When Lin Chen saw that jiangmengshu turned pale, she remembered that she was so happy when she saw her tonight. She couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

However, he doesn't want to hide his affairs with an Xueyao or even his other women. If jiangmengshu asks, he will admit it.

He never felt like this. He needed to cover it up!

He is really greedy. Su Xiran, ye Yiren, Leng Hanyan and others all want to live forever with them, even forever. But at least he is bold and will not cheat women.

Today's jiangmengshu is undoubtedly a personal beauty. What's more, she is naturally obsequious.

After the body was broken, he became charming and attracted men like poison. In ancient times, it was su Daji's existence that brought disaster to the country and the people.

However, no matter how attractive jiangmengshu is, Lin Chen thinks that men and women should always pay attention to one thing: you love me, so he doesn't want to hide anything from her.

"Meng Shu, it's very late. I'll open two more rooms. Then you can have a rest. Tomorrow afternoon, Hong Jie will be here. She is your new agent." Lin Chen said.

"Is Hongjie my new agent?" Jiangmengshu was surprised at first, then smiled bitterly.

Hongjie is the top agent in the circle. No star doesn't want to cooperate with her.

However, she is an Xueyao's agent. An Xueyao even asked her to follow him. In jiangmengshu's opinion, this is undoubtedly because she knew Lin Chen.

Now, she also understands why she has signed a completely equal contract with sky entertainment.

No doubt it's because of Lin Chen!

Now it seems that Lin Chen is not in love with an Xueyao. An Xueyao also likes him very much. They are just Lang qingqie!

Jiangmengshu felt that he was like a poor man who needed Lin Chen's help all the time, while an Xueyao was a princess. The knight belonged to the princess, not to her!

When Linchen saw that jiangmengshu didn't speak, he found the front desk again and opened two rooms.

After all, who knows whether taokangsheng and Zeng Yiting did anything unsuitable for children before in the presidential suite.

After opening the room, jiangmengshu hesitated before entering the door. He looked at Lin Chen and asked, "Lin Chen, do you really like an Xueyao?"

"Yes." Lin Chen replied without any hesitation.

"Congratulations on your success!" Jiangmengshu smiled reluctantly, pushed open the door and went in, and conveniently closed the door.

Lin Chen touched his nose and muttered, "I really like Yaoyao, but I like more than Yaoyao!"

Thinking about this, Lin Chen felt that he seemed to be a bit of a philanderer, but the problem was that for his women, he was really sincere and even willing to pay his life for them.

Does it happen that he wants to bind his heart for the sake of the so-called secular rules?

He doesn't know what others will do, but at least Lin Chen won't!

When he got the inheritance, Leng Dongliu told him that no matter whether he chose to become a devil or a saint in the future, he just needed to follow his original heart.

Follow your heart and ask me to be free. This is his martial arts of Lin Chen. Why should you explain to the world that the so-called secular rules can be broken with one blow as long as he is strong enough!

Thinking of this, Lin Chen seemed to have a clear understanding in his heart, and there was no more entanglement.

The next morning, Lin Chen got up as early as usual to practice. Unfortunately, without the support of Tiancai and Dibao, he was forced to enter the country slowly.

Of course, the so-called slow entry is relative to himself. If others know his cultivation speed, they will probably be envious and jealous.

In a few months, Lin Chen has directly changed from an ordinary person to a super strong person in the later stage of his life. He has also seen the peerless beauty of Leng Dongliu. Naturally, his pursuit is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

At the end of his training, Han Shuang called and asked him where he had gone.

When Lin Chen left the Han family last night, she didn't talk to Han Shuang, so she went to ask Lin Chen to have breakfast in the morning and found that Lin Chen was not there. She thought he had gone somewhere early in the morning.

Lin Chen didn't explain, just said that there were some things to do, but Han Shuang didn't say anything, because Lin Chen had already told her that he also had some things to do when he came to the imperial capital.

After telling Lin Chen to turn on the phone, Han Shuang hangs up.

All morning, jiangmengshu didn't come out of his room.

Lin Chen was a little confused at first. He went to her door to listen carefully and confirmed that she was in the room. Then he was relieved.

At twelve o'clock at noon, jiangmengshu was still in the room. Lin Chen couldn't help knocking on her door.

"Meng Shu, won't you come out for lunch?"

"No, you can eat by yourself. I'm not hungry." Some of jiangmengshu's hoarse voice came out.

"Er... What happened to your voice?" Lin Chen wondered.

"It's all right. I didn't rest well a few days ago. Today, I suddenly feel uncomfortable in my voice. I'm really not hungry. You can go to dinner by yourself. By the way, sister Hong contacted me just now. She will be here in a moment. You can do your own things. Don't stay here with me!"

Seeing that jiangmengshu was determined not to come out, Lin Chen had no choice. When it was almost two o'clock in the afternoon, sister Hong finally arrived at the hotel.

Linchen felt relieved when she saw that sister Hong was coming.

He trusted Hong Jie quite a lot. After telling her that he could call him when something happened, he left.

Sister Hong already knows the relationship between an Xueyao and Lin Chen, so she is much more polite to Lin Chen than before.

After seeing Lin Chen off, sister Hong knocked on jiangmengshu's door.

"Meng Shu, Lin Chen is gone. Why don't you send him off?"

With a creak, the door opened and jiangmengshu appeared behind the door.

When she saw jiangmengshu, she was shocked: "Mengshu, what's the matter with you? Have you cried?"

At this time, jiangmengshu was still wearing the same clothes as last night, short skirts, silk stockings and knitwear. However, at this time, his hair and clothes were a little messy, his face was haggard, his eyes were red and swollen, and he looked in a poor state.

"No, I didn't cry. I'm just feeling sick! Come in and sit down, sister Hong. I'll go to freshen up and change my clothes."

Jiangmengshu smiled reluctantly. While talking, he turned aside and let sister Hong in.

Last night, she tried to stop thinking about Lin Chen and let herself give up, but she couldn't control her feelings at all. Finally, jiangmengshu decided to at least hide her feelings.

In her opinion, Lin Chen has helped her too much. Anyway, she doesn't want her feelings to bring trouble to Lin Chen.

She advised herself that it was not necessary to hug her if she liked it. It was good to look at it from a distance.


As soon as Lin Chen left the hotel, he received a strange phone call.

As soon as the phone was connected, a cold and domineering voice came from the opposite side.

"Are you Lin Chen?"

"It's me. Who are you?" The tone of the other party was very impolite and domineering, which made Lin Chen frown.

"I am Wuxiao!"

"Wuxiao?" Lin Chen was stunned and then reacted.

Wuxiao is a wumaniac. With just one word, Qin Changxi, who makes no man in the dragon group dare to pursue!

Last time, Mr. Jiang, the Dragon King, told him that Wuxiao had told him that he would teach himself some lessons when he came back from abroad.

As a result, both jianglao and qinchangxi, the Dragon King, called and said that if Wuxiao bothered him, they would notify them and they would help solve the problem.

Now it seems that this guy has come back from abroad and wants to trouble himself? Lin Chen thought.

As far as he knows, Wuxiao is just a congenital mid-term existence, and there is no threat to him today.

He said with a faint smile, "why, are you looking for me to fight?"

However, Wu Xiao on the other side sneered:

"You are such a coward. You don't even dare to take part in the dragon race. Don't pretend to be so brave! I tell you, you can avoid the first day of junior high school, but not the fifteenth day of junior high school. You dare to take advantage of my woman. Even if you are a member of the dragon group, you must kneel down and repent!

By the way, let me tell you another news. Chang Xi is already my woman. You are just a loser! "

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