Jiangbinyu was so pumped that he flew out and slammed into the wall!

Suddenly, the old and mottled walls showed cracks, like a spider web, which seemed to collapse at any time. It can be seen how terrible Lin Chen's power was!


Jiang Binyu fell to the ground in confusion, his cheeks swollen and his mouth full of blood!

"God! What do I see?" A young man of the yuan family gaped.

"Elder sister... My brother-in-law beat the elder of the yuan family away! Ah! How awesome! My brother-in-law is so awesome!" A tiger headed child shouted excitedly.

"This! How is this possible?" Leng Zhenyu, who was originally full of grief and indignation, looked stunned.

All the cold family members were stunned. The scene was too dreamy and unreal!

Jiangbinyu was a top man who had been famous for a long time in the ancient martial arts world. As a result, Lin Chen, a young man in his early twenties, directly slapped him!

It has to be said that Lin Chen once again brought them a great shock.

Leng Hanyan's pretty face was also surprised, and then she showed a happy face. Her man was so powerful!

"Damn it! Asshole!" Jiang Binyu, who fell to the ground, stood up with a carp, his hair dishevelled, roared, and looked at Lin Chen with surprise and anger.

He looked at me bitterly and said, "boy, I was careless just now. You dare to hit me in the face. You are dead. I will torture you severely and make you regret your behavior!"

Although he was slapped by Lin Chen, Jiang Binyu was not afraid.

In his opinion, the reason why Lin Chen was able to hit him was entirely because of his amazement at that moment. As long as he was serious, Lin Chen was not afraid at all.

"Hum! Your strength is not small. It can be regarded as a natural divine power. However, even so, it's impossible to defeat my innate late existence!" With a grim smile, Jiang Binyu rushed directly towards Lin Chen, as fast as a cannon ball!

Where he passed, the stone slabs under his feet broke one after another, making a loud noise, like a wild beast rushing towards its prey!

"Late congenital period?" Lin Chen's face flashed a trace of disdain. He stood there and didn't move at all. When Jiang Binyu rushed in front of him, another palm split out, bringing a gust of wind, like a Sharp Machete!

"Humph! Do you think I'll get caught again?" Jiang Binyu sneered, his right hand became a fist, and blasted at the palm of Lin Chen's hand!

He plans to destroy Lin Chen's palm with one punch. There is a difference between the late and middle period of congenital. He is confident that the other party can't take his own attack!

However, before he hit Linz in the palm, he felt a great force coming from his lower abdomen!


Jiangbinyu flies backward again and still bumps into the original wall!


This time, after a dull noise, the whole wall collapsed, and jiangbinyu was directly buried under the debris of the wall!

Lin Chen slowly took back his right foot and said, "I can't stand a blow!"

Many of the cold family members nearby twitched at the corners of their mouths. Lin Chen was just going to kick them with his feet, but it happened that he had the expression that I killed you with my palm, and fooled them. It's really a little cheap

"Ah ah ah!" The wall debris roared angrily, and then exploded. After a bang, the wall debris shot in all directions. Jiang Binyu rushed out from inside and rushed to Lin Chen again!

This time, his eyes were red and his expression was crazy. He looked almost crazy!

Jiangbinyu never thought that he would be beaten like this by Lin Chen. He is a veteran of the ancient martial arts world. Although he is a genius, he is just a fledgling boy.

In his script, it should be him who beat Lin Chen half dead and then took him back to the yuan family!

But now, he was kicked away by Lin Chen first, and then kicked away. He was so angry that his lungs exploded. At this time, he ignored it. There was only one belief in his mind, which was to beat Lin Chen half alive and kneel down to beg for mercy!

"Boy, you are dead! You are dead! I will make your life worse than death!"

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Binyu had rushed to Linchen. His legs made a force, and the ground under his feet exploded, leaving a pit about one meter in diameter. His right hand was in the shape of an eagle claw, snapping at Linchen's throat!

"Catch the dragon's claw!" Next to him was an old man with white temples, who exclaimed in surprise.

The rest of us are all awestruck!

Dragon claw is one of the powerful martial arts of the yuan family. It claims to be able to catch dragons and phoenixes. Even granite has to be caught with five holes. It can be called a real version of the nine Yin white bone claw!

Shaolin Temple has a unique skill called dragon claw hand. The yuan family dares to call their martial art dragon claw catching. In addition to their confidence, this skill is really powerful!

In the ancient martial world, there are many experts who died under the dragon claw of this move!

"Hum! I'll see who's dead!" Lin Chen's mouth was full of evil spirits. With a look of arrogance, he clenched his fist with his right hand and blasted away at Jiang Binyu's "catching the dragon's claw"!

"Idiot!" Jiang Binyu looked contemptuous. He was afraid of the most Yin and soft moves when he "captured the dragon's claws". What he liked most was the masculine way. Lin Chen hit him with a blow. He just caught the fist and crushed it!

When the other party punches, it's just like throwing sheep into the mouth of a tiger!

In an instant, Lin Chen's fists collided with Jiang Binyu. Jiang Binyu's claws for catching the Dragon opened slightly, like a huge snake opening its mouth, and was about to bite Lin Chen's fist!


However, at the moment when the palm of his hand touched Lin Chen's fist, Jiang Binyu's face had changed greatly, and he screamed: "how could it be!"

He found that his "dragon claw" could not catch Lin Chen's fist. The powerful force attached to Lin Chen's fist made his palm ache and his whole arm numb!

When Jiang Binyu hurried to retreat, Lin Chen sneered: "don't hurry to run. Try to see how powerful my 'double heaven' is. It was the first weight just now, and now it is the second weight!"

At the same time, his left foot moved forward slightly, his body leaned back slightly, and his whole body crackled and clattered. Then, like a bow and arrow, the fist held by Jiang Binyu rushed again!

Click, click


Jiang Binyu's palm made a snap sound, accompanied by a miserable howl, and he flew out again!

Lin Chen's move is double heaven. The second move is similar to the half step collapse fist of Xingyi fist. The body moves slightly, but it can burst out the strength of the whole body!

At this time, Jiang Binyu's entire palm has been completely shattered!

This time, Lin Chen didn't stop at all. While Jiang Binyu was still lying on the ground, he rushed over and gave Jiang Binyu a hard shoulder!

Boom! Boom!

Like a giant war beast stamping its feet, the whole Leng family courtyard was shaken by Lin Chen's two feet!

Jiangbinyu's eyes protruded and he howled again. His shoulders were bloody and his arms seemed boneless, like sausage hanging on his shoulders!

And he is looking at Lin Chen in horror!

Lin Chen's hegemonic power has scared him silly!

Lin Chen didn't stop. He grabbed his hair and put it in the air. A big slap in the face was drawn at him!


"I said, don't touch the people around me. You don't listen, do you?" Lin Chen scolded angrily and slapped her again!


"Yuan family cattle B, right? Gu Wu four families cattle B, right? I can't beat you to death!" He pointed to Jiang Binyu's nose and scolded again, and then slapped him in the face!


"You think you're very good, don't you? You're a fart in the late stage of your life!"


"Threaten me with my women? That's what I hate most!"


"Shit, your teeth are very strong. Only fiveorsix of them fell out after a few slaps. I have to believe that I can knock out all your teeth!"



Lin Chen slapped his face while swearing. He also complained that the other party's teeth were too firm, and Jiang Binyu had already bled from his seven orifices, like a dead dog!

All the people in the Leng family nearby, including Leng Hanyan, who was originally worried, were stupid!

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