"Yes, but just teach me a lesson. Don't try hard."

Lin Chen smiles. It can be expected that Chen Li and others will be cleaned up badly.

Last time, Chen Li wanted to get close to Irina, but he was taught a lesson and screamed repeatedly. Long Xuelan was obviously much more fierce than Irina.

After leaving the bodyguard training room, Lin Chen walks to an Xueyao's office and plans to tell her that he wants to go to Hong Kong City.

"Are you going to port city?" Anxieyao was stunned when she heard Lin Chen's words.

"Cough. This time, I'll be back soon, just for a few days!"

When Lin Chen said this, his face turned red. As a bodyguard, he felt that he was too irresponsible. He had just come back a few days and was leaving again.

However, unexpectedly, this time an Xueyao didn't lose her temper, but after pondering for a long time, she nodded and said, "OK."

Sweat, isn't it angry?

Seeing that an Xueyao was so abnormal, Lin Chen couldn't help feeling suspicious and said with a smile, "aren't you angry?"

An Xueyao gave him a white look, gave a coquettish snort, and asked, "is it useful for me to be angry?"

Lin Chen smiled and touched his nose, embarrassed.

"Lin Chen." Anxieyao looks at Lin Chen with some complication.


Lin Chen was stunned. Seeing what an Xueyao was obviously trying to say, he smiled and said:

"Just say what you want to say. I'm your boyfriend. Why are you so hesitant?"

An Xueyao bit her lip and suddenly said, "I know Su Xiran exists. I went to the Chenxi flower shop to find her before."

Lin Chen didn't expect an Xueyao to suddenly say this to herself. He naturally knows that an Xueyao went to find Su Xiran and said he wanted to compete with her fairly. Su Xiran has already told him.

Seeing that Lin Chen didn't speak, an Xueyao thought he was angry and felt a little wronged.

She knows not only Su Xiran, but also that Lin Chen obviously has a difficult relationship with jiangmengshu. Last time, sister Hong called her and said that Lin Chen and jiangmengshu spent the night together in a hotel.

Not surprisingly, this guy should have other women besides Su Xiran and jiangmengshu.

In fact, an Xueyao has gradually accepted the fact that Lin Chen has other women.

If she hadn't met Lin Chen, she would just be a monster with her face destroyed.

Moreover, Lin Chen went to the imperial capital alone to face the Wei family for her, and made the eldest miss of the Wei family pay a price. Although he didn't say much about the details, an Xueyao knew how bad the Wei family was!

Lin Chen has done so many things for her, which has already left an indelible mark in her heart. It is impossible for any other man to walk into her heart in this life.

But this guy, even if the woman is not the only one, it seems that other women have had relations with him, and he was fooled by him with the name of a girlfriend.

I don't see what further action he wants!

Today, when she heard that Lin Chen was leaving again, she couldn't help saying that she was going to find Su Xiran.

This matter pressed her to the bottom of her heart, as if she had done something wrong behind Lin Chen's back. She always felt a little uncomfortable if she didn't say it.

She thought Lin Chen was angry. She couldn't help feeling lost and wronged. She would do such a stupid thing because she was afraid of losing this guy. As a result, would he still blame himself?

"You've met sister Xi Xi. Next time, I'll take you to the Chenxi flower shop and let you know each other."

Lin Chen smiled and held an Xueyao's small hand. He didn't say that he had already known about it.

Anxieyao was shocked when she heard Lin Chen's words. Seeing Lin Chen's expression was not fake, she knew she had misunderstood him, but she couldn't help giving him a charming white eye:

"You still need to introduce us. Do you want us to get along well in the future?"

Lin Chen took it for granted: "of course, you will all be my women in the future. Of course, you should get along well."

"Who, who is your woman!"

An Xueyao blushed and said something duplicity. Then she stared at him again, "I also know about you and jiangmengshu!"


Lin Chen was not too surprised that an Xueyao knew this. After all, sister Hong is an Xueyao's person, and she is also a past person. Many things can be seen naturally. It's not surprising that she made a small report about an Xueyao.

But what does the eldest lady mean? All of them have been told. Is this a showdown with yourself?

Lin Chen carefully observed Xia'an Xueyao's expression, and saw that although she was angry, her starlike eyes were staring at her, but there was no hate inside.

Lin Chen's face was so happy that he directly hugged an Xueyao's slender and soft body into his arms. He said happily, "Miss, do you accept that I have other women?"

As soon as he was happy, he called out all his previous titles.

"I didn't accept it! Who would accept this kind of thing, you big carrot, I hate you!"

Anxieyao was embarrassed by Lin Chen's building, but when she heard the speech, she couldn't help but reply proudly, and then angrily stretched out her hand to pinch the soft meat around Lin Chen's waist.

Lin Chen naturally doesn't care. Let alone how hard an Xueyao really tries, she pinches her to death. For Lin Chen, it's no different from tickling.

"Oh, well, you didn't accept it!" Lin Chen smiled like a clown. You don't have to say much. I've already understood it.

Although anxieyao didn't say she accepted it, she undoubtedly acquiesced, which made Lin Chen very happy.

For many people, an Xueyao is a high-ranking showbiz Diva and the future successor of Tianqiong entertainment. However, Lin Chen knows that an Xueyao is actually a very fragile and simple girl.

He was always afraid of hurting her.

"What are you laughing at? You look so ugly!" Anxieyao's cheeks are hot with Lin Chen's smile, and she says in shame.

"Nonsense! Look again. Look carefully. I'm very handsome. You must have missed it if you think it's not good-looking!"

Lin Chenjian smiled and put his face together, almost touching an Xueyao's delicate white cheek.

"Pooh! Go away!"

An Xueyao chuckled and pushed Lin Chen's chest.

At this time, she did not look like the high goddess in people's eyes, but like a little girl in love.

She bowed her head slightly and hummed:

"You have to solve my parents' problems. Do you know? Otherwise, if they don't agree, I will... I won't be with you."

When the word "that" came to her, she blushed like bleeding.


Lin Chen's eyes lit up, then he said with a smile, "which one is that?"

Anxieyao's eyes are so charming that they seem to be dripping water. She is ashamed and angry. She tries to pull Lin Chen to hold her hand. Obviously, she wants to turn around and run away.

Lin Chen didn't let go, but he didn't tease her anymore. He said solemnly:

"Yao Yao, don't worry. I'll fix the problem with my uncle and aunt."

Anxieyao is worried.

Although her parents are very optimistic about Lin Chen, it is based on Lin Chen's only one woman. If they know that Lin Chen has other women, they will never agree!

When Lin Chen returned to the bodyguard training room, he saw a group of people, such as Chen Li, who were badly hurt. Seeing Lin Chen coming back, they looked at Lin Chen like a little daughter-in-law who had been raped, and were about to cry.

Long Xuelan practiced shooting without expression, and seemed to be interested in guns.

Lin Chen tells long Xuelan that she will be an Xueyao's bodyguard during her absence. Long Xuelan agrees without any objection.

Next, Lin Chen called suxiran, lenghanyan, Su man and other women to talk about her trip to the port city for a few days. The next morning, a plane slowly took off from Yuehai city and headed for the port city.

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