The door of the study.

Rich's face was not good at staring at Lin Chen, but Lin Chen was totally unaware of him and didn't go to kill him.

Rich said lightly, "boy, I would like to advise you that you'd better listen."

Lin Chen didn't even look at him at all. He seemed to be thinking about something.

When rich saw that the other party ignored him, he seemed to be talking to himself. His face was a little angry and he said coldly:

"I advise you to stay away from Su man and don't go near her again. Otherwise, hum!"

Speaking later, he didn't say what else would happen, but with a cold snort, it was full of threat.

For a long time after Chris died, Carol used to drown her sorrows in wine, and was drunk like a drunkard.

Ritchie accidentally knew the existence of "the first embrace of the demon" when Carlo was drunk.

If he can get "the first embrace of the demon", then he can immediately break through to the holy level peak from the late holy level!

What's more, if Su man can get the inheritance of the demon, he will be a god level strong man in the future!

To have a woman with divine power is a great temptation for rich, who has great ambition!

He has already planned to conquer Su man. Naturally, he must first remove this eye-catching guy in front of him.

Lin Chen turns to look at Ritchie. He thinks that Ritchie is unhappy with him because he has taught the Italian mafia people a lesson and his performance in front of Carlo just now.

But unexpectedly, this guy is still thinking about Su man.

He smiled lightly and said, "I would like to advise you, too."

"What?" Rich frowned.

Lin Chen said coldly, "just roll away as far as you can see!"

Rich's face sank, his eyes twinkled, staring at Lin Chen and said, "do you know that you are looking for death?"

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "I really don't know I'm looking for death, but I know you're a brain cripple. If it weren't for the Karo people who are pretty good, and you were his dog, I would have cleaned you up."

Rich's face flew into a rage, and his temples jumped wildly with anger.

In his opinion, Lin Chen was an ancient martial artist in the middle of his life. It was not worth mentioning to him. He could be killed with a slap. However, the other party dared to be more arrogant than him, which made him angry.

If there were no fighting here, and the godfather wouldn't allow him to do it, he would have killed this arrogant idiot!

He gave Lin Chen a cruel look, and then didn't speak again.

At this moment, Lin Chen could feel the cold murderous intention from the other party, but he didn't care. On the contrary, he wished this guy would do it himself now.

Then teach him a lesson and let him know why the flowers are so red.

Now that the guy had endured it, he didn't answer.

At this point, his mind was thinking about another problem.

Since Carol's wife Chris is a divine being, how could she have died if she had a life span of 500 years?

If she was killed by someone, wouldn't it mean that there are other gods in the world, or above them?

Or was she more than 400 years old when she met Carol?

Thinking of the latter, Lin Chen's face became a little strange.


Just then, the door was opened, and Su man and his godfather came out of the room.

Lin Chen looks at Su man. Su man also looks at him.

Su man's eyes met those of Lin Chen, but he suddenly blushed and hurriedly took his eyes away.

Eh, what is the situation? Lin Chen was stunned.

According to the woman's usual character, her eyes should be aligned with her. She should give herself a wink. Why are you suddenly shy?

Carol looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile, "Mr. Lin, Miss Su has promised to try whether she can get the inheritance. Let's go. Let's go now."

"You promised?" Lin Chen looked at Su man and said in surprise.

"Well, try it." Su man nodded, his face returning to normal.

Lin Chen is curious about what Carlo said to Su man. It doesn't take long for Su man to change his mind.

However, seeing Su man's appearance, he should not be forced. In that case, Lin Chen naturally has no opinion.

To tell the truth, he also supported Su man to try.

After all, if Su man succeeds in inheriting, he will become a god level strong man at that time, which will also be his help.

Dias manor, backed by a green mountain, is estimated to be more than kilometers above sea level.

The whole mountain belongs to the DIAS family, and the tomb of Carol's wife Chris is on this mountain.

Because the mountain road is rugged and steep, Lin Chen and his party can only walk up.

"Godfather! Captain!"

When they went up the mountain, they passed through a gate, which was guarded by several people. When they saw that Carlo and Ritchie were busy, they greeted each other respectfully.

If you want to go up the mountain, you can only go up from here. Other places are surrounded by the power grid, and you can't enter at all.

Outsiders are forbidden to go up the mountain.

Carlo nodded to the guard, and then moved on. Rich, Lin Chen and Su man followed.

If Su man hadn't been there, the three of them would have been able to run quickly towards the target location, much faster than driving.

But with Su man, they can only walk together.

And it was still early, and they were not in a hurry, so they regarded it as mountain climbing.

But even so, after walking for half an hour, Su man's crooked willow eyebrows have wrinkled up and twisted his ankles from time to time.

Ritchie looked at the white high heels at Su man's feet. His face was happy. He felt that it was time to be courteous. He looked at Su man and showed his most charming smile.

"Miss Su, it's about half an hour from here to the destination. Why don't I carry you on my back?"

"No, thanks."

Su man shook his head in a polite tone, but there was no room for discussion.

With that, she glanced at Lin Chen who was walking beside her.

Lin Chen smiled and went directly to her and squatted down. "It's a long time, come up!"

"XIAOLINZI, you are quite sensible." Su manjiao smiled and then fell on Lin Chen.

Lin Chen, carrying Su man on his back, glanced at rich with disdain and said, "you want to rob a woman with me?" The expression of.

Ritchie's face was livid, and he could not help seeing Lin Chen and Su man's back. At this moment, the air seemed cold.

He angrily scolded me. I'm much stronger than him in strength and appearance. It's blind to refuse me!

Sooner or later, I will press you under my body and make you scream!

"Rich, why are you so stunned? Don't you catch up!"

Carlo looked back and said that just now rich was courting Su man, and he frowned a little.

He also noticed that rich seemed to be thinking about Su man.

But Ritchie didn't show too much, so he didn't say anything.

Rich quickly nodded in response, and then quickly followed.

Lin Chen carried Su man on his back, and a soft touch came from his back. He smelled the unique fragrance of Su man. It was really nice.

At this time, he found that Su man twisted his body from time to time. Although he felt good, he was also suspicious.

What is this?

Are you seducing me? Lin Chen coughed twice and said in a low voice, "it's so long. Isn't it good? If you want to seduce me, I don't mind. But it's open in public. If you can, I think it's better to come to my room in the middle of the night!"

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