"The Phoenix seeks her mate." Long Xuelan blushed, and then glared at Lin Chen.

What's wrong with this guy? Why should he play this!

Lin Chen's ten fingers were already playing on the zither, and the graceful and sweet sound sounded in the valley.

Long Xuelan looked a little disdainful at first, but he was surprised at the back.

If the performance of long Xuelan has reached the level of integrating the sound into the music, then Lin Chen has reached the level that can arouse people's inner resonance.

His music directly sends the feelings contained to people's hearts!

At this time, the music that jumped out of Lin Chen's fingers was lively and flexible, with a lingering yearning, full of love, as if a man was telling his beloved woman his missing day and night!

Long Xuelan listened, and a blush appeared on her face. It felt as if this guy was pursuing himself!

She has also realized that this hateful guy is not bragging. He is really better than himself. He handles many details better than himself.

This kind of detail is not technical, but emotional.

He really deserves the title of Guzheng master, even better than Gu Po. Long Xuelan thought.

Gu Po is also an expert at playing zither. She thought that no one in the world could play better than Gu Po. Now she really found that she was wrong.

At least this man can.

At this time, even those poisonous snakes and beasts on the side were very happy, as if they were immersed in this beautiful music!

At the end of the song, Lin Chen looked at long Xuelan and asked with a smile, "how's it going, little wife? How am I playing?"

"Average!" Long Xuelan humed a cold, insincere sentence. This guy is really powerful, but it is necessary. Do you have to play a phoenix courtship?

With that, long Xuelan went back to the house.

Lin Chen gave her the book of ten thousand poisonous insects and demons. She must cultivate to the second part as soon as possible. In that way, she can get rid of the trouble caused by her own life and body.

Moreover, she also found that the "ten thousand poisons and Demons classic" was much more mysterious than her "black poisons classic". Cultivating the "ten thousand poisons and Demons classic" was also of great benefit to her realm!

This skill can also be cultivated to a level above the innate level. For her, it is like a treasure waiting for her to explore.

In the next few days, long Xuelan grasped the cultivation of the "ten thousand Gu devil code", and Lin Chen, also through the Yang Qi pill, rapidly improved his strength!

What made Lin Chen speechless was that long Xuelan, a woman, seemed to be addicted to drinking her own blood that night.

Unexpectedly, she asked for blood from herself at midnight every day to suppress the restless vital insects in her body.

The woman apparently fell in love with her after tasting the lightness of her blood that night.

Lin Chen, for the sake of the other party's seven black bluegrasses, was generous. He thought it was a free blood donation, but he didn't take much advantage of the oral bargain.

In the end, his name was long Xuelan's little wife. Long Xuelan had no response and was too lazy to refute.

The sixth day, early morning.

Lin Chen, sitting by the lake, slowly spits out a mouthful of turbid air and opens his eyes with a happy look in his eyes.

"If I guess correctly, now I have stepped into the late congenital period!" A smile appeared on Lin Chen's face.

"Saint and devil's untroubled formula" is divided into three layers, and each layer is not subdivided into the early, middle, late and peak.

However, Lin Chen could feel the improvement of realm and the great leap forward of strength.

At this time, he felt that the inborn Qi in his body had changed, and the power contained was much stronger than before.

Lin Chen reaches out his hand and clenches his fist!


The air he tried to catch made a dull noise!

"Not bad!"

Lin Chen stood up and said to himself with a smile, "the six pills have entered the state of the late congenital stage. There is still one left. After taking it tomorrow, his strength can be improved!"

Then, he closed his eyes and recalled the last scene when he got the inheritance!

Under the God thunder, Leng Dongliu seems to contain the power of all things in the world and hit the sky!

Once, he tried to imitate the fist, but he could only imitate a "shape", but could not learn the spirit!

At this moment, he had a feeling that he, many of them, were distracted by the punch.

Lin Chen slowly clenched his right fist. His body was as taut as a bow, and his left foot walked slowly. He seemed to turn into a stone sculpture, motionless. After dozens of seconds, he suddenly hit his right fist!

In an instant, his right fist seemed to disappear, leaving only a shadow!


It was as if the thunder had split the air, and a gust of wind blew from Lin Chen's station towards the front!


Seven or eight meters ahead, an old tree as thick and thin as three adults, suddenly made a dull noise, and then shook violently!

A dozen colorful poisonous snakes fell down, and then hurriedly fled. It seemed that they were scared!

Above the tree trunk, there is a fist shaped pit five or six centimeters deep!

It's hard to imagine what it would be like if someone stood in front of Lin Chen and got this punch!

Lin Chen opened his eyes, but his face was full of loss. "Originally, he thought he could show oneortwo distractions of that fist. Unexpectedly, he didn't even have onepercent!"

Leng Dongliu's fist seemed slow, but it contained the power of landscape and everything.

Lin Chen, however, was like lightning splitting down in the air, with extreme speed.

It looks frightening, but it's much worse than Leng Dongliu's fist. Lin Chen can't show the power of swallowing everything for my use!

"After all, the state is still too low at the late stage of congenital!" Lin Chen murmured that the original happy feeling of breakthrough disappeared at this time.

He takes Leng Dongliu as his goal, which is too powerful and far away!

Ordinary people from the mid to late congenital breakthrough, it is estimated that they will be excited to laugh, but they are not satisfied.

"Well, I don't want to be so far away. At least with this fist, even if I'm an expert with inborn peak, I don't necessarily have the strength to fight!" Lin Chen smiled again.

Food should be eaten one mouthful at a time. Even if Leng Dongliu got there, it would take him hundreds of years. It's useless for him to think more now!

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps in the distance.

Soon, three men appeared not far from Lin Chen.

Among them, there are Lukangping, who clashed with Lin Chen that day, and his father, Lu Tianyuan, deputy head of the voodoo sect.

Besides them, there is a man in the samurai uniform of the island!

"Boy, you are still here!" When Lukangping saw Lin Chen, a touch of resentment appeared in his eyes.

"It's none of your business." Lin Chen said plainly.

"You want to die!" Lu Kangping said angrily, looking like he was going to break Lin Chen up.

"OK! Kangping, let's talk about this boy later. Don't delay Mr. Tuoye's business!" Lu Tianyuan gave Lin Chen a cold look and said to his son.

For him, this guy is a small role in front of him. Just kill him if you can. There is no need to waste time with this small role.

Lukangping looked at Lin Chen and stopped talking.

Then, they walked directly past Lin Chen and headed for the stilted building.

The Islander, who was called Mr. Tuoye, took another look at Lin Chen at the beginning, as if Lin Chen was too humble to deserve his attention.

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