When long Xuelan saw that Lin Chen put several herbs into his mouth, chewed them up and spit them out into the palm of his hand, his face turned red again.

Today, she blushes more often than she did 20 years ago.

In other words, she didn't know what it was like to blush before. It was Lin Chen who let this expression appear on her face.

After Lin Chen applied the medicine to long Xuelan and used the "five element Taiyi divine needle" for acupuncture, long Xuelan said, "is that all right? No, leave a scar?"

"Don't worry, you are my little wife. This is my thing. How can I let it leave a flaw!" Lin Chen didn't stutter at this time.

He just chewed the herbs in his mouth. On the one hand, he was healing himself.

At this time, he spoke in a thief's voice, like flirting with long Xuelan.

In fact, it's a bit of revenge. The woman just laughed at him for stuttering. He had to flirt back!

Long Xuelan's face was slightly red and he stared at him.

What is his stuff? This guy has no face or skin. He dares to say anything.

However, she could not bear to kill him in her heart.

However, she was relieved to hear that there would be no scar or hole in her chest!

Next, Lin Chen directly dragged Sato Tuoye and the bodies of lutianyuan and his son to a remote place and used the corpse melting water to make a pool of pus.

This scene, long Xuelan was watching. Except for some surprise, she had no more expression and no discomfort.

The next day, Lin Chen took the last Qi Nourishing pill, and long Xuelan finally practiced the "ten thousand Gu devil code" to the second part.

Linchen receives a call from Su Xiran and an Xueyao again. He asks when he will go back. He thinks for a while and tells the two women that they will start back in the next two days.

In the evening.

Long Xuelan plays the zither in the pavilion, like an isolated beauty, like a pure white lotus in the world.

She is still wearing the blue and white porcelain cheongsam. The gap in her chest has been sewn up by her. Although she can hardly see it, she always feels that it seems to be getting older.

"I'll leave tomorrow morning." Lin Chen stepped on the lake, ran to the pavilion and said to long Xuelan.

His goal of this trip has been achieved, and even he was so lucky that he directly got seven black bluegrass. With a breakthrough in the realm, it is time to go back.

And long Xuelan's "ten thousand poisons and demons" has reached the second part of his cultivation, and he has also got rid of the pain caused by the restlessness of his own life at midnight, and no longer needs his blood.

Long Xuelan's zither music stopped abruptly, and then began to play again. The music was low and gentle, like playing casually, but it was a little sad.

In her music, there always seems to be a kind of confusion and loneliness.

"OK." Long Xuelan road.

It seems that she doesn't care whether Lin Chen leaves or not.

"Will you come back to Yuehai with me?" But Lin Chen suddenly said.

Long Xuelan's music stopped again. This time it didn't ring again. She looked at Lin Chen suspiciously and thought she had heard it wrong.

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile, "look at you. You don't have any friends. Even your men hurt you. How pathetic. After all, you are my little wife. As your husband, I must take care of you."

Long Xuelan glared at Lin Chen angrily. How can this guy always be so unseemly!

However, somehow, her mood seemed to be getting better.

She shook her head and said, "Lu Tianyuan is dead. There are still many things to deal with at the voodoo gate. The voodoo gate was left to me by the witch. I must help her manage it well. I can't let it go down."

Lin Chen nodded, I do not know why, but in his heart he was a little lost, and the smile on his face became pale..

Long Xuelan looked at his expression in his eyes, looked at the lake, looked at Lin Chen, pondered for a few seconds, and said, "I know where you live. Maybe I will find you later."

Lin Chen was stunned and said with a smile, "Why are you looking for me? Do you want to be my little wife?"

"Maybe." Said long Xuelan.

"Er..." Lin Chen used to flirt with her. However, long Xuelan's answer surprised him.

In fact, he couldn't tell what it was like for long Xuelan.

If you like it, maybe you haven't reached that level yet. However, just like this, you really feel a little reluctant to part with it.

In fact, long Xuelan is more confused than Lin Chen. She doesn't know how she feels about Lin Chen.

She has never been told what love is and what love is.

Therefore, her answer to Lin Chen was "maybe". She didn't know whether the strange feeling in her heart would still exist after a period of time.

If it always exists, maybe she will go to him and be his woman in the future.

The next morning, Lin Chen left the valley.

He stopped by yingyue Miao village to say goodbye to Liu Yilian and her grandfather.

Liuyilian insists on taking him to the town for a ride. Lin Chen says no, but the little girl still insists, so she agrees with a smile.

When they were walking in the jungle, Liu Yilian said, "brother Chen, what is the relationship between you and sister long? Won't she come out to see you off?"

Although Lin Chen said that he was not the elder brother of long Xuelan, Liu Yilian always felt that they had something to do with each other.

Lin Chen smiled and did not answer the question of the little gossip party. Instead, he asked, "by the way, did tenglai continue to pester you?"


Liu Yilian smiled and said happily, "his injury was cured by my grandfather. My grandfather seems to have warned him not to pester me again."

"That guy and his father are not good people. In short, you and your grandfather should be careful." Lin Chen said.

Liu Yilian smiled and said, "brother ah Chen, don't worry. They are not so bad. Tenglai is just a little grumpy. The leader is not a bad person."

"I don't think so. Maybe tenglai won't let you go. His father will even help the tyrant!" Lin Chen looked a little strange and smiled.

"Brother Chen, you are so worried. We seem to belong to the Miao village after all. How can they mess around?" Liu Yilian still insisted.

"Really?" The corner of Lin Chen's mouth started up and said with a smile, "sister Elaine, do you want me to perform a magic trick for you?"

"What magic?" Liu Yilian has a wonderful way.

"Big change to live!" Lin Chen smiled.

"Ah? Brother Chen, will you still be a living person? Will you change here?" Liu Yilian said in surprise.

Although Liu Yilian is simple, she is not stupid and knows a lot. After all, she is the No. 1 scholar in Guizhou and Hunan this year.

Of course, she also knows that magic is just a cover up, not really.

She has heard of the magic of changing into a living person, but has not seen it. However, she knows that it needs someone to cooperate with the props.

But there are no props in the jungle. It's impossible to change a person out of thin air!

Lin Chen stopped, pointed to a tree not far away, and said with a smile, "yes, it will change here. Look at the tree in front of you. As long as I clap my hand, someone will fall off the tree!"


Liu Yilian was stunned, then she covered her mouth and said with a smile, "brother a Chen bragged that it was impossible to clap his hand and someone fell down. Did you let someone climb up in advance? However, even if someone cooperated with you, he couldn't fall down directly. Wouldn't that mean falling half dead?"

"You can tell by looking at it." Lin Chen smiles.

With that, he clapped his palm!




Suddenly, the tree in front fell down alone and screamed!

"Ah! Really... Someone fell down. How could it be!" Liuyilian was dumbfounded.

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