Auston's face became very grave.

At the next moment, he uttered a sharp cry. His eyes were red with blood, his fangs grew, and his nails grew longer. At the same time, there was a bang behind his back, and he suddenly grew two black wings, like bat wings!

"Hum! It's true that you are bats!" Lin Chen snorted coldly.

Auston didn't answer. He jumped and flew into the air. He could avoid Lin Chen's fist.

Lin Chen's fist style, however, was torn, and still made a cut in his chest. His clothes cracked, and there were scars on his chest, exuding fine scarlet blood!


Auston roared, and the glass in the house was shattered. Irina felt that her eardrums were about to crack, so she quickly covered her ears.

She looked at Austin's chest in disbelief, and then looked at Lin Chen. She wondered if she was dazzled!

Lin Chen even killed the two Saint level beings in a moment, and left a wound on Austin!

Austin is equivalent to the saint level peak. His power is much more terrifying than that of tell!

And Auston's words also made her stay.

Recently, the story about the Chinese dragon tooth has been making a lot of noise in the international underground world. It can be said that no one knows it!

At a young age, he is already the 14th in the list of gods. Although there are still many strong people in the world who do not appear in front of people, so they are not included in the list of gods.

But it also shows that this Chinese dragon tooth, looking at the world, is also the strong one at the top of the pyramid!

She never thought that this person was Lin Chen!

"Damn it, isn't this guy in the Chinese mainland? How did he get to Hong Kong?"

Auston was shocked and angry. He didn't expect that he had just met this Chinese dragon tooth, the God of war of China!

According to the rumor, the Chinese dragon tooth was accompanied by thunder when fighting. He was as powerful and terrifying as thunder.

He used to disdain it and thought it was too exaggerated, but now he has to believe it. This young man is more like a monster than his own blood clan!

One move will hurt yourself!

"Huaxia dragon tooth, do you really want to be the enemy of my 'eternal country'? There are countless strong people in our organization. If the prince takes his hand, he will kill you with one blow!" Auston said angrily.

Lin Chen said coldly, "don't talk nonsense. I have killed three blood clans, many of you. Be honest and give me the Bodhisattva relic. I will waste your limbs and save your life!"


Auston was shocked and angry, but actually he didn't want to fight with Lin Chen. Lin Chen's punch just now had made him afraid. He didn't want to really fight with Lin Chen!

The next moment, his wings vibrated and flew towards the door like a black light!

"Dead bat, want to run? Stay!"

The voice of Lin Chen's words, accompanied by the sound of thunder, made a roar at his feet. The floor almost collapsed when he stepped on it. The whole man shot at Austin!

As soon as Auston turned around, he saw Lin Chen's fist hitting his head, as if to puncture his head. He roared, "you've been deceiving people too much!"

"What if I bully you? You bite me?" Lin Chen sneered.

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

Auston was so angry that he threw his fist at Lin Chen and immediately hit both hands together!


An invisible wave surged in all directions, overturning many furniture. At the same time, Lin Chen fell back to the ground, and Austin also fell to the ground!

However, Lin Chen's hand had nothing to do, and his right hand became deformed, powerlessly shrugging and pulling!

"Damn it! How can you be so strong?" Auston's face was even worse, and a few lines of horror appeared in his eyes!

As a matter of fact, Austin was just the strength that first entered the inborn peak. Even with the changes of his body, he is far from being the best in the inborn peak. Compared with the original jianghongyi, he is just stronger.

Lin Chen, on the other hand, has made a lot of progress compared with the war with jianghongyi.

Although it is still a congenital late state, it can rely on the terror of the martial arts, the fury of the "thunder of mountains and rivers" in the martial arts, and the fist meaning that you understand from lengdongliu.

Austin will suffer if he fights with him!

Of course, Lin Chen would not explain to him. Almost without any pause, he jumped at Austin again, which meant that he would not stop until he was killed!

Auston's face changed greatly. He was afraid to fight Lin Chen. He turned around and tried to escape. However, as soon as he moved, the nightmare thunder sounded again!

At the same time, Lin Chen's fist had been blasted on his back!


Auston spewed out a mouthful of blood, and the whole man suddenly shot at the wall like a shell. With a bang, the front wall was knocked down!

However, before he could take a breath, the startled thunder sounded again, and Austin was so scared that the dead roared:

"Damn it, damn it! You damn dragon tooth, you will regret it one day! You want the Bodhisattva relic, right? Then I will destroy it!"

At the same time, he took out the Bodhisattva relic from his clothes and smashed it at the nearby window, which was a telegraph pole!

Although the Bodhisattva relic is extraordinary, it is not very hard in fact. If it is smashed, it will no doubt be shattered and scattered. Maybe it will be blown away by a gust of wind!

Lin Chen hesitated. After all, he ran after the Bodhisattva relic. At the same time, Austin rushed to the door!

When Lin Chen catches the Bodhisattva relic, Austin has disappeared!

"The old bat is so cunning that he ran away!" Lin Chen has some unwilling words.

Irina looked at Lin Chen, who was unhappy. She really didn't know what to say.

This guy robbed other people's things, killed three people, and then he was very unwilling because he ran away. He was much more cruel than their "hand of God"!

Next, Lin Chen made a phone call to Jiang Lao.

He simply told him about the matter, and also told him about Ji Hong and the sun's inflammation.

Old Jiang was ashamed when he heard Lin Chen say that he had robbed something. How could he make the Dragon Fang look like a robber.

However, the dark organizations like the "eternal kingdom" do not rob white people. The dragon group and these dark organizations have always been hostile!

Besides, there is a Ji Hong he hates!

When he heard that there was a Martial Arts Alliance called "the sun's fire" in the island country, and that Ji Hong was still a member of this organization, he was surprised and then angry.

"This dog traitor is really stubborn! Don't worry. I'll have someone search the port city right away. If he goes crazy after taking the blood essence, it should be easy to find him!"

Then Lin Chen asks Jiang Lao to arrange someone to help with the corpse here. Although the dragon group is in the mainland, it is not difficult to deal with this kind of thing.

Last night at the hotel, Lin Chen contacted Mr. Jiang to help with the bodies of Taier and others. Of course, he didn't say what the identities of the two bodies were.

After hanging up, Lin Chen looked at Irina, who was still in shock, and said with a smile, "don't look at me foolishly. I said I was very good."

Irina has a black face. Is it just very powerful?

What a pervert!

She found that she never seemed to know how good this guy was.

"Hehe, let's go. I'm going to get the gift for you now." Lin Chen smiled.

The gift he wanted to give Irina was "bone shaping and marrow washing pill".

This Bodhisattva Buddhist relic can produce more than one "bone shaping and marrow washing pill".

It was useless to take too much of it, so he planned to give Irina one.

In fact, he is also looking forward to what kind of changes will happen after he takes the "shaping bone washing marrow pill". Will there be some surprises.

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