As Mr. Ou's words came out, the scene was silent first, and then there was an uproar. Everyone was dumbfounded!

The bar owner's wife also had a frozen look, with an unimaginable look on her face. She wondered if she was hallucinating.

Then, she looked at Lin Chen with great curiosity. Old man Ou's vengeful nature could not change. His reaction could only explain one problem.

He dare not offend the young man in front of him!

At the thought of this, she could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. How terrible the young man was to have such a deterrent!

"Old man, are you mistaken? Where is this guy? He should be the one you want to tie up!"

Yinhao thought that Mr. Ou had made a mistake and hurriedly said.

"Shut up!" Yu Hongyun slapped him in the face.


How powerful is the angry slap of the inborn middle-term strong man? Where can Yinhao stand it!

Yin Hao's neck was so crooked that he was cut off. His eyes were round. He didn't know what was going on until he died!

Everyone in the bar was so scared that no one dared to say anything more!

In fact, ouhongkai and Yu Hongyun were both shocked and angry.

Lin Chen killed zhaozhongwei. They didn't want to take revenge on Lin Chen, but they didn't have the ability at all.

Lin Chen was in Guangyang city at that time, but he directly fought against two inborn mid-term strongmen with one against two, and finally killed one, and the other got away with it!

And the most powerful of the Jiulong Gang, namely, the two Dharma protectors in the middle of their lives, one of whom has been killed. How dare they take revenge!

That would be death!

It's too late for them to hide from Lin Chen!

"Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry about this. It's our Jiulong Gang's fault. Do you know how much compensation we need to pay you?" Mr. Ou said respectfully.

This sentence made everyone in the bar twitch again.


Bai Rongxuan's villa, living room.

Bai Rongxuan, Zhao Hu, Bai Lan and Lin Qizhi were all present. In addition, there were xubiao and xupengyue.

"Brother Rong, I will make that boy pay for this matter no matter what! He was so cruel that he directly wasted Peng Yue's hands. It was damned!"

Xubiao's face was gloomy and his eyes were bloodthirsty. It seemed that he wanted to tear Lin Chen alive.

Xupengyue, beside him, also had a grim face. His palms were wrapped in thick bandages and looked miserable.

He has been to the hospital. The doctor said that the phalanges were completely crushed and there was no possibility of recovery!

Xubiao knew that his son's hands had been destroyed. He was so angry that he immediately brought him here to plead guilty. He planned to retaliate with a tooth for a tooth. At least he would also destroy Lin Chen's hands!

Bairongxuan and Zhaohu were a little unbelievable when they heard what he said.

They didn't expect that Lin Chen's skill was still above Xu Pengyue in the later stage of the day after tomorrow, and he also wasted Xu Pengyue's hands.

At first, both of them didn't believe it. After calling Bai Lan and linqizhi for questioning, they finally determined that what xubiao said was true.

"Why should Lin Chen pay the price? He wants to compete with Lin Chen himself, and he also said that there will inevitably be mistakes in the competition! He is too weak. Lin Chen shook his hand and his bones broke. Why should he blame Lin Chen!"

Linqizhi curled her lips, unconvinced.

"Shut up! Where can you say anything here?"

Xubiao looked at linqizhi, his face was cold, he yelled, and the terrible pressure on her body spread out. Linqizhi was out of breath, his face was pale, and her eyes were scared.

"OK! Abiao, what do you care about with a little girl?"

Zhao Hu stood in front of linqizhi and frowned.

Xubiao snorted coldly, and his momentum converged. Lin Qizhi gasped. Her forehead was full of sweat, her eyes were still a little scared, and her face was still pale!

A little girl can't carry the momentum emanating from a congenital mid-term strongman!

"You've gone too far. Why do you bully Qiqi?"

Bai Lan sees that Lin Qizhi is a little shaky, so she hugs her and looks at xubiao angrily.

Uncle Xu, whom I just met today, has no good impression at this time, just like his son xupengyue.

Bai Rongxuan is also dissatisfied with xubiao's attack on Lin Qizhi.

However, xubiao has been his brother for more than ten years. He has lived and died with him. At this time, his son's hands were abandoned. It is reasonable for the other party to be angry, so he is not easy to criticize.

He was also embarrassed.

According to the truth, he should stand on xubiao's side. But Lin Chen had taken care of his daughter and cured her leukemia. Today he helped Zhaohu heal his wounds. He couldn't let xubiao do it to Lin Chen!

Moreover, according to the words of Bai and LAN, Xu Pengyue took the initiative to provoke this matter!

"Abiao, calm down first. When Lin Chen comes back, I will make him make amends to you!" Bairongxuan said.

"Make amends?"

Xubiao's face was gloomy and he said, "brother Rong, I don't want him to make amends. I must at least give him up!"

Bairongxuan's face is also a little ugly. Xubiao is going to force him to make a choice between them.


Zhao Hu shouted in a deep voice, "how did you talk to brother Rong? Don't be too presumptuous!"

In xubiao's eyes, a flash of cold light seemed to be about to burst out.

At this moment, a slightly ironic voice came.

"Uncle, I won't make amends with such a man. His son just asked for it."

With the sound of words, Lin Chen walks into the living room.

"Boy, you finally came back. I thought you ran away!"

Xubiao looked at Lin Chen, and a grim smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. Then he looked at bairongxuan and said:

"Brother Rong, this guy is ruthless and dare to say that Peng Yue asked for it himself. You can see that he is so arrogant. Do you still have to protect him? This makes me feel a little cold!"

Bairongxuan didn't expect Lin Chen to confront xubiao as soon as he came back. He was helpless.

Xubiao's words came out. If he still insisted on protecting Lin Chen, the brotherhood between the two people might be cracked!

"Xiao Chen! Don't talk nonsense. Please apologize to Uncle abio!" Zhaohu looked at Lin Chen and said anxiously.

He said so, in fact, he wanted to protect Lin Chen, at least let Bai Rongxuan continue to speak for Lin Chen, and had better let xubiao calm down. Otherwise, he would offend a congenital mid-term strongman, and Lin Chen would be really in trouble in the future!

Bairongxuan can protect him for a while, but not for a lifetime!

"Boy, you don't have to beg for mercy. Anyway, I'll decide your hands today! Besides your hands, I'll cut off your feet!"

Xupengyue's hands were wasted. He was willing to let it go. At this time, he stared at Lin Chen and said bitterly.

"Lin Chen, why don't you apologize!" Lin Qizhi, whose face was still pale, began to persuade her.

Just now Xu Biao gave her the feeling that it was really terrible. In her opinion, although Lin Chen was extremely powerful, he didn't have such a frightening momentum.

"Brother Lin Chen, please, or you can apologize to him." White and blue also spoke.

When she said this, she was reluctant, because Lin Chen in her heart was like an invincible God of war. She was an indomitable man. She really didn't want to see Lin Chen bow!

It's better to bow your head than to be maimed!

"Uncle, uncle a Hu, look at this video and think, is it too much for me to waste his hand?" Lin Chen ignored xubiao and xupengyue, took out his mobile phone, opened a video, and handed it to bairongxuan!

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