"Another way to play? Tell me about it." Lin Chen has a wonderful way.

At this time, Li Han's words made Lin Chen a little confused.

He said to a bystander, "bring the apple!"

Then, unexpectedly, someone really took two apples. After Lihan took them, he handed one to Lin Chen: "take it!"

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen picked it up and asked.

Li Han flashed a joke in his eyes and said:

"The playing method is very simple! The two sides take turns to stand 500 meters away with the apple, and the other side shoots the apple! If the body moves in the process, it will be lost! If it doesn't move, the one who blows up the apple will win!"

"Ah? No! It's too dangerous!" As soon as Li Han's voice fell, Han Shuang screamed out before Lin Chen spoke.

If one side stands 500 meters away with an apple, and the other side shoots, the muzzle of the gun is slightly off the side and hits a person, that's the end!

At this time, no one paid attention to Han Shuang's exclamation.

The Falcon team all looked at Lin Chen provocatively.

They were also pulled by Li Han to play this game.

As a result, some people were scared to throw away the apple and run away before Li Han shot it. Some people insisted that the apple was exploded and then collapsed on the ground at the same time. Some people were scared to the next few days. As long as they heard the gunshot, they would have a subconscious twitch!

This unique method was specially used by Li Han to practice their courage!

Although the big apple is 500 meters away, there will be no accident for Li Han, but if the target moves randomly, there may be an accident!

This is simply playing with your life!

Li Han won't play with them at the beginning, but only after confirming that their mentality has reached a certain level, can he dare to play like this!

Even then, they were scared to death.

In their opinion, Lin Chen probably didn't dare to play when he heard this kind of play. Even if he dared to play, he would be scared to pee in the end!

"Hey, hey! There's a good show! The captain should try to destroy the boy's authority!"

"Ha ha, Xiao Liu, do you think he would be scared to pee his pants just like you?"

"Lying in the trough, zhanghexuan, do you still talk about me? In my opinion, this boy must be as scared as you were. He is paralyzed on the ground!"

"According to me, he doesn't dare to play like this! The captain is beating him. Wait, ha ha, he will be killed by the captain!"

People in the Falcon team talked about it one after another. They just felt that they were elated and had found their face!

"You can throw in the towel without playing. However, if you throw in the towel, I think you might as well join our Falcon team. I'll teach you how to polish your mind in the future!" Li Han smiled and said his purpose directly. He wanted to bring Lin Chen under his command!

At this time, Han Fu also said with a smile, "that's right, boy. Otherwise, I will become a soldier under my hands. I will practice you well!"

"No! You're just bullying people. Lin Chen hasn't played like this before. How can he dare to play like this at once!" Han Shuang didn't like to say that she didn't want Lin Chen to be a big soldier under her father's hands. In that case, her father said everything!

"No? Why not? It feels very interesting." However, Lin Chen laughed and shook his hand with the apple.

He felt that this was indeed a way to test his mental endurance.

On the battlefield, when soldiers shoot themselves, they also have to withstand the great psychological pressure of being hit by other people's bullets. This kind of play is equivalent to a simulated training of that kind of pressure!

"Do you really want to play?" Lihan was stunned and looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

In fact, he just wants to beat Lin Chen. He'd better bring this talent into the Falcon team. Unexpectedly, Lin Chen really wants to play!

The others also looked at Lin Chen in surprise.

Han Fu could not help admiring Lin Chen.

"Yes." Lin Chen said.

"Well, I'll play with you and try your bravery!" Li Han nodded. Just because he dared to play doesn't mean he won't be scared silly or even pee. When facing the flying bullets, the terrible pressure is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!

In his opinion, although Lin Chen dares to play, he will be scared to death. He will lose the apple and lie on the ground!

As long as the body moves, Lin Chen has already lost!

He warned: "remember, if you are afraid, you can lie down or run, but you must not move towards the side with the apple, you know?"

He doesn't want to make a hole in Lin Chen!

Lin Chen didn't answer, but said with a smile, "let's change the way we play and play something more exciting. I think it's not hard enough."

"More exciting, not hard enough?" Everyone was stunned. Li Han's face froze, and then became a little ugly. He thought Lin Chen was aimless and talking nonsense!

This kind of play is all about life. If you say it is not hard enough, how can you be hard enough?

"Boy, don't you dare to play? If you don't dare to play, don't play. Just say it. What else can you do? Don't make excuses?" Some people complained.

The rest of the people looked at Lin Chen with some disdain. In their opinion, Lin Chen probably wanted to change a safe way of playing, but he couldn't save face, so he was talking nonsense!

"If you dare not play, forget it!" Han Fu said in a deep voice.

In fact, he also reacts at this time. This playing method is too dangerous for a person whose mind has not been trained.

Lin Chen, after all, is Han Shuang's boyfriend. Although he hasn't been recognized by the Han family, he really made a problem out of him. That's what he told his daughter!

Therefore, at this time, I thought Lin Chen didn't dare to play, so I simply pushed the boat along the river, but my evaluation of Lin Chen naturally dropped a few points.

Lin Chen didn't speak. Instead, he took the apple and rushed to the distance. After a while, he stopped at the 500 meter line in the distance.

"What does he want?" Everyone was confused. Didn't this guy dare to play? Why did he run 500 meters again.

Then they were stunned. Lin Chen put the apple directly on his head, pointed to the apple, and grinned at them.

Everyone was shocked and then shouted.

"Sleeping trough!"

"Sleeping trough! Really?"

"This guy is crazy!"

"NIMA, I'm hallucinating, aren't I? He's asking the captain to shoot the apple on his head. He's not afraid of being shot in the head?"

Many people directly burst out rude words, which was really too excited, because Lin Chen's meaning was very obvious, that was to shoot at the apple on his head!

They also understood that Lin Chen just said that Li Han's playing method was not hard enough, and they wanted to change a more exciting playing method. Now it seems that they really didn't want to change a safer one, but changed a stimulating one that made them tremble!

However, this NIMA is too cruel. It's a brain. If you're not careful and your brain bursts out, you won't be sent to the hospital, but to the crematorium!

At this time, the people looked at Lin Chen as if they were looking at a desperate madman!

"This, this kid wants to play so big?" Han Fu's mouth widened and his eyes widened.

In his opinion, Lin Chen is a day after tomorrow's peak ancient martial artist, who can avoid the shooting of ordinary guns. However, this method of play stipulates that the body must not move, otherwise he will lose!

In other words, Lin Chen is simply playing with his life naked. It is extremely dangerous!

Han Shuang and Han's mother were also stunned on the spot, and the flowers were pale.

Lihan took a smoke from the corner of his eye. Lin Chen played like this. Even the shooter had to bear the terrible psychological pressure!

"Don't be dazed. Shoot quickly. It's my turn when you finish!" In the distance, Lin Chen's voice came over. It was obviously said to Lihan.

Everyone was speechless, because this guy's voice was a little too relaxed, as if he was still excited.

"Lin Chen, are you sure you want to play like this?" Lihan shouted loudly.

"That's right! You're cruel. It's hard enough to be so cruel!" Lin Chen replied.

Li Han almost wants to cry. NIMA is really cruel!

He suddenly found that his original words of pretending to be "B" seemed to pit himself.

"Yes! OK! Just play!" Lihan took a deep breath. The other side dared to play like this. As the captain of the Falcon team, he must not shrink back.

Otherwise, it would be disgraceful!

Li Han stood at the shooting position. Everyone held their breath and their hearts were all in their mouths!

Han Shuang knew that Lin Chen dared to play like this. It was estimated that Lin Chen had something to rely on, but he still couldn't help telling Lihan: "Uncle Li, you must aim at him and don't hit him!"

Li Han nodded and shouted to Lin Chen, "if you are afraid, you can lie down and never go up!"

Then he took the gun and aimed at the apple on Lin Chen's head. He aimed for a full minute. When his forehead was sweating, he gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger!


The bullet flew out and shot at Lin Chen!

The crowd immediately looked at Lin Chen to see if he was directly scared to lie on the ground and pee when he saw lihanzhen shooting!

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