"Join Star Entertainment?" Jiangmengshu was stunned. He didn't expect that the other party was not going to talk about cooperation with him, but to dig himself up!

She shook her head and said, "sorry, Mr. Tao, I have signed a formal contract with Tianqiong entertainment."

Taokangsheng said with a smile: "Oh, Miss Jiang, the contract you signed with Tianqiong entertainment is a completely equal contract, so you don't have to care too much! As long as you are willing to come to me, Tianqiong entertainment can't trouble you, and you can get better resources than Tianqiong entertainment!"

Jiangmengshu was stunned when he heard the speech. How could the other party know that he had signed a completely equal contract?

She suddenly looked at Zeng Yiting and said, "sister Ting, you -"

"Yes, I told Mr. Tao!"

Zeng Yiting did not shy away from it either. She directly answered the question and said to jiangmengshu:

"Meng Shu, don't be silly. You can get better resources when you come to xinghuan entertainment, which is more promising than staying in the sky. What are you hesitating about? Don't you understand the truth that good birds choose trees to live in?"

Jiangmengshu's face was even worse when he heard her.

In jiangmengshu's opinion, she can have today because an Xueyao gave her a chance.

Even if she signed a completely equal contract, she never thought of leaving Tiantian entertainment, because that would make her feel like an ungrateful person!

She looked at Zeng Yiting with some anger in her heart.

Zeng Yiting said on the phone that she was coming to talk about film cooperation, but now she is trying to persuade her to jump the nest!

She had always regarded Zeng Yiting as her sister. At this time, she felt as if she had been betrayed.

She said in a cold voice, "sister Ting, stop talking! I won't leave the sky for entertainment!"

Hearing her words, Lin Chen smiled and said to her heart that although the girl is now famous, she still keeps her simplicity. It's really rare.

The faces of taokangsheng and Zeng Yiting became somewhat gloomy.

They did not expect that jiangmengshu would refuse so directly. It was not about talking about conditions at all, but about not having to discuss at all!

"Miss Jiang, are you sure you won't think about it?" Taokangcheng suddenly made a negative measurement.

Jiangmengshu was shocked by his cold eyes. In the final analysis, she was just a girl in her early twenties. At this time, she was inevitably afraid.

At this time, she suddenly found that her hand was held by others, and turned her head to see Lin Chen with an encouraging smile on her face.

The fear in her heart disappeared instantly. She looked at Tao Kangsheng firmly and said, "don't think about it. I will never jump to the star ring for entertainment!"

"Jiangmengshu, don't be arrogant. Don't be shameless. Who do you think you are? Do you really think you are already a big star?"

At this time, Zeng Yiting slapped on the table, stood up and pointed to jiangmengshu's nose and scolded angrily.

Jiangmengshu looked at her in disbelief. She couldn't believe it. The fierce woman in front of her was sister Ting, who was very kind to herself and looked very kind.

Lin Chen frowned, but made no noise. Since jiangmengshu chose to enter this circle, she should see something clearly.

It's good to keep her heart simple, but there are some things she should understand.

Zeng Yiting looked at jiangmengshu and said with a sneer, "I tell you, when you step into this circle and enter this big dye vat, the white will also become black! I have seen a lot of little girl movies like you. The last Liu Yuxin I took was just like you at the beginning, and he talked about moral principles. In the end, he didn't become a ten thousand people riding and slept with the big directors in the circle?"

Jiangmengshu's face was unbelievable. Liu Yuxin was a actress she liked very much. She took the pure route.

Zeng Yiting sneered: "why, don't you believe it? At first, I drugged her and sent her to Ludiao's bed. Later, I tasted the sweetness. Without my saying, she knew how to climb into other people's beds! Which one of liyuehe and zhangyuanyu didn't sleep with countless insiders? Chenzihan used to sell in nightclubs, you know? These people are all held up by my mother. If you want to be popular, just be obedient!"

Liyuehe, zhangyuanyu and chenzihan are all the actresses Zeng Yiting once took. Now they are all doing well in the entertainment industry.

Jiangmengshu felt like a hammer hitting her heart. She was extremely depressed. She never thought that the women who looked so beautiful and enviable would be so dirty.

Seeing that jiangmengshu's face was ugly, Zeng Yiting sneered and said, "how about these women? Do you think they are dirty now? However, I have met a woman who would rather die than sleep with others. Lan Xue, if you know?"

If Lanxue had been a female star in the past, but later she didn't know what was going on, she suddenly disappeared in front of people.

Jiangmengshu looks at Zeng Yiting. Obviously, she knows who Lanxue is.

Zeng Yiting's originally beautiful face turned ferocious and sneered:

"Lan Xue would have preferred to die rather than sleep with Director Liu at the beginning. As a result, all the roles she had won were gone. She was so angry that my mother threw her directly to brother Lang on the road. Later, she was forced to sell meat. Did she still sleep with a lot of men? Finally, she committed suicide, but how little did it bring me some income!"

She pointed to jiangmengshu's nose and said darkly, "I tell you, it's ok if you want to jump to xinghuan tonight for entertainment. If you don't want to, you'll be ruined if you cut off my money!"

Jiangmengshu stared at Zeng Yiting dumbfounded. The words of the other party had a great impact on her heart. She had never thought that the world had such a dark side.

Zeng Yiting, who was originally regarded as her sister, turned out to be a devil who ate people and didn't spit out bones!

"Well, Xiaoting, don't scare Miss Jiang!"

Seeing that Zeng Yiting had finished speaking, taokangsheng smiled, looked at jiangmengshu and said, "Miss Jiang, you'd better think about it again! What Xiaoting said is ugly, but it's also a fact. If you don't listen, it seems that I need to teach you!"

When he talked about the back, he made no secret of the threat in his tone. The two men in black behind Linchen and jiangmengshu had already stared at jiangmengshu and Linchen respectively.

At this time, jiangmengshu also found that the two people behind him were not good at looking at each other. He could not help feeling a little nervous.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Chen suddenly smiled at taokangsheng.

Taokangsheng frowned. He didn't know what was wrong with Lin Chen. He could still laugh at this time. He was a little surprised because Lin Chen was too calm from beginning to end. What's the origin of this guy?

"Idiot, when did you get to talk here?"

Zeng Yiting yelled at Lin Chen directly, and then said to Tao Kangsheng, "Mr. Tao, this guy is an Xueyao's bodyguard. It is estimated that his skill is good, so now he has nothing to fear!"

Hearing this, Lin Chen understood why the woman had changed her attitude towards her.

Feeling is because I think I am a bodyguard and a nobody, so I don't take it seriously.

A cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. He was not going to let go of such a snobbish and vicious woman.


Taokangsheng was relieved when he heard the speech. He looked at Lin Chen jokingly and said, "boy, do you think you can fight well? Do you think you can beat my two bodyguards?"

The two men in black behind Lin Chen looked at him with an unhappy face. Their eyes disdained him to the extreme. It seemed that they didn't even bother to say a word to Lin Chen.

Lin Chen nodded simply, "yes!"

Then he looked at Tao Kangsheng with a smile and added: "do you think it's useless for me to fight again, because both of your bodyguards are armed?"

"Er..." Tao Kangsheng looked stunned, and suddenly had an ominous premonition.

He didn't understand how the boy knew that his two bodyguards were armed, and he was so confident after knowing that!

This kind of performance, either the other party is a madman, or there is a reliance.

But he looked at the evil smile on Lin Chen's face. He didn't look like a madman at all!

"This guy is weird. Take out the gun and get him first!" Taokangsheng pointed to Lin Chen and shouted at the two bodyguards!

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