When jiangbinyu walked out of the dragon group base, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a phone.

"My Lord, as you expected, the boy really didn't want to tell his secret. He definitely has something good!" Jiangyubin sneered.

"Since he doesn't appreciate it, the dragon group can't blame us. You take the boy back to the imperial capital." Jianghongyi on the other side said coldly.

Jiangbinyu nodded and said, "OK!"

Jianghongyi added: "but don't directly conflict with the dragon group. Don't start at the place of the dragon group. It's better to catch Lin Chen when the dragon group doesn't know!"

Jiang Binyu nodded again and said he understood that although the yuan family was not afraid of the dragon group, the dragon group was a special department of the state, and the yuan family did not have the ability to directly confront the government!

After thinking for a while, he smiled and said, "I guess this guy knows that I won't let him go and will hide in the dragon group base. However, according to the previous intelligence, he seems to value his woman very much. I just need to catch the cold family woman and take her to the imperial capital, and then let him take the initiative to my yuan family to beg for mercy!"

"Yes, that's a good idea." Jianghongyi agreed with this method. Those who achieve great things don't stick to small details. He doesn't think there is anything wrong with threatening with a woman.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Binyu smiled grimly.

"Little bunny, threaten me not to touch the people around you. I want to show you. I want to see how you can knock out my teeth!"

As a late inborn strongman, he was threatened by a yellow haired boy, which made him very angry.


Lin Chen was absorbed, and his nose moved, carefully smelling the faint strange smell in the air.

This is the unique flavor of "soul chasing powder" mixed with several medicinal materials, with continuous volatility.

Just now, when Jiang Binyu passed by him, he did some tricks on the other party and sprinkled some "soul chasing powder".

It may be difficult for ordinary people to detect the taste, but he has a good sense of smell. As long as he doesn't go beyond a certain distance, he can find Jiang Binyu with the taste.

His nose is much more sensitive than that of a drug dog.

The yuan family is obviously going to attack him. Instead of waiting for the other party to attack, he prefers to take the initiative!

When Lin Chen came out of the room, he kept walking. Following the residual smell in the air, he planned to find Jiang Binyu directly and clean up severely!

However, before he left the base, there was a man standing in front of him.

This man was Chen Yang who had provoked him before. At this time, his face was full of ridicule.

Chen Yang was excited. Qin Changxi had just left. Unexpectedly, the boy came out of the room. It was really a coincidence.

It seems that God is also helping him. He should teach this boy a lesson!

He is a talent of the heaven. He is arrogant. For the whole young generation of dragon resistance, only Wu Xiao can convince him.

But now, a new boy, dare to talk back to him, tit for tat, he is naturally unwilling to give up.

At this time, there were many people watching, all members of the dragon group.

Chen Yang is a genius of the dragon group. When he came here, he naturally attracted attention and his every move was noticed.

It can be said that he is the existence that the young people in the dragon group are longing for. They are all eager to become a day member of the dragon group like him in the future and a figure on the Dragon list!

Previously, Lin Chen taught zhaomingwei and zhaomingye a lesson here. His strength has been recognized by the public. Among them, twoorthree young girls also secretly pay attention to him.

However, now the twoorthree girls are looking at Chen Yang with some admiration, and Lin Chen directly becomes a foil.

For Lin Chen, some people have some pity in their eyes. They have offended Wu madman and Chen Yang. Even if Lin Chen is also a member of the dragon group, it is inevitable that he will be severely punished!

Of course, there are also people who gloat at. At this time, zhaomingwei and zhaomingye are both sneering and ready to see Lin Chen severely punished!

Lin Chen frowned at Chen Yang and said impatiently, "what do you want to do? I'm in a hurry. Hurry up!"

"Ha ha! In a hurry? Boy, why are you afraid now? Of course I want to fight you. If I'm afraid, that's OK. Bow your head and admit your mistake. If you see me in the future, go away. Do you know?" Chen Yang said proudly that Lin Chen was in a hurry. In his opinion, it was undoubtedly that Lin Chen was afraid.

The onlookers, hearing Lin Chen's words, looked a little disdainful.

Zhaomingwei hummed, "this guy has a thick skin. He is afraid when he is afraid. He still says that he is in a hurry. If he dare not fight, he dare not fight. How can there be so many excuses!"

"Hehe, can he not be afraid? Qin Changxi is not here, and no one can protect him. It would be strange if he really fought with Chen Yang and didn't get bruised!" Zhaomingye sneers.

"Chen Yang feels so handsome! He scared Lin Chen to run away!" A girl with a round face and big eyes looked at Chen Yang admiringly.

She joined the dragon group not long ago, and Chen Yang, the eighth expert in the Dragon list, is undoubtedly equivalent to the stars in the sky.

"You want to fight me? Yes!" Lin Chen nodded very simply, with cold eyes, "but I have one condition!"

His words stunned everyone. Unexpectedly, he dared to fight with Chen Yang and was so straightforward. It seemed that he was really in a hurry.

"What conditions?"

Chen Yang was also stunned, and then joked, "can't it be that I can't fight hard? Don't worry, after all, you are also a member of the dragon group. I can teach you some lessons at most, so that you can respect your elders and know what women you can't move, so as not to beat you half dead!"

He was telling the truth. If he really beat the other side to death, he would not be able to tell the superior.

What he wants is to teach Lin Chen a lesson and let him know the difference between him and himself!

"My condition is that if you lose, you will be my grandson. Every time you see me, you will call me grandpa!" Lin Chen ignored the other party's ridicule and said simply.

He suddenly felt that it was fun. This guy called himself Grandpa, and then he called Wu Xiao his eldest brother. Doesn't that mean that Wu Xiao also wants to call himself grandpa?

Chen Yang's smile froze, and then he couldn't help laughing again. He felt that Lin Chen might have a real brain problem, as if he really could win himself.

A newcomer who has just joined the dragon group and is several years younger than him dares to play with him like this. I really don't know how lofty and generous it is!

He sneered: "if you lose, will you call me Grandpa?"

"Yes!" Lin Chen said.

"Very good. I agreed to this condition. I picked up a grandson for nothing. It was fun!" Chen Yang smiled and decided that Lin Chen was absolutely an idiot. He dug a hole for himself!

Just then, a slightly hoarse and charming voice came from the side.

"Chen Yang, what are you doing? Are you asking Lin Chen for trouble?" Qin Changxi quickly walks to Lin Chen and glares at Chen Yang.

She didn't expect that she had just left to go to the bathroom. As a result, Chen Yang asked Lin Chen for trouble again. She felt a little sorry for Lin Chen. If it weren't for herself, he wouldn't be watched by a much stronger person.

Chen Yang was a little helpless when he saw Qin Changxi appear. How could this boy be so lucky? At a critical moment, he asked a woman to protect him!

The crowd was also disappointed. It seemed that there was no good show to see. There were not many opportunities to see Tianji members' action!

"I'll take care of it myself. Leave it alone."

Lin Chen was in a hurry. He didn't want to talk nonsense. He said something to Qin Changxi, then looked at Chen Yang and said, "is it starting now? If it does, I'm going to step out!"

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