
Chen Dongye snorted coldly. Lin Chen's words, in his opinion, were made angry by his own excellence, which made him more despised.

He was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with such a small man as Lin Chen. He looked at Zhang Yuerong and said, "Xiao Zhang, your boyfriend is really a bit bad. Just like him -"

"Please don't speak ill of my boyfriend in front of me. He is the best in my eyes!" Before he finished, he was directly interrupted by Zhang Yuerong in a cold voice.

Chen Dongye's face was stiff and angry. He felt that Zhang Yuerong really didn't appreciate it.

What's so good about such a little bodyguard? She deserves her protection. Even if she is a mistress for herself, she can't be compared with such a little bodyguard!

"Hehe, are you wondering why sister Rong likes me?" Lin Chen suddenly said.

Chen Dongye was stunned. He didn't expect that this guy could see his own thoughts directly because his eyes were so poisonous. However, he didn't bother to cover up. He sneered: "so what? Is it difficult? Is there anything you can boast about?"

People sitting nearby also looked this way.

Zhangyuerong was originally a conspicuous presence. In addition, Lin Chen and chendongye seemed to be arguing. At this time, everyone looked like watching a play.

Hearing Lin Chen's words, they were also curious, thinking in their hearts, what did the boy do to make the best imperial sister like him?

In particular, several of the men are like listening to the teachings and learning to pick up girls.

Lin Chen grinned, showing his white teeth, and said with a smile: "because I am so handsome, sister Rong loves me so much that she can't help it. But you are old and ugly. Of course, sister Rong is not interested in you!"

GA! All of a sudden, the scene was quiet!

The people on the other side were all speechless. This guy is so cheeky. Although you are handsome, you are not so handsome. Who would believe you!

They would rather believe that Lin Chen got the best imperial sister by her thick skin.

Chen Dongye's face darkened immediately.

Lin Chen not only praised him for being handsome, but also scolded him for being old and ugly!

Chen Dongye glared at Lin Chen and said, "boy, how dare you scold me?"

"Scold you? No, you are old and ugly. I just state the facts. How can I scold you?" Lin Chen spread his hands, with an innocent expression on his face.

Zhangyuerong watched him play with a smile on her face.

Seeing that Zhang Yuerong also laughed, Chen Dongye was even more angry. He immediately pointed to Lin Chen's nose and scolded: "boy, don't be shameless. What are you! You dare to be arrogant in front of me again. Believe it or not, I'll slap you to death?"

He was tall and big, plus he was a little fat, and his body size was a bigger model than Lin Chen. Everyone was shocked at his words.

In their opinion, if the fight really broke out, Lin Chen might have to be scratched by his hair.

At this time, the stewardess noticed the situation here, hurried over and said to Chen Dongye and Lin Chen, "what happened? Please don't make a noise here. If anything happens, we can always solve it by talking calmly."

"Hum! There's nothing to talk about!" Chendongye saw that everyone was obviously optimistic about him. He was even more proud. He pointed to Lin Chen and said, "unless this boy bows his head and apologizes to me, I have to deal with him!"

The stewardess looked worried. If there was any trouble here, she would also be scolded. She looked at Lin Chen and asked tentatively, "Sir, do you see?"

In her opinion, Lin Chen can't beat each other. It's better to fall down and apologize.

"Let me do a magic trick for you." Lin Chen suddenly laughed. His words stunned everyone. He thought that people would beat you up. You still have to do magic tricks. What is it with.

"Magic?" The stewardess was also stunned.

"Hum! Do you think I'll stop beating you if you do a magic trick to please me?" Chendongye joked.

Lin Chen didn't say anything. She looked at Zhang Yuerong and said with a smile, "sister Rong, give me the small iron spoon in your cup of coffee."

"Yes." Zhangyuerong takes out a small iron spoon with a smile, wipes it clean and hands it to Lin Chen.

The crowd was even more confused. They didn't know what this guy wanted to do. What's more, Zhang Yuerong's expression made them speechless. People were going to beat your man. You could even laugh.

But they don't know. In Zhang Yuerong's opinion, it's good that her men don't beat people. How can they be beaten by others.

"I'd like to see what you're doing. Unless you apologize, I'll never forgive you!" With a sneer, Chen Dongye crossed his hands in front of his chest, looking like Lin Chen.

"Look, this is a small iron spoon." Lin Chen raised the iron spoon and smiled at the crowd.

He's just killing time now. After all, it's boring to sit around.

"An iron spoon, and then?" A man on the other side of the aisle wondered.

"Yes, handsome boy, what magic do you want to do?" A woman with fashionable clothes is a wonder.

"Sir, what do you want?" The stewardess was also confused. When she met such a person for the first time, people would beat him. He even smiled and wanted to do magic tricks. It was too wonderful.

"Look! The iron spoon has turned into a fried dough twist!" Lin Chen seized the two ends of the iron spoon and twisted it. Suddenly, the iron spoon seemed to be made of mud and turned into a fried dough twist!

"Ah?" Everyone is stupid. What is the situation!

The iron spoon used to stir coffee is made of steel. It turns into a fried dough twist. It's incredible!

Chen Dongye twitched from the corners of his eyes, felt some cold sweat on his forehead, and suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart.

"Look, the time has come to witness miracles!" Lin Chen shrugged with a smile, put the iron spoon in his two palms, rubbed it, and then spread the palm.

The iron spoon is missing, leaving only a small round iron block!

"Ah!" At this moment, all eyes were wide open, and some people screamed directly.

"Sleeping trough, brother, have you practiced iron sand palm?"

"I wipe, master! I didn't expect to be able to reach such an awesome B figure by taking a plane! Isn't the Hulk so strong? How hard it must be!"

"Friend, your iron spoon... Er, no, it's an iron ball. Can you show me?"

All the people exclaimed with disbelief. Some people were more rational and suspected that the iron spoon in Lin Chen's hand was fake.

"Yes." Lin Chen smiled and directly threw the iron ball to the middle-aged man who said to let him see it.

Soon, people all confirmed that this was not a prop, it was really made of steel. Several big men worked hard for a long time, and their milk strength was used. Their faces turned red, but the shape of the iron ball remained the same!

At this moment, all the people looked at Lin Chen with astonishment, as if they were looking at a monster!

Lin Chen looked at Chen Dongye, who was pale and his eyelids were jumping wildly. He smiled and said, "how about beating me? I don't think your head is round enough. Do you want me to rub it for you?"

Chen Dongye trembled and turned pale. Lin Chen just rubbed the iron spoon, and the iron spoon turned into an iron ball. If he rubbed his head, it would burst!

Seeing that Chen Dongye was half scared to death, his body trembled. He bowed his head and dared not answer at all. Like a shrinking turtle, everyone really despised him.

Just now, it seems that he has pulled 250000 yuan. Now he finds that he is an expert and counsels!

"Coward, bully the soft and fear the hard!" Don't know who murmured a sarcastic sentence, chendongye heard it, and immediately the whole face turned pig liver color.

However, he was still afraid to speak. It was better to shrink his head than to be rubbed down by this guy!

He really did not expect that this little bodyguard should be so abnormal. NIMA, even the bodyguard of the national leader, is not so scary!

Chendongye regretted that he would never have said anything to beat someone else if he had known that the other party was so powerful.

"Do you know why I didn't hit you directly?" Lin Chen said faintly.

"Yes, why?" Chendongye said.

"Because you don't deserve it." Lin Chen sneered.

All of a sudden, Chen Dongye's face seemed to have opened a dye shop, with various colors alternating.

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