"Lin Chen, let's leave Italy right away! We'll talk about other things later. It's a big deal that we don't want those goods. Just give them up in the European market!"

Soon, Su man makes a decision and pulls Lin Chen to leave.

Since it has been determined that Lin Chen will not be the opponent of the other party, and seeing that the other party just pulled out his gun, it is obviously impossible to do well.

Then she plans to go back to China with Lin Chen first.

Although the European market and the goods were very important, he could not compare them with Lin Chen's life in his mind.

"No! General manager, you can't go!" Pedro was startled and hurriedly blocked Su man.

If the other party leaves at this time, he will be finished. The Machiavelli family is likely to vent their anger on themselves!

And if Su man gives up the market here, he will lose his job.

Rather than this, he felt that Su man might as well become the leader of the Machiavelli family party. That would be good for the development of the branch!

There's also Lin Chen's life and death. He won't care about it!

Of course, he knew he couldn't say it, so he hurriedly said:

"General manager, you can't leave now! This is Italy. There are people of Machiavelli family everywhere. You may be stopped by the other party's people before you arrive at the airport!"

Su man's face was a little anxious, and Pedro's words were indeed reasonable.

She is usually a resolute and calm strong woman in the shopping mall. However, when it comes to Lin Chen's life at this time, she is worried and confused. She is also a little flustered. "Don't be afraid. Even if their law enforcement team comes, they can't do anything about me. I don't just want them to release the detained goods honestly, but they must also give us sufficient compensation! For the losses caused to our group due to the detention of the goods, they must

10 times compensation! "

Lin Chen patted Su man's hand and comforted him.

His comforting words made Su man feel helpless. He turned his eyes at him and said that you could not beat him. He was not a fool. How could he be willing to pay compensation!

I'm not only unwilling to pay compensation, but also want to kill people!

Pedro will also be amused by Lin Chen's words. He secretly scolds Lin Chen for not knowing what to do.

Steve has said that the people of the Machiavelli family law enforcement team, especially their captain, are like Superman, and every time they go out, they will kill people!

Although Lin Chen is powerful, he can't compare with the people in the law enforcement team. Just look at Steve's performance.

"General manager, in my opinion, I'd better ask Lin Chen to go to the manor of Machiavelli family to beg for mercy! Maybe the other party will be merciful and let us go!" Pedro.

Although Tang Ying was surprised by Lin Chen's performance just now, she also knew that Lin Chen was not the opponent of the law enforcement team through Steve's words.

Pedro's proposal is undoubtedly the only way out now.

She looked at Lin Chen and said, "Lin Chen, why don't we go to each other's manor and apologize? Maybe there's still a possibility of relief?"


Lin Chen shook his head and said faintly, "they are not qualified to make me apologize. We don't have to go anywhere. Just wait for them here!"

Pedro stared at Lin Chen and said angrily, "Fark! Don't pull us if you want to die. I think you are..."

He didn't finish his words. He shivered at Lin Chen's cold eyes and immediately shut up.

Although he thought Lin Chen was not the opponent of the other side's law enforcement team, he also knew that the other side had more than enough to clean up himself.

Lin Chen said coldly, "you'd better shut up. If it weren't for the sake of being an employee of Huading group, I would have cleaned you up!"

Pedro's face turned blue and white, but he didn't dare to speak any more. He scolded in his heart. When the other party's people came, I'll see how you died!

Thinking this way, he felt happy again.

In any case, he is just a migrant worker. He believes that the Machiavelli family will not do anything to himself!

In that case, he was happy to see how Lin Chen was killed by the other party!

Tang Ying opened her mouth and finally closed it without saying anything. She just sighed.

The heart said, "if this man wants to die, what can others say?"?

"Lin Chen, are you really not leaving? Don't be impulsive, or let's find a place to hide!" Su man advised.

"Hum! I can't go now if I want to. The other party's people have come!" Pedro looked out of the window and looked mockingly at Lin Chen.

Su man's face changed. He hurried to the window and saw a dozen black Mercedes Benzes parked at the door of the hotel. Then dozens of men in black trench coats and felt hats got out of the car with guns in their hands and directly surrounded the hotel!

Other people in the hotel also noticed the situation, and many people ran out of the hotel in panic.

"The Machiavelli family is in charge. Irrelevant people should either leave or stay in the room without coming out!"

A big man shouted loudly. Although he didn't take a loudspeaker, his voice was loud, but it spread all over the hotel!

This man is just one of the other side's law enforcement team members!

The natives in Italy all turned pale when they heard of the Machiavelli family. Those who had already left the hotel hurriedly ran away. Those who had not left the room slammed the door and locked it to death!

Then he hid in the corner to prevent gunfights and other things. He was injured by mistake!

Generally speaking, the Mafia is a bit fastidious in handling affairs. For irrelevant people, they basically won't kill them.

Those foreigners who come here for business or tourism do not know what the Machiavelli family stands for, but they can guess the horror of the family from the performance of others.

You can run and hide!

"Nino, if there is no accident, that boy should be a Chinese ancient warrior. You should pay attention to it later. Don't underestimate the enemy." Giovanni took a dozen people into the hotel and smiled at a big man beside him.

Although Nino was told not to underestimate the enemy, in fact, his expression was not at all cautious. It was obvious that he did not pay attention to the Chinese ancient warrior in his mouth.

"Ha ha! Don't worry, party leader. He is just a boy in his twenties. According to the description of Charlie and others, I guess he is also an acquired ancient martial artist in China. It is estimated that he is only in the so-called mid or late days of the day after tomorrow. Don't care at all!" Nino smiled quietly.

Nino looks very ordinary and is not tall, but he looks like a strong tiger with bulging muscles and a kind of beast like deterrent!

He is the leader of the law enforcement team of Machiavelli's family. The existence of a saint level in the early stage is equivalent to China's innate early strong. How can he pay attention to a Chinese ancient warrior in his early twenties!

Among the more than ten people he followed, several of them were already semi Saint level, which was equivalent to the peak of China the day after tomorrow. In his opinion, he didn't need to solve that kid!

Soon, a dozen of them arrived at the door of Su man's room.

When he saw Su man in the box, Giovanni looked surprised and said with a laugh: "yes, that's good. As long as this woman is still a baby, she should not be returned this time! The godfather will be absolutely satisfied!"

Originally, looking at Su man's photos, he thought she had a kind of seductive temperament. But now he sees a real person, but he finds that Su man's seductive temperament can be called captivating. He can't help but feel a little hot.

The real person is much more beautiful than the photo!

If this woman does not meet the requirements of the godfather, then it is estimated that he will never find the so-called naturally seductive woman in his life!

Pedro and Tang Ying, when they saw Giovanni, instantly became terrified.

Although they were not qualified to deal with Giovanni, they still knew his appearance. Facing the leader of the Machiavelli family at this time, it was like a mouse that could not breathe when it saw a cat. Su man's face was tense. He suddenly stood in front of Lin Chen. He opened his arms and shouted, "Lin Chen, run quickly!"

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