Hearing the speech, Qin Changxi's face was a little stiff, and then a little dim.

She did not shy away, and said bluntly: "Wu Xiao stepped into the late congenital period, and then contacted my parents, who promised to marry me to him."

When Lin Chen heard the speech, he was stunned: "you don't want to. Can your parents still force you to fail?"

Qin Changxi shook her head and said, "my parents didn't force me. I was born in a small ancient martial family. If I can marry a strong man in the later stage of my life, it will bring great benefits to my family. My family, in the ancient martial world, will also be greatly improved."

When Lin Chen heard the speech, he admired Qin Changxi.

This woman is typical of sacrificing herself for her family. Before, Lin Chen could feel that she didn't like Wuxiao at all, but now she wants to marry Wuxiao for her family.

As for what she said, it is not difficult to understand that a congenital late strong person can enhance her family's status in the ancient martial world.

You know, in Nanhua Province, the strongest member of the Xiang family, known as the first ancient martial family, is just a congenital metaphase!

In the late congenital period, it is rare in the ancient martial world, and each one has some terrible influence!

Seeing that her face was a little melancholy, Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders, pointed to himself, and said with a smile: "in fact, if you insist on pulling a man to support your family, I think I am much more suitable than that Wuxiao, or I will cover you in the future?"

Qin Changxi gave him a white look and said, "Why are you so conceited? If you really go against Wu Xiao, he can clean you up with one hand. I really can't see how you are more suitable than him!"

Lin Chen looked at him with disdain and said, "what if I win him?"

Qin Changxi saw him as if he really thought he could win. He couldn't help but feel a little funny. His melancholy also dissipated. He smiled and said, "if you win, why don't you propose marriage with my family and I will marry you?"

Lin Chen said with a laugh, "marry me? The problem is, I already have a wife, and there is more than one. If you want to marry me, you can only be very late in the queue. Now even my little wife has been booked and can't take your turn. Otherwise, you can be a bed warming servant girl for me? I haven't got a bed warming servant girl yet!"

When Lin Chen talked about his little wife, he couldn't help thinking about long Xuelan's face and heart. He didn't know where the woman was now.

"Warm bed maid?" Qin Changxi was stunned, and then she was a little ashamed. This guy really dared to say that he even asked himself to be her bed warming servant girl!

She could not help but glared at Lin Chen fiercely and said, "OK! If you can win Wuxiao today, I will be a bed warming servant girl for you. So what? Did you win the key?"

Lin Chen just joked with her. Unexpectedly, the woman looked down upon her so much. It seemed that she was sure to lose. He was also a little depressed, so he nodded and said, "well, I'll go to win and show you. Let's go!"

Qin Changxi saw that Lin Chen obviously would not listen to the advice, but shook her head slightly. Then she started the car and drove towards the headquarters of the dragon group

About an hour later, the bus arrived at the dragon group headquarters.

The dragon group headquarters looks similar to the military region where Han Shuang's family is located, but it gives people a more strict feeling.

After a while, the car stopped in an open place. It was estimated that it was as big as threeorfour football fields.

In the middle of the arena, there was a huge challenge arena. Lin Chen estimated that it was hundreds of square meters, which was much larger than the general boxing arena.

There were many people around the challenge arena. Lin Chen saw many people he knew.

Jiang Lao, zhenghongtao, and Chen Yang, Wuxiao's younger brother, who was taught a lesson by him in Yuehai city that day, were present. The rest of them also had a strong momentum. Obviously, they were not ordinary people. They should all be members of the dragon group who came to participate in the Dragon raising competition.

According to Mr. Jiang, in today's dragon race, basically all the sky level members of the dragon group, that is, the inborn strong, will come. On the contrary, the members of the three levels of earth, Xuan and Huang are only part of them.

After all, there are all inborn strong people on the Dragon list, so only Tianji members can win the last ten places in the Dragon promotion competition and be qualified to challenge the ten people on the Dragon list!

Qin Changxi, the first beauty in the dragon group, is still a striking presence even though other young people dare not make up their minds about her because of Wu Xiao.

As soon as she and Lin Chen got out of the car, they attracted the attention of everyone. Everyone was curious about who this young man was. He dared to get so close to Qin Changxi!

Seeing Lin Chen, the Dragon King was helpless. He knew that it was obvious that Qin Changxi had not persuaded Lin Chen. Then he nodded at Lin Chen.

Zhenghongtao looked surprised.

Chen Yang was angry and stared at Lin Chen. When Lin Chen and Qin Changxi approached, he said in a deep voice: "Lin Chen, how dare you come here?"

Last time at the dragon group base in Yuehai City, he was kicked down by Lin Chen and couldn't get up. Finally, he called Lin Chen "Grandpa". This humiliation is hard for him to forget!

Hearing Chen Yang calling the young man Lin Chen, all the people were surprised.

The ambiguous scene between Lin Chen and Qin Changxi in Yuehai base has long been spread among the dragon group, especially among the men.

Many of them have ideas about Qin Changxi, but because of Wu Xiao, they don't dare to make any moves, and their hearts are also somewhat oppressed.

Although Lin Chen kissed Qin Changxi, which made them jealous, many people also felt evil and admired Lin Chen.

They didn't see Lin Chen appear these two days. They thought Lin Chen was afraid of Wuxiao, so they didn't dare to come, but they didn't expect that the other party would appear in the last afternoon!

"What's the matter? Doesn't it mean that this guy is afraid of Wuxiao so he doesn't dare to come here?"

"Yes, and why did Qin Changxi come with him? This boy really wants to die. Wu Xiao will never forgive him!"

"He not only moved Wuxiao's woman, but even beat Chen Yang. Chen Yang was Wuxiao's man!"

"Although I admire him very much, I can only pay him a moment of silence now! Wu Xiao has entered the late congenital period. Besides the Dragon King and Hong Tianxing, he is the invincible presence in our dragon group. This boy has come to the mouth of a sheep and a tiger!"

Many people looked at Lin Chen with sympathetic eyes. They were still discussing. Although Lin Chen was afraid of Wuxiao, he didn't dare to come here. Some cowards, but at least he escaped a disaster. Unexpectedly, now he came to the door by himself!

Then they all looked at a young man with narrow eyes beside Chen Yang.

The young man seemed to have a rebellious feeling. His facial features were firm, his face was like a knife, and his body was slender. At this time, he was lifting his mouth, slightly narrowed his long and narrow eyes, and looked at Lin Chen with a look down attitude, as if Lin Chen was his prey.

Lin Chen looked at Chen Yang, who was shouting at him. His face was not angry, but instead he smiled and said, "good grandson, why didn't grandpa dare to come here? It's you. Why didn't you call grandpa when you saw me?"

Chen Yang's face froze and turned pig liver.

Everyone looked at him with a smile.

When Chen Yang was in Yuehai City, he had a competition with Lin Chen. He said that whoever lost would have to call each other's grandchildren when they met. It had long been heard from the dragon group.

Seeing that Chen Yang's face was ugly, he didn't make a sound. Lin Chen picked up his eyebrows and continued to laugh: "why, you can't afford to lose. Even grandpa won't cry?"

Chen Yang's face became more livid and embarrassed when he heard the speech. He really lost the bet to Lin Chen, but in front of so many people, he couldn't call his grandfather two words. It was a shame!

At this time, the young man with narrow eyes beside him opened his mouth. With a smile that seemed to control everything, he looked at Lin Chen and said, "are you Lin Chen?"

When they saw the young man speak, their eyes lit up. They were looking forward to the confrontation between Lin Chen and Wu Xiao!

Chen Yang is also beaming. He knows that his boss is going to show himself up!

"Are you Wuxiao?" Lin Chen asked back. In fact, the moment the man spoke, he recognized that the other party was Wuxiao.

"Yes!" Wu Xiao nodded, with a complacent smile on his face, as if this name, everyone should come to worship.

Then, he frowned, because he realized that Lin Chen didn't answer his question, but asked him directly. He didn't like the feeling of being led away. He frowned and said again: "I ask you, are you Lin Chen“

Lin Chen shrugged his shoulders, pointed to Chen Yang, looked at Wu Xiao, and said with a grin: "are you an idiot or a deaf man? Didn't you hear this guy call me Lin Chen just now? Or did you just pretend to be a B? I have to say, you don't have the technical content to pretend to be a B, just like a stupid B!"

Suddenly, Wu Xiao's smile, which seemed to control everything, solidified on his face!

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