"Hehe, Mr. Aldrich likes it. It's my honor to get your praise!"

Wu bows his body and smiles flatteringly, just like a servant.

As a matter of fact, the Wu family, which is well-known in Hong Kong, is actually a pawn under their control.

Meng Xiaowan was swept by Aldrich's eyes, and a chill filled her body. A fear from her soul made her a little stiff.

It's like the existence at the bottom of the food chain, seeing the beast at the top.

"Who are you?" Lin Chen stood in front of mengxiaowan and stared at Aldrich with cold eyes. This guy gave him a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Who is he?"

Aldrich ignores Lin Chen and looks at Wu Feng.

"He is Meng Xiaowan's man. He came with her." Wu Feng said respectfully, with a grim smile in his eyes.

In fact, he guessed that Lin Chen would come with mengxiaowan, and this was what he wanted. He wanted to use Aldrich's hand to clean up this guy.

Recalling the sarcastic glances that people looked at him when they were in the ten thousand herbs hall, Wu Feng hated him and wanted to tear Lin Chen apart!

Aldrich heard the speech, nodded, looked at Lin Chen and said, "boy, you are very lucky."

"What do you mean?" Lin Chen said.

"This woman is still a virgin, which means you didn't touch her. If you touch her, you will die miserably!" Aldrich said indifferently.

"Ha? Are you an idiot?"

Lin Chen was upset. Mengxiaowan didn't know this guy at all, but this guy's words were as arrogant as if mengxiaowan belonged to him.

Aldrich frowned and his face became gloomy. "You mean thing, how dare you talk to me like this! I was going to make you die a happy life. Now it seems that you should have a good understanding of what pain is."

"Ah!" Mengxiaowan suddenly screamed, tightly hugged Lin Chen's waist, and her small face was white.

When Lin Chen was puzzled, Meng Xiaowan pointed to the sofa and said in a trembling voice, "Lin Chen, you, look there."


Lin Chen looked in the direction of the sofa, and then his pupils contracted. The next moment, anger appeared in his eyes.

On the sofa, there was a woman without any clothes. To be exact, it was a woman's body!

Her death was terrifying, and her face was ferocious. It seemed that she had met something terrible before she died.

With Lin Chen's eyesight, you can see that there are four blood holes in her neck!

"Hehe, beauty, don't be afraid. I won't kill you so soon. As long as you can please me, I may never kill you. I like your Chinese women in captivity most. It tastes good!"

Aldrich had a faint smile on his face, and when he spoke back, his scarlet tongue licked his lips.

"Hum! Mengxiaowan, you can serve Mr. Aldrich, but you've earned a lot of blessings in your life. Don't be disrespectful!"

Wu Feng said coldly, looked at Lin Chen and said with a sneer: "boy, today you dare to make me lose face. How about you regret it now? Idiot, you also rob me of things. I will kill you!"

When Aldrich heard the words, he also understood that Wu Feng had killed this man with his own hands, but he didn't care, as long as the woman Wu Feng brought to him agreed with his request.

He also likes to look at others' fear. At this time, he looks at Lin Chen and smiles.

However, Lin Chen's words made his smile freeze.

"Are you a man of the eternal kingdom?" Lin Chen looks at Aldrich with cold eyes.

"Who are you?" Aldrich became suspicious for a moment, and his eyes became cautious. Those who could know the name of their organization would not be ordinary people.

"It seems that you are indeed a member of the 'eternal kingdom' Lin Chen saw his reaction, and his tone had become positive.

"Let me guess again, you are not only a member of the 'eternal kingdom', but also the core existence of the 'eternal kingdom', blood clan! Right?" Lin Chen said.

Although he was asking each other, Lin Chen actually had the answer in his heart after looking at the wound on the neck of the corpse on the sofa.

Now, as a dragon tooth, he has some knowledge of many powerful organizations in the world.

The eternal kingdom can be said to be the most powerful existence in international organizations. It is much stronger than the Huaxia dragon group.

The controller of the eternal kingdom is the first in the list of gods, Prince Dracula!

Prince Dracula has been at the top of the list of gods for hundreds of years and has never changed. There are many legends about him!

One of the most well-known is that some people say that he is a legendary vampire and that he is the only God level strong man in the world,

Therefore, the God level strong man is just like the existence of China's transcendental realm!

Whether the latter is true or not, no one knows. This prince Dracula has not walked in front of people for hundreds of years, and he does not know whether he is still alive.

Before the former, according to the data recorded by the dragon group, this prince Dracula should not be a legendary vampire, and there are no vampires in the world!

The information in the dragon group is to name him blood clan, and the core figures of the eternal kingdom are also blood clan!

According to speculation, the first blood group should be the product of genetic variation. Later, it may have practiced some kind of skill, which led to the complete change of the body!

Today's blood families are all his descendants!

Of course, these are the guesses of the dragon group. Lin Chen doesn't know exactly what it is.

However, he had seen Leng Dongliu's ability to defy heaven. He didn't find it difficult to accept some magical things in the world.

"Boy, you are also from the underground world? Which organization are you from?"

Aldrich looked into Lin Chen's eyes. Lin Chen seemed to know a lot about the "eternal country" and guessed his identity. He directly regarded him as a person in the underground world!

"I don't need to tell you which organization I'm from. I'm not interested in your eternal country and blood clan, but if you go to China to make trouble and kill our people, you'll die!"

Lin Chen said later, his tone became bleak.

As a Chinese dragon Fang, he can ignore the confrontations between sects and organizations in China. However, if these aliens run wild in China, he has to take care of them!

After all, he enjoys the convenience brought to him by the dragon group, and should also do his due duty. He is also very unhappy about this kind of thing!

"Since you don't want to talk, forget it! You're already dying!"

Aldrich snorted coldly, his eyes were covered with a layer of blood red, sharp fangs appeared in his mouth, his nails became long and sharp, and his body was tall and strong. Even his voice felt very gloomy at this time.

He exudes a cold smell, which is very uncomfortable!

Lin Chen made him a little strange, so he directly changed and used his strongest strength!

"This... This is..."

Mengxiaowan's eyes widened, and she could hardly believe the scene in front of her.

A normal person suddenly becomes like a monster. It's OK for an ordinary person not to faint when she sees this scene. At this time, she stutters.

"Don't be afraid. It's just a dead bat. Oh, no, it seems that he hasn't got bat wings yet. It's more useless than I thought." Lin Chen disdained to look at Aldrich and comforted Meng Xiaowan.

"Death! Go to hell, damn Huaxia pig, I will feed your woman!"

Hearing Lin Chen's words, Aldrich made a sharp cry. In the blink of an eye, he came to Lin Chen and grabbed Lin Chen's neck with his right hand. His nails were emitting cold light under the light!

Tear! The air made a noise when he grabbed it.

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