While Su man shouted, he rushed at Lin Chen, looking like a flustered little girl.

Lin Chen almost knocked her down, but she was shocked. Su man may not feel it yet, but her demonized power has been comparable to the best in the congenital peak.

Not much worse than Lin Chen himself.

This demon inheritance is really extraordinary! Lin Chen exclaimed in his heart.

Then he looked at Su man and said, "I can't go back. What's the matter?"

Su man said: "I just woke up and felt like I could change into another form. Then I followed the strange guidance in my heart and tried. The result was like this! But now, I don't know how to change back!"

Speaking later, she was a little nervous.

Although this look is very tempting, it can be called a perfect role play, but it is too different after all. She doesn't want to be like this all the time.

"Miss Su, are you all right?"

At this time, the godfather came with the members of the law enforcement team.

Seeing Su man's appearance, they were also stunned, but the godfather seemed to have predicted this change and soon recovered.

As for the others, they seemed to be a little silly. Some of them had red eyes, were short of breath, and stared at Su man. Obviously, they were affected by Su man's charming temperament.

"You all go out!" The godfather shouted coldly.

The members of the law enforcement team came to their senses. They realized that they had made some gaffes just now and did not dare to say more. They left quickly.

However, in my heart, I was making waves. It was really Su man's appearance. It was too incredible.

And the charm of her temperament is really fascinating.

"Is this demonization? How can we change back to the original?" When the law enforcement team all left, Lin Chen looked at the godfather and asked.

The godfather hurriedly said, "according to Chris and I, just think about your original appearance in your mind."

"No, I tried." Su man frowned.

The godfather said, "you should calm down. You can't change back if you are so scared."

"Well, I'll try."

Su man nodded and tried to calm down to think about his usual appearance, but he couldn't calm down.

And the more so, the more anxious.

No wonder she can't calm down when normal people become like this.

At this time, Lin Chen hugged her and smiled in her ear:

"Don't be afraid. Even if you become a monster, I love you. Even if you become ugly, I love you. Don't be nervous. It's OK. Besides, I feel very good about you."

Su man trembled at the words.

This is the first time that Lin Chen said she loved her. Although she had long regarded herself as his woman, hearing this sentence, she was still extremely sweet in her heart.

At this moment, all the confusion in my heart disappeared. Instead, I was shy and happy.

"Lin Chen, I love you too." Su man bit his lip and blushed back.

Godfather's old face was embarrassed. He said, can you wait for me to be away?

Su man is also aware of the presence of his godfather. After saying this, he is also a little embarrassed. He tries to think about his usual appearance in his mind.

At this time, her state of mind also calmed down.

The next moment, the wings behind her, the horns on her head and other subtle features disappeared, and the whole person changed back to the original shape.

At this time, her charm temperament was heavier than before, but it was far less terrible than after demonization.

When Lin Chen saw Su man's wings behind him, he quickly contracted back to her body. It was amazing.

At this time, Su man left two small holes in his clothes at the back of his shoulder blades, but fortunately, he would not let out the spring light. He was much more conservative than the clothes with bare shoulders.

"Really changed back!" Su man touched his head and back and smiled.

"Yes, it has changed. But if you hold me so hard again, I feel that I will have problems. You are a little strong now." Lin Chen smiled.


Su man hears the speech and quickly releases Lin Chen. She also has a feeling that her strength has become great.

But it was strange that this power seemed to belong to her, and it was not difficult for her to control it.

Moreover, she seems to have a fighting instinct in her mind, which makes her know how to use her strength to fight!

"Mr. Carroll, there's actually a question I want to ask." Lin Chen suddenly looks at Carol.

"What's the problem? Mr. Lin, just ask." Carol.

Lin Chen nodded and said, "I'm sorry if it reminds you of your sadness, but I still want to know how your wife Chris died?"

Carlo seemed to have guessed Lin Chen's idea, pondered, and said:

"In fact, even if you don't ask me, I'll tell you about it. Chris was young when she met me. She didn't die of old age, but was killed!"

At this point, his eyes showed hate, but soon, it turned into helplessness.

"Killed?" Lin Chen and Su man were stunned.

Lin Chen frowned and said: "she is a god level strong person. Can anyone kill her? Now the strongest person in the world, the first God in the list, is not that Prince Dracula of the eternal kingdom organization? And whether he is a god level strong person is unknown?"

"Prince Dracula?"

Carlo shook his head and said, "of course not! In fact, all the people in the world now know are just some obvious strong men. For example, Prince Dracula, if he hadn't appeared in front of people once or twice, he would never be listed in the list of gods!"

"In addition, the so-called list of gods is only made by the FBI of the United States. If not expected, the American government itself has a super strong God level, but they deliberately do not include it in the so-called list of gods!"

Lin Chen was stunned when he heard the words, but he was not too surprised. Although the crouching tiger, hidden dragon in the world was not as good as the dream world, it was not surprising that there was a god level strong man.

For example, if there is no accident, there is probably a god level strong man in the hidden gate mentioned by Jiang Lao.

"Chris' original strength was already the third level of God, but she was still killed and had no resistance because she was unwilling to join the dark Holy See!" Carol said with pain on her face.

"Divine level three? No defense?"

Lin Chen finally got a little surprised and hurriedly asked, "how many levels of the divine level are there?"

He wanted to make sure that the division of God level in foreign countries was similar to the division of transcendence.

"The divine level is divided into nine levels." Carol.

Lin Chen finally determined that although the name of the divine level and the transcendental realm of China were different, they were similar.

The transcendental realm he knew was not divided into nine levels, but nine heavens.

The practice of transcendental realm is also called the road to heaven, because each ascent to heaven is extremely painful, just like the ascent to heaven.

What's more, it is said that the nine steps to heaven are extraordinary, one step is not human, and the nine steps become immortals!

God level three is equivalent to the extraordinary triple heaven. Even in a dream, the world is a strong man!

As a result, Lin Chen was killed and had no resistance. Lin Chen's face was finally dignified!

You know, for Lin Chen now, even the existence of an extraordinary heaven can easily kill him!

At this time, Lin Chen has a sense of urgency in his heart. He needs to speed up his own strength!

Now it seems that he is far from the peak on earth!

But he was not afraid at all. Instead, he was excited.

His goal is to become the existence of the cold east stream, even stronger than the cold east stream!

Leng Dongliu is the strongest one in the transcendental realm. The transcendental nine heaven is just a mole of ants for Leng Dongliu!

In fact, Lin Chen didn't know what the realm behind the transcendental realm was, that is, the realm of lengdongliu.

Because Leng Dongliu didn't even know that he was a pioneer and went to a level that no one else had ever reached.

Of course, Leng Dongliu didn't know when he left Lin Chen a legacy, but Lin Chen believes that he absolutely knows the answer now and has gone further in his martial arts!

As for where Leng Dongliu is now, and what is his realm, Lin Chen is curious but knows nothing!

Lin Chen thought about it in his heart, and asked, "what is the dark Vatican? Does it have anything to do with the Vatican?" Carol shook his head and said, "it doesn't matter. Or rather, they are sworn enemies. The dark Vatican doesn't believe in God. They believe in Satan! In fact, I have limited knowledge of the dark Vatican. I only know that this organization is extremely powerful. It usually stays in their holy land. I can't afford to provoke you."

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