that, she continued to pull Lin Chen forward, but she couldn't move.

"That's not necessary." Lin Chen said again.

"You! You are so unkind!" The girl was so angry that she stamped her feet. "These people are all aggressive guys. They still have some weapons on them. How can you beat them!"

Lin Chen was unable to laugh or cry again. At the same time, her heart was warm.

I have never met this girl before, but she is so worried about herself. It is really rare. If people in big cities have no time to run when they encounter this kind of thing, it is impossible to get involved.

At this time, several people in the back had come up directly and surrounded Lin Chen and the girl.

It's quite remote here. Obviously, they're going to do it.

There were five people in total. They were tall and big, and their faces were grim. At this time, they all stared at Lin Chen coldly, as if they were looking at their chosen prey.

"Boy, are you from other places?" The young man with long hair, the first, said coldly.

"No! He belongs to yingyue Miao village. He belongs to Miao people. Don't mess around!" The girl was surprised and said quickly.

The young man with long hair frowned and looked at the girl's clothes, then sneered: "beauty, do you think we are fools? We stared at this guy when he got off the bus. He was clearly a Han! You said he was a Miao man, so you asked him to say a few words in Miao language? I warned you not to look for trouble. Just stay there!"

They really do not want to have conflicts with ethnic minorities, because they are very united, and fighting is almost deadly, but they are not easy to provoke.

If all the fat sheep they were after were disturbed like this, how would they live in the future!

They are also responsible for this matter, so they have no fear!

The girl's face became a little ugly. Unexpectedly, these people had already seen through their schemes.

Suddenly, she looked at Lin Chen apologetically, then looked at the long haired young man and said, "don't go too far. In short, you can't hit people!"

"Hehe, it depends on whether he knows the phase!" The young man with long hair sneered, and the others had a joking smile on their faces.

"Boy, be honest and take out all your money!" The young man with long hair stared at Lin Chen and said in a cold voice, "don't let us do it ourselves, otherwise, we will make you suffer!"

"Oh? What are you suffering from? Tell me about it?" Lin Chen asked with a smile. There was no fear on his face. It seemed that he was really curious.

The girl was startled and hurriedly pulled his clothes, no doubt to ask him not to irritate these people.

The girl is also a little angry. She feels that this person is so stubborn. Now in this situation, she can only spend money to eliminate the disaster. If she provokes these people and is beaten, it is also a free fight!

The long haired young man's face suddenly sank, his voice suddenly raised, pointed to Lin Chen's nose and scolded: "what's the trouble? Do you believe that he beat you to your knees and begged for mercy? Xiao Zamao, you're angry with me, aren't you?"

The other four also took a step forward at the same time. They all took out a butterfly knife from their bodies. While playing with the butterfly knife, they sneered and stared at Lin Chen.

No doubt, as long as Lin Chen dares to answer back again, they will do it directly!

"I asked you one last question. Are you going to hand over the money?" The young man with long hair said coldly.

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders, smiled on his face, and said, "do you want to kneel down and beg for mercy? OK!"

With that, he suddenly slapped the long haired young man in the face!

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