Mengxiaowan was so sad that she devoted all her energy to her work that she didn't think about Lin Chen.

With her efforts, her ability has been fully demonstrated. In a short time, she has achieved outstanding performance. Recently, she was transferred to the headquarters of Zhoufu Jewelry Group to serve as the general manager of the business department!

However, in this crazy work, the body is also a little broken.

"Well, wait a minute. I'll help you take care of yourself."

Seeing Meng Xiaowan's wronged appearance, Lin chenrou said in a soft voice. Seeing that Meng Xiaowan was so tired for her work, she was also a little distressed.

He didn't know that mengxiaowan worked so hard to keep himself from thinking of him.

In Lin Chen's opinion, mengxiaowan was very excited when he learned that he had already had Leng Hanyan and ye Yiren. He should no longer want to have anything to do with himself, which is why he did not contact mengxiaowan later.

"Xiao Wan, this is? Hehe, won't you introduce me?"

Mengxiaowan did not come alone. There was an old man beside him.

He should have been in his fifties, but he was very particular about his dress. His hair was obviously dyed black, and his hair style was fashionable with hair wax. He was wearing a high-end men's perfume.

At this time, he looked at mengxiaowan and said with a smile.

Lin Chen thought this man was Meng Xiaowan's elder, but when he looked at him, his eyes were hostile and disdainful. When he looked at Meng Xiaowan, he became a little hot.

After he was shocked, he could not help scolding in his heart. NIMA wanted to eat tender grass for an old cow. The key is that the cow is too old!

"Mr. Wu, this is my friend Lin Chen." Mengxiaowan gives a brief introduction.

This old man is called Wu Feng. He is a famous businessman in Hong Kong City. The Wu family is also a powerful family in Hong Kong City. It is one of her big customers. Just met him at the door, he came in together.

"Hehe, Mr. Lin, right? It seems that you want to go into the inner hall, and then you can't go in?"

Wu Feng looked at Lin Chen with a smile on his face, but his eyes were condescending.

The saleswoman who was originally sarcastic to Lin Chen saw Wu Feng, but her face showed a flattering smile, bowed slightly, and her loose neckline was facing Wu Feng. It was almost certain that as long as Wu Feng said, she would immediately climb into the other person's bed.

Wu Feng is an old customer here. Every time he comes, he will spend a lot. If he can bring him into the inner hall, he will definitely get a large commission!

This guy is a famous old lecher in Hong Kong City. Naturally, the saleswoman saw that he was thinking about the beautiful woman in front of him, mocked Lin Chen, and then nodded:

"Yes, Mr. Wu, this guy can't afford to buy medicine in the inner hall at first sight, but he just wants to go in. Isn't that a waste of everyone's time? If he can have 1% of your ability, I'd love to take him to the inner hall!"

"Ha ha! You exaggerate. I'm not that good!"

Wu Feng raised his eyebrows. He was modest, but he was very satisfied with her flattery. What he wanted was to let Lin Chen know himself and get out of here honestly.

Meng Xiaowan, however, frowned and looked at the saleswoman and said, "how do you talk?"

At this time, she already had a slight pressure from the superiors, and the saleswoman dared not reply.

"Well, people come here as guests. It's not good for you to talk like that! Otherwise, I can go in with this little brother. Is that all right?" Wu Feng said in a very atmospheric way.

"Of course! Mr. Wu, you are a distinguished guest of our ten thousand herbs hall. Some people can't compare with you. This way, please!" The saleswoman immediately opened the red wooden door with a respectful face.

As for who some people in her mouth were referring to, as long as they were not fools, they could tell.

Wu Feng secretly gave the saleswoman a look of appreciation. The woman was very talkative. Every sentence raised himself and trampled on the boy. He didn't believe it. Facing such an obvious gap, mengxiaowan couldn't tell who was better.

He was a little annoyed with Lin Chen. After all, he invited mengxiaowan to have candlelight dinner several times, but they were all declined. However, mengxiaowan was surprised to see Lin Chen, and the difference in treatment was too great!

"Xiao Wan, did you hear the dog barking?" Lin Chen looks at mengxiaowan.

Mengxiaowan blinked. At first, she was puzzled. Then the corner of her mouth started up and said, "I heard it. It's really hard to hear. I can't understand it at all."

"Hehe, we are not dogs, so only dogs can understand the language of their own kind." Lin Chen smiled and directly stretched out his hand to pull Meng Xiaowan's hand, then walked into the inner hall.

Mengxiaowan's body froze, and then he let him hold hands. A blush appeared on her face.

The saleswoman and Wu Feng were all black.

The so-called barking dog naturally refers to the saleswoman, and the same kind who can understand her words is Wu Feng!

Lin Chen said simply, but he scolded both of them!

"I want to see what I don't know. What can he afford?" Wu Feng was angry, and then he followed.

Unlike the outside, there are many Chinese medicine cabinets in the inner hall, but transparent glass cabinets displayed separately.

There are not many herbs in the glass cabinet. There are only a few, and there are only a few customers. Each customer is accompanied by a clerk who introduces the herbs to him.

"Mr. Wu, you are here too."

"Ha ha, I was lucky to see Mr. Wu today. I said how could I hear magpies calling when I went out."

"Mr. Wu, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your style remains the same!"


As soon as Wu Feng came in, the customers took care of him. They were very polite.

His face was proud, but he nodded slightly and glanced at Lin Chen proudly.

Then he was annoyed to find that Lin Chen didn't pay any attention to him. Instead, he passed by the glass cabinets and looked at the herbs inside carefully.

"Mr. Wu, you don't have to be angry about such people. It's a joke that such small people want to rob you of women!" The saleswoman beside him flattered.

Lin Chen had no intention to pay attention to Wu Feng and the saleswoman, and carefully looked at the herbs in the glass cabinet.

Ginseng, Ganoderma lucidum, musk, dragon birthday incense, Polygonum multiflorum and other precious medicinal materials are all available. The year and quality are very good, but these things are not very useful for him and are not what he is looking for.

"Is there any better medicine? The price is not a problem."

Although some didn't want to talk to the snobbish saleswoman, Lin Chen still asked back.


The saleswoman was stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing: "Oh, ha ha ha, I'm really laughing to death. You can't afford it if you can't afford it. Just say it directly. Is it necessary to use our herbs as an excuse? Better? You can afford these things first!"

"Young people today."

Wu Feng looked disappointed, shook his head and joked, "young man, it's not your fault to be poor. After all, you may have a bad family background, but it's ridiculous to be poor and still want a face!"

The other customers all looked at Lin Chen with a funny face.

They are all successful people, but the things here are expensive for them.

But Lin Chen was dressed in ordinary clothes, but he said he wanted something better. In their opinion, he naturally found that he could not afford it, so he planned to find an excuse to escape.

After all, the price of medicinal materials is written in every glass cabinet, and the cheapest one starts at more than 100000 yuan. This guy is probably scared. "Are you finished? Just tell me if there is anything better!" Lin Chen looked at the saleswoman and frowned. Her voice was a little cold.

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