There was a buzz of discussion among the crowd, some of which also reached suchengbin's ears, making his face even worse and his heart a little weak.

I doubt whether my brother-in-law can control Chen Lihui.

His girlfriend Zhou Han looked flustered and desperate.

Just then, a fiery red Ferrari came this way.

After the crowd was shocked, they immediately gave way. No matter who came, if they could afford to drive the car, they would not be able to offend.

A man and a woman got out of the car. The man was very handsome, but he was not handsome enough to make women crazy.

But that woman is sexy and charming. She is much more beautiful than the school flower of Normal University. Zhou Han was also a beautiful woman. Compared with this woman, she looks a little ordinary.

Many people soon recognized that this was the landlady of the Chenxi flower shop, the flower of the University City, Su Xiran!

"Sister, brother-in-law! Here you are!" When suchengbin saw Lin Chen and them, he immediately shouted.

But Chen Lihui was stunned. He stared at Su Xiran with his eyes full of greed. It was like he wanted to stick it to Su Xiran!

Lin Chen was ignored by him directly.

Lin Chen and Lin Chen walked to Su Chengbin's side. Naturally, they also saw the Lamborghini whose windows were all smashed.

Su Xi ran was distressed and angry.

Lin Chen looked at the sports car with no expression, but when he looked at Su Chengbin, his face showed concern and said, "didn't they do anything to you?"

Suchengbin was so warm that he shook his head and said, "no, brother-in-law, I'm fine. I'm a man. It doesn't matter if I was beaten for a while. Sorry, this car -"

"Don't apologize. I'm fine." Lin Chen interrupted his words with a smile, patted him on the shoulder, looked at Zhou Han, who looked stiff, then looked at Chen Lihui and said, "did you smash this car?"

His face was normal. It seemed that he hadn't seen Chen Lihui and several people beside him, all holding baseball bats.

Chenlihui took his eyes away from Su Xi ran. When he looked at Lin Chen, he took a trace of jealousy and hissed, "it was Lao Tze who smashed it. What do you want?"

"You can't rob a woman with suchengbin, so now you're going to rob it with your background identity. To put it simply, it's fighting for your father, right?" Lin Chen doesn't care about Chen Lihui's sarcastic expression and continues to ask.

Chenlihui's smile froze.

Lin Chen's words were very simple, but he pointed to the main point and talked about the key points.

He really can't compete with others in picking up girls. He plans to compete with his father.

But this kind of thing, if only we knew it clearly, we would lose face if we said it directly!

Some onlookers nearby could not help but sneer and cast disdainful eyes at Chen Lihui.

Those eyes, obviously, are saying that you can't fart without your father!

Chenlihui became angry and scolded fiercely, "what's so special? I just fight for my father. Can't I? I just rely on the power to rob his woman. What can you do?"

The onlookers despised Chen Lihui, but they also felt that there was nothing wrong with his words.

What can you do if someone tries to bully you after having a good baby?

"Fight for your father? No problem. I'm his brother-in-law. Who's your father? I'll fight with your father!" Lin Chen's face sank and said.

He doesn't bully people, but if someone treats him and the people around him as the target of bullying, it would be a big mistake!

His words stunned the people around him, and then he cast a speechless look at Lin Chen one after another. He said, when you know who his father is, you will dare to fight with his father!

Chenlihui's face was disdainful, and he didn't take Lin Chen's words seriously at all.

A few people behind him saw that Lin Chen was facing a group of people and dared to make a mockery. They were already very upset. At this time, hearing Lin Chen's words, they couldn't help laughing and their eyes were full of mockery.

"Hahaha! Boy, do you know who my boss is? You still want to compete with him? You deserve it?"

"Have you heard of Tianpeng group? My boss is chentianpeng from Tianpeng group! How about you? Do you dare to fight now?"

"You have a lot of money, don't you? For our boss, that's a bird? Believe it or not, brothers, let you lie down in the intensive care unit today?"


Several young men scoffed at Lin Chen's words, as if he had told the funniest joke in the world.

Lin Chen looked at chenlihui and said, "is your father chentianpeng?"

He almost forgot the name when the other party didn't mention it.

Previously, when he just got the inheritance, he went to help Leng Hanyan and saved Chen Tianpeng's life. Otherwise, Chen Tianpeng would have been poisoned by the little star he kept.

Later, chentianpeng also helped him. He was an old acquaintance.

Suxiran was surprised to hear that this man was chentianpeng's son. Before, she and Lin Chen had dinner at Greene western restaurant. Chentianpeng also sent hundreds of thousands of red wine and came to say hello.

Chenlihui and the people beside him heard Lin Chen's questions. They all thought that he was scared by Chen Tianpeng's name, and their faces became more proud.

The people around also shook their heads and sighed. Their hearts finally won. As expected, Chen Lihui was still the bully. The man was too counselled!

Suchengbin turned pale. If Lin Chen bowed his head, wouldn't his girlfriend be robbed by this scum?

He made up his mind that if Lin Chen really bowed his head and wanted these people to take Zhou Han away, he would stop even if he fought for his life!

If that were the case, I would be blind and worship such a bully! Suchengbin thought.

Chenlihui said proudly, "yes, my father is chentianpeng. How are you afraid?"

However, Lin Chen's words were completely unexpected.

"You smashed the windows of my car. I'm too lazy to ask how much it will cost to repair it. For the sake of knowing your father, you can accompany me for 10 million yuan, and then it's all over!" Lin Chen said in a deep voice.

"What?" Chenlihui was so stunned that he almost doubted that he had heard wrong.

Not only chenlihui, at this time, except Su Xiran, everyone was stunned!

Suchengbin immediately showed his ecstasy on his face. Only then did he know that Lin Chen didn't mean to bow his head at all!

At the same time, I was ashamed. My brother-in-law was helping me out, and I even doubted him.

Suchengbin made up his mind that he would look after his sister more for his brother-in-law in the future. If any man dared to say two more words with his sister, he would just kick it over

After Chen Lihui reacted, he felt that he had been fooled and scolded, "boy, why are you playing with me?"

In his opinion, Lin Chen is completely nonsense.

If you really know your father, you should honestly bow your head and beg for mercy. How can you even compensate yourself for $10 million!

He pointed a baseball bat at Lin Chen's nose and scolded angrily, "I warn you that if you play tricks with me again, I will destroy you. I think you drive a luxury car and set up a Chenxi flower shop at your age. Your family should have some money, but my family is richer than you! Don't take yourself too seriously! You are a pig in my eyes, and I can kill you casually!"

This guy is Lao Tzu. He has bad breath. Lin Chen is also angry. "It seems that you are dissatisfied with my solution? How do you want to solve it?"

"How to solve it?" Chenlihui, with a burning look in his eyes, pointed to Su Xiran and said, "I don't want Zhou Han either. Let your woman play with me for a while. When I get tired of playing, I'll give it back to you!"

He didn't notice Lin Chen's extremely cold eyes at all. He still cursed and stared at Su Xi ran, and said with an obscene smile: "yes, I heard people say how beautiful the owner of the Chenxi flower shop was before. I thought it was a boast. I didn't expect it was really the best. This figure is really unique. I must take more pills tonight. I'll do it in the next few days!"

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