"Asshole! Take care of your eyes. Can you believe I dug your eyes out?" Han Shuang's face was cold and he shouted angrily.

All the people in the audience were furious when they heard that takigawa xiaotai was so shameless that he said that only island men are worthy of such beauties as Han Shuang.

However, takigawa xiaotai didn't bother to answer the people who yelled at him. He didn't return Han Shuang's words, but said with a light smile: "beauty, since you must fight, you should sign the exemption agreement first. You should be mentally prepared. If you are not careful, you will get hurt!"

Han Shuang gave him a cold look, directly went aside to sign the exemption agreement, then returned to the stage and said, "let's start!"

Everyone in the audience was worried at this time.

Although we all know that Han Shuang should be good at martial arts since she dares to go up, everyone has already seen the power and ferocity of takigawa xiaotai. Seeing that Han Shuang has signed an exemption agreement at this time, they are all worried about her.

I'm afraid she will be seriously injured or even disabled like Li Tianfeng just now!

Anxieyao looks at Han Shuang on the stage, with both worry and admiration on her face.

Although she was angry that Lin Chen stared at Han Shuang just now, she didn't have any bad feelings about Han Shuang.

Before, Lin Chen accompanied her and Su man to go shopping, and Wu Hai was in trouble. Later, Wu Hai was abandoned by Lin Chen, and Han Shuang appeared at that time.

An Xueyao doesn't have a bad impression of this beautiful policewoman with a sense of justice.

"Lin Chen, do you think director Han can win?" Anxieyao nervously pulls Lin Chen's clothes and asks.

"Whether we can win or not depends on the fight. It is not clear yet." Lin Chen stares at Han Shuang on the stage and says.

Previously, Han Shuang said that she must step into the early days of the day after tomorrow within a month, otherwise, she must go back to DIDU with her father.

So Lin Chen gave her the snake bone skill.

More than half a month has passed now. If Han Shuang has enough endurance and studies hard, he should have entered the early days of the day after tomorrow.

Although this takigawa xiaotai is equivalent to an expert in the middle of the day after tomorrow, with the particularity of snake bone skill, it may not be impossible to win!

He was also curious about Han Shuang's snake bone skill.

On the stage, takigawa xiaotai looked at Han Shuang with her hands on her back and said with a light smile: "although I say that any Challenger on the stage, whether male or female, I will fight, but I am a big man and you are such a sexy and beautiful woman. I can't bully you. I will let you have two hands!"

Han Shuangleng snorted, and didn't talk nonsense with this man. The other party took it lightly, so she was more likely to win!

She had just seen takigawa's moves, and knew that this man had real skills.

Han Shuang took out all her skills as soon as she shot. Her left foot suddenly took a step forward, and her right leg was like a steel whip, beating takigawa xiaotai!

In an instant, the long, straight legs seemed to be turned into iron bars, bringing a burst of wind blowing!

The audience looked happy when they saw this. Sure enough, director Han dared to go on stage. He had real Kung Fu!

Takigawa xiaotai has rich experience in fighting. At the moment Han Shuang takes the shot, he reacts that he underestimates the enemy. In front of him, this cool and sexy policewoman is still an expert!

It's much better than the former litianfeng!

He quickly retreated, but because he despised the enemy at the beginning, his body was too relaxed. Although he narrowly avoided Han Shuang's foot, he seemed a little embarrassed.

Han Shuang missed the blow. While the other party was a little flustered, he immediately hit the other party with an elbow towards his chest. His moves were quick, accurate and sharp!

Takigawa xiaotai can only flee to the side again, and narrowly evade Han Shuang's attack again.

This time, however, he finally found an interval to counter attack. A shoulder bump was going towards Han Shuang's chest, just like a bull bump!

However, Han Shuang's body was like a boneless snake. Her upper body turned and twisted into a seemingly incredible arc. She avoided the shoulder collision and hit takigawa xiaotai in the back with one punch while the other party couldn't stop!

Han Shuang dares to show a happy look in her eyes, but takigawa xiaotai's face changes and scolds: "baga!"

Then, his right hand, which was placed behind his back, clenched his fist and hit Han Shuang!

Han Shuang quickly flew back, stood still and said angrily, "didn't you let me have two hands? Why did you do it again? Is that how your island men break their promise?"

Takigawa xiaotai had already stood up straight. Her face was a little ugly. She snorted coldly and did not answer.

Everyone in the audience was elated to see that Han Shuang was so strong that he had forced Takahashi takigawa into danger just now.

"Director Han, good job, you are my goddess!"

"Shit! Director Han is my goddess! Director Han, clean up this devil and let him know our Chinese Kung Fu!"

"Little devil, just like you, you still want director han to be your woman, and you won't look in a mirror. Are you ashamed?"

"What a special thing! What you say doesn't count. Didn't you agree to let two hands go? Bah!"

"Yes, the little devil is shameless! Let's learn from you. Is that to learn from your cheekiness?"


Before, no one dared to take the challenge on the stage, which made the public feel overwhelmed. At this time, I just feel proud and elated, and I just shout loudly!

Lin Chen looked at Han Shuang on the stage and nodded slightly. The woman seemed to practice very hard. She had really stepped into the early stage of the day after tomorrow.

The two people on the stage ignored the noise.

Han Shuang's eyes are dignified. This person is really strong. She has just shown all her skills. However, she still hasn't let the other party hang up!

Now, when the other party uses both hands, she feels great pressure!

Takahashi takigawa stared at Han Shuang, with a disdainful smile on her face, and said, "it seems that you still have some strength! However, if you let me lose face, I must punish you well. Let you know that women should be honest and wait for luck in front of powerful men!"

When the words fell, he moved, as if he had become a vigorous cheetah, and rushed towards Han Shuang!

A cold momentum enveloped Han Shuang, making her forehead sweat. However, she did not shrink back, but directly welcomed her!

The two men instantly exchanged dozens of moves, and there was a loud noise on the stage. At the beginning, everyone was still excited, but then the voice slowly decreased.

Anyone could see that Han Shuang was beaten back and forth. She was completely beaten. If she wasn't incredibly flexible, she had already suffered several times!

Han Shuang's face became more and more ugly. She just felt that her blood gas was surging all over her body. She felt very uncomfortable.

When Han Shuang just blocked the other side's fist, takigawa xiaotai kicked her chest again. Han Shuang quickly crossed his hands in front of her chest to block!


Han Shuang was kicked out and hit the chain!

Takigawa xiaotai gave a grim smile and followed up like an eagle preying. Just as Han Shuang hit the iron chain and was about to fall down, he opened his hands and wanted to hug Han Shuang on his chest, intending to hold her directly!

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