The women present were all a little lost when they saw this scene.

This man looks like a prince, but obviously, the prince doesn't like them. What he likes is the over beautiful imperial sister in cheongsam!

The men present, however, were somewhat gloating at the misfortune, as if they wanted to see a good play.

In their view, the reason why long Xuelan is with Lin Chen is undoubtedly because Lin Chen is a rich second generation with a Mercedes Benz.

But now, the foreigner in front of me is more handsome than you, drives a much better car than your Mercedes Benz, and has a full-time driver!

There is no doubt that long Xuelan, a "money worshipper", will dump Benz's Lin Chen and throw herself into the arms of this foreigner!

David? Machiavelli was confident with a light smile on his face. Although he had seen a young man beside long Xuelan, he ignored him directly.

To him, prying other people's corners is really a problem without challenge.

He was also very surprised. He didn't expect to meet two amazing women just a few days after he came to China. There are too many best beauties in China!

When long Xuelan heard the other party's chat up, Dai Mei frowned, gave David a cold look, and didn't answer at all.


Suddenly, David felt cold all over and was surprised. The woman's reaction was too cold, and her eyes were freezing.

Lin Chen was about to speak, but when he saw this scene, he was very happy.

The colder long Xuelan is to other men, the more it shows that she is willing to let herself hold her hand. At least it shows that this woman has a good impression on herself now.

As for the man who wanted to dig his own corner, Lin Chen thought it was a joke.

The onlookers, seeing this scene, also had some differences.

What's the matter? This beautiful woman seems to have no interest in this handsome blonde guy who obviously has a big background?

Also a look of impatience!

Although David was surprised, he was not discouraged. On the contrary, he was even hotter. It is said that the colder a woman is, the hotter she will be in bed when you conquer her. She will meet all your requirements.

The Chinese beauty in front of us seems to be such a woman!

He glanced at the mobile phone store and said with a light smile:

"Do you want to buy a mobile phone? Some of these mobile phones really don't match you. Only customized ones can match you. If you don't mind, can you tell me your name and give me a phone number? I'll send the mobile phone to you tomorrow“

When the boss saw that the man was going to ruin his business, he immediately became a little unhappy and glared:

"Hey, how can you talk? Why can't my mobile phone match this beautiful woman? Your customized version is probably a fake product, fooling people! It can't compare with the latest Apple X!"

David glanced at the boss coldly and said faintly:

"It's not a fake. It's the latest Apple x, but it will be engraved with the beauty's name and inlaid with 99 color diamonds. It's worth 990000 dollars. It's specially customized by livir!"

"Ninety, ninety-nine thousand dollars?"

The boss was shocked. 990000 dollars, but it was more than six million Chinese dollars. He sold all the mobile phones in this store. It was not worth so much money!

Not only the boss was stunned, but the others who were watching were also stunned.

"990000 dollars. Is it so exaggerated?" Someone said suspiciously.

At this time, a fashionable girl screamed:

"I know that the revere company is specialized in transforming all kinds of daily items into luxury goods. Many international famous actresses use the things they have transformed!

I did see relevant news on the leville company before. The customized color diamond version of Apple x costs $990000. It's so beautiful! Many of us were still discussing that only the world's top rich could afford to buy such things! "

As the girl screamed, her eyes lit up when she looked at David.

All of a sudden, a large group of people sucked the air conditioner and were dumbfounded!

990000 US dollars, more than 6 million Chinese coins. Many people can't make so much money in their lifetime!

And this man actually wants to buy a mobile phone as a gift!

This pen is too frightening!

Suddenly, those women looked at long Xuelan with envy!

And the men present, looking at Lin Chen, had some sympathy.

When you meet a man who is impeccable and generous and frightening and wants to pry your corner, the end is undoubtedly doomed!

Davide enjoyed the admiration and admiration of the public. His face regained a confident smile. He looked at long Xuelan and waited for her to tell him her name and mobile phone number.

He once used this method to get the most popular Hollywood actress. He didn't believe that this Chinese woman could escape from his palm!

However, the words of long Xuelan made the scene freeze again.

"Get out!" Long Xuelan's tone was extremely impatient. It seemed that he was almost to the limit of endurance.

If Lin Chen hadn't promised to follow him as a bodyguard and wanted to try ordinary people's life, she would have slapped the annoying guy in front of her!

David's smile was frozen on his face, then his face twitched a few times, and a handsome and extraordinary face became iron blue!

The rest of the people are also full of incredible faces. This beautiful woman is also too different!

"Swipe card!"

Long Xuelan didn't want to continue this boring farce. She took out her bank card and put it on the counter.

I'm going to pay and leave with my cell phone.

Although she is somewhat isolated from the world, she also walks in the city. Naturally, she doesn't even have a bank card. In fact, she has much more wealth than Lin Chen. That's the savings of the whole voodoo sect over the years!

However, Lin Chen took the bank card back, put it into long Xuelan's hand, and then took out his bank card and put it on the counter.

"I bought this cell phone for you." Lin Chen smiled.

"No." Long Xuelan frowned. She was not used to spending other people's money.

"No!" Lin Chen's words were as brief as before, and his tone was unquestionable.

"Thank you." Long Xuelan nodded slightly and said softly.

It was the first time that someone gave her something from childhood. In fact, she was a little happy.

"Hehe, that's right. You are my little wife. It's natural for me to give you something. You're welcome."

Lin Chen smiled and was satisfied that the stubborn woman listened to her words.

When they saw this scene, their chin was about to fall to the ground, and then they admired Lin Chen to the extreme!

David, an apple x worth more than six million Chinese dollars was rejected. As a result, the guy bought an ordinary version for less than 10000 yuan. The cheongsam beauty even thanked the other party!

Love saint!

No young man sighed in his heart.

They originally thought that Lin Chen was attracted to this beautiful woman by Benz. Obviously, it is not!

David's face was blue and white, all twisted!

"What's wrong with this woman? I asked for an ordinary version instead of the 990000 dollar one. What a blind man! Don't be angry, handsome man. This woman has no eyes!"

"Yes, you are much better than the guy around her!"

"Yes, this woman will regret it in the future. For a toad, she missed a prince charming. She deserved to be a Cinderella!"


Among the women watching, some of them looked OK. At this time, they comforted David and laughed at long Xuelan. In their eyes, long Xuelan has no eyes. Maybe they can comfort themselves. Can this handsome white man, who is rich in gold, take a fancy to them?

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