"Brother Chen, do you think you can cure him? Can you really cure my grandpa?" Liu Yilian had been crying bitterly, but Lin Chen's words made her look at it in an instant, as if she saw the dawn in the dark.

Tengzhong was annoyed when he saw that the old man was about to get married, but the Han man was disturbing the situation.

He said coldly: "young man, although you have some skills, can you be more powerful than uncle a? Uncle a is the most powerful witch doctor in a hundred miles. He says his body is incurable and his destiny is difficult. You still say you can cure it. You are clearly talking nonsense!"

"Young man, my body, as I know, is already like a rotten piece of wood. There is no possibility of healing." The old man also said.

Just now Lin Chen saw the old man's physical problems at a glance. Therefore, the old man appreciated him and thought he was a talent.

However, he doesn't feel that Lin Chen's medical skills are so brilliant, even more powerful than himself. At most, he has great eyesight.

His body, which he knew best, had reached the point where there was no medicine to cure. Therefore, listening to Lin Chen's boasting that he could be cured, he could not help feeling a little dissatisfied.

I think Lin Chen is too arrogant. I can see that it is totally different from being cured!

At this time, Liu Yilian also reacted. Her face darkened. No doubt, she also felt that Lin Chen was either talking big, or she didn't know enough about Grandpa's condition.

From childhood to adulthood, grandpa had almost no diseases that could not be cured. Now, he said he was hopeless. Then, how could brother a Chen be cured.

"Handsome boy, Elaine is already so sad. Don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes, the old witch doctor said he was hopeless. How could you possibly save him!"

"Yes, my dad said that the old witch doctor grandpa is the most powerful witch doctor in all the Miao villages. He can't even save himself. Then, no one else can do anything. Don't make trouble!"

Liu Yilian's Miao sisters also said one after another.

In the eyes of these people, the old man is the most powerful doctor, which is much more reliable than Lin Chen, a yellow haired boy. People are naturally more willing to believe what the old man said.

"Hehe, if you can cure it, just try it."

Lin Chen didn't care what these people said. He went directly to the old man and said, "old man, let me try. Do you mind?"

"No way! Uncle a is an old man, and his body is in trouble again. How can you try? If anything happens, can you be responsible?" Tengzhong didn't even think about it, so he said coldly.

"It's all right. Since you want to have a try, you can have a try. How can I cooperate with you?" The old man waved his hand to Tengzhong and smiled at Lin Chen.

In his opinion, Lin Chen was always kind-hearted, but he was too conceited. It would be good to take this opportunity to polish his spirit.

He still appreciates Lin Chen.

Tengzhong could not say anything when he saw that the old man was talking, but his face was a little ugly.

Lin Chen pointed to the sofa like wooden chair and said, "take off your coat and just lie down."

The old man brightened his eyes and said, "acupuncture?"

Lin Chen nodded and said with a smile, "it seems that you know a lot about traditional Chinese medicine. That's right. It's acupuncture."

The old man looked curious and said with a light smile, "I am very interested in acupuncture and moxibustion in traditional Chinese medicine. I have also learned about it. Although we witch doctors also have acupuncture therapy, it is completely different from acupuncture and moxibustion. Unfortunately, I have not met any real acupuncture and moxibustion masters."

At the same time, he took off his coat and lay down on the bench.

Although he doesn't think Lin Chen can cure him, he still looks forward to seeing that Lin Chen is using acupuncture he is interested in.

I don't know how good he is at acupuncture. The old man thought curiously.

At this time, Liu Yilian's dead gray eyes lit up a glimmer of hope.

Although she knew it was impossible, she could not help but put her last hope on Lin Chen!


When Lin Chen took out the silver needle and plunged it into the Lingtai acupoint behind the old man, the old man couldn't help shouting.

Because he felt that there was a warm current flowing into his body along the silver needle, as if water were washing away all the filth in his body.

Suddenly, the old man's face changed!

This feeling shows that the young man is absolutely capable. He immediately put away his contempt and even looked forward to it. Could it be that the young man can really heal his body?

As Lin Chen's silver needle kept falling, the old man's back almost became a hedgehog.

Liu Yilian and others, looking at it, were also a little stunned!

It was clear that there was no wind in the room at this time, but the silver needles seemed to be blown by the wind, and their tails trembled slightly, making a slight hum.

It's so weird!

Soon, there was a black liquid gushing out of the pores of the old man, emitting a stench.

The old man could not help but let out a comfortable groan. At the same time, a touch of ruddy appeared on his face!

Everyone was dumbfounded. They just thought it was too magical!

In the past, the old man used to treat patients with drugs. However, now this man has such a strange effect with a burst of silver needles. It's unimaginable!

After more than ten minutes, Lin Chen finally pulled out the silver needle.

The old man's physical problems are really simple for him. He can use acupuncture and natural Qi to force toxins out of the old man's body.

These toxins are usually toxic, not highly toxic. Otherwise, the old man would have died.

Just as Lin Chen can force out alcohol himself, he can also use innate Qi to help the other party force out these toxins through acupuncture.

"Grandpa, how are you feeling now?" Collect the silver needle, Lin Chen said with a faint smile.

"I feel as if I have suddenly become more than ten or twenty years younger. This, this is incredible!"

The old man stood up and walked a few steps. He felt relaxed and looked at Lin Chen with a surprised face.

At this time, he had a ruddy face and a tall and straight posture, which was very different from the dying look just now.

"Hehe, I've helped you get rid of all the toxins in your body. Now you have no other problems except for some weakness." Lin Chen smiled.

Although the old man was covered with black filth and gave off a stench, no one paid any attention to this. They were already scared by this situation and Lin Chen's words.

The old man is a well-known old witch doctor. He even sentenced himself to death. As a result, the young man cured him with these silver needles!

For the Miao girls present and the middle-aged man, it was a miracle!

"Brother Chen! You're great!" Elaine exclaimed, her eyes still filled with tears, and her face was full of ecstasy.

"Wow! Brother Chen, you just used a few silver needles to cure the old witch doctor's grandpa!"

"Yes! Brother Chen, are you a doctor or an immortal? I adore you so much!"

"Brother Chen, how old were you when you learned medicine? Why are you so young that you are more powerful than the old witch doctor?"


A group of Miao girls ran to Lin Chen excitedly, chirping and yelling. Their eyes were full of admiration, like little fans seeing stars.

The old man took a deep look at Lin Chen, and then said, "thank you, young man. Your medical skills are incredible. Now, I don't have to be afraid to leave Elaine alone. I'll take a bath first. After you and Elaine attend the bonfire party, come to me. I have something to say to you."

Lin Chen was a little strange. He didn't know what the old man wanted to say to him, but he nodded and agreed.

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