Lin Chen was taken seriously by Han's mother when she came to find her. She didn't bother to talk to Han Shuang.

The next morning, Lin Chen went to pick up an Xueyao. As soon as she wanted to talk to her, she covered her ears. It was obvious that she was saying that I would not let you go to Guangyang city and the imperial capital. Lin Chen was bewildered.

When she arrived at the company, Lin Chen followed an Xueyao into her office and took the initiative to close the door.

"What do you... What do you want? I said I wouldn't let you go to Guangyang City, let alone the imperial capital!" Anxieyao sits on the seat and stares at Lin Chen angrily.

Lin Chen said, "I have to go. I have my reasons."

"You can't fly away!"

Anxieyao glared at him angrily, like a fried cat. "You are my bodyguard. Your duty is to follow me every day and run outside all day. What else can be the reason? Hum! Are there women waiting for you in Guangyang city and DIDU? Aren't I as beautiful as them?"

Lin Chen can't laugh or cry. Why is this girl's logic so strange.

He said: "because I am your bodyguard, I need to go to the capital."

"What do you mean? It's about me?" An Xueyao was stunned.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "about the man who wants to kill you, I have found a suspect. The man is in the imperial capital. I want to find her."

"Who is it?" An Xueyao's voice was cold for a few minutes. She was also very angry with the person who hurt her.

At the beginning, the man ordered people to destroy her appearance. If it weren't for Lin Chen, she would have become an ugly monster now.

Later, the man even asked her to be killed. She still doesn't know who is going to treat her like this!

"According to the clues I got, it may be weihanlei, the eldest daughter of the Wei family in the imperial capital." Lin Chen thought for a while, and still planned to tell anxieyao about it, at least to make her take precautions.

"The Wei family in the imperial capital?" Anxieyao was terrified. The Wei family, the capital of the Empire, was so terrible that it ranked among the top three of the seven aristocratic families.

Sky Entertainment is not qualified to compare with others.

"Well... Lin Chen, are you mistaken? I don't even know who Wei Hanlei is. Why did she do this to me?" Anxieyao looks at Lin Chen and says.

She knew the Wei family, the capital of the Empire, but she really didn't know what the eldest Miss Wei Hanlei was, and naturally it was impossible to offend her.

"You don't know her?" Lin Chen was also stunned. He wanted to ask an Xueyao if he had any grudges with this man. As a result, an Xueyao said he didn't know her!

An Xueyao shook her head and said, "I don't know."

Lin Chen frowned and said, "do you have any problems with the rest of the Wei family? Maybe Wei Hanlei is helping people vent their anger?"

Anxieyao still shook her head and said, "no, I haven't had any contact with the Wei family at all."

"That's strange!" Lin Chen's face was puzzled. In his opinion, he was half dead at that time. He was deeply afraid of being killed by his fist. There was really no need to deceive himself.

At that time, he carefully observed the other party's expression. The other party should not be lying. Lin Chen was still very confident about his own observation!

"Well, no matter how much, I'll just ask her!" Lin Chen said that in his opinion, even if he was not the leader of the Miss Wei family, he probably had something to do with her.

Anxieyao was startled: "Lin Chen, are you going to directly question the Wei family? And it's their eldest daughter. No! You're too reckless. We can't provoke the Wei family!"

Lin Chen didn't retort, but said with a smile: "if you can't afford to provoke me, don't worry. If she didn't do it, I wouldn't have any conflict with her, nor would I provoke the Wei family."

Anxieyao's face was complicated and said, "what if she did it?"

Lin Chen suddenly turned cold and said, "if she did it, she would let someone throw sulfuric acid on your face. Naturally, I would make her ugly too. If she let someone kill you, I would let her die!"

His tone was gloomy, and he didn't seem to be talking nonsense at all. The gloomy words moved an Xueyao.

"But even if she did it, she's from the Wei family. Lin Chen, don't mess around. If it was Wei Hanlei, you just need to figure out why she targeted me like this. At most, I'll apologize to her. We can't provoke the Wei family. As long as she lets me go!"

Anxieyao's tone is sincere. She is afraid that Lin Chen will mess around and finally hurt herself!

The Wei family is a behemoth. It really can't be provoked.

Lin Chen had made up her mind that if it was Wei Hanlei, she would never feel better. However, seeing that an Xueyao was so nervous, he said gently, "don't worry, I won't mess around."

"Yes." An Xueyao answered.

At this time, she was standing in front of Lin Chen. Her eyes were a little confused. She was also moved and happy, and said, "Lin Chen, kiss me."

Lin Chen was so dull that he thought he had heard wrong.

He looked at an Xueyao, but his heart beat faster because of an Xueyao.

Her face is slightly tilted back, her facial features are perfect, her skin is white and transparent, and her red lips are warm and shiny. She is a typical oriental beauty. Her eyes are the most beautiful, and it seems that there is spring flowing inside.

She was rated as "the dream lover of Chinese men" by the media, and now she is asking for a kiss?

Lin Chen can't react.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't move, anxieyao got angry. She stepped on Lin Chen's feet with her right foot and said, "I kiss you every time. This time I want you to kiss me!"

Her words made Lin Chen cry and laugh. It seemed that you took the initiative every time, and you kissed me so twice. Why now it sounds like you usually kiss me when you're free.

However, he was not the kind of person who sold his good behavior after getting a bargain, but said with a wry smile: "Yao Yao, you know, I have a woman."

Anxieyao looks like a goddess in front of outsiders, but in fact, the real her is like a fragile little girl. Lin Chen is a little afraid of her being hurt.

Lin Chen had to admit at this time that he really liked this young lady who was a little proud, but actually cared about people very much.

"I know." Anxieyao snorted, and she thought, I declared war with her!

Lin Chen is not liuxiahui either. Since an Xueyao has said so, he will not be hypocritical any more.

He kissed, and an Xueyao's lips were soft, elastic and slightly cold.

After a while, anxieyao was out of breath and pushed Lin Chen on the shoulder, because she said it was just a kiss. As a result, this guy didn't just touch his lips!

"Hmmm..." an Xueyao stares round her eyes, blushes like a monkey's ass, and her mouth is pried open by Lin Chen. She is so stupid that she lets Lin Chen mess around.

After a while, she felt that her tongue was numb. She couldn't help beating Lin Chen's chest with her fist.

Lin Chen loosened her hand on the back of her head and said with a smile, "how do you feel? Am I a professional kisser?"

"Professional... Professional you! I just asked you to kiss, you, how do you..." an Xueyao was so hot that she stuttered. The guy across the street was really shy.

"It's a kiss." Lin Chen said seriously, "but this is a kiss between adults. You may not understand it. As your bodyguard, I have the obligation to teach you."

Anxieyao: "...."

Finally, she could only bite her teeth and stare at the guy, then bowed her head and said shyly, "Lin Chen, you said you kissed me so much, so what is our relationship now?"

Lin Chen was stunned, and then reacted that he seemed to have fallen into the pit of the eldest young lady. The eldest young lady wanted to show her attitude.

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