In Bill's opinion, an Zhongzhou should choose to give in.

The vast majority of people have a fear of the Mafia and dare not provoke it.

In the final analysis, jiangmengshu is just a star under anzhongzhou, and now she is not a top actress, so anzhongzhou should not fight against the baker family for him!

However, to his surprise, an Zhongzhou not only refused, but directly stood up and pointed to the doorway:

"No matter how big your background is, we will not cooperate with you. You leave now!"

"Falk! Give face and don't be shameful!"

As soon as Bill's face sank, he directly threw his cigar on the ground, and suddenly stood up, pointing to an Zhongzhou's nose and scolding:

"Huaxia pig, since you don't want to be obedient, let me teach you how to be a man!"

He shouted in Italian outside the door, "come in!"

With his voice, sevenoreight foreign men in black windbreakers and felt hats came in.

Their faces were cold, and their eyes were full of evil spirit. At first sight, they were not good people. There were pistols stuffed around their waists!

"You! What do you want?" Anzhongzhou's face changed greatly, and he was shocked and angry.

Li Qin also got up in a panic. She stood up and said, "what do you want? You are breaking the law. Do you know?"

"Illegal? Ha ha! Here, guns are the law, I am the law, and you Chinese are pigs to be slaughtered!"

Bill raised his eyebrows, looked at Li Qin and said with an obscene smile:

"Mr. an, I suddenly found out that although your wife is a little old, she looks good and has a good figure. It must be fun to play with! Are you going to let me fuck your wife now, or do you want jiangmengshu to film with me? Choose one of two, you can choose by yourself!"

At this time, bill was almost unbridled to the extreme.

However, he did not notice that jiangmengshu and Yaowang were not flustered.

Jiangmengshu knows the skill of the drug king. With him, she is not afraid of these Mafia.

Seeing that the other party was so arrogant, her face was like frost. She stood up and asked the medicine king to clean them up, but before he spoke, a voice came over.

"What's the matter, so lively?"

Lin Chen appeared at the door and looked at the scene in the room in doubt.

"Lin Chen, you are coming!"

Jiangmengshu's face brightened when he saw Lin Chen

I just wanted to run towards him, but I stopped when I thought that anzhongzhou and his wife were here.

But he looked at him tenderly in his eyes.

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin are surprised to see Lin Chen. They don't know why Lin Chen is here.

However, the situation was urgent at this time, so I didn't ask any more questions.

They know Lin Chen is an expert. Lin Chen is here, and their pressure is much less.


When the medicine king saw Lin Chen, he quickly said respectfully.

The address stunned the anzhongzhou couple and bill.

The anzhongzhou couple only knew that the medicine king was a private bodyguard whom jiangmengshu didn't know where to find. They didn't know his specific origin and skills.

These days, there are people who call others "masters"?

Both anzhongzhou and Li Qin are covered in fog.

"Who are you, boy?"

Bill was also stunned by the title of the medicine king, but he didn't think too much. At this time, he looked at Lin Chen coldly and asked in a condescending tone.

"Who are you?" Lin Chen asked back.

Before bill could answer, the king of medicine had gone to Lin Chen and told him what had just happened in his ear.

When Lin Chen heard that this guy wanted his own woman to shoot that kind of thing, his face immediately cooled down, pointed to the Mafia, and said indifferently to the drug king:

"Teach these guys a lesson and throw them downstairs!"


Hearing Lin Chen's words, Bill burst out laughing:

"Hahaha! Boy, are you an idiot? You said you wanted this old man to throw my people down? Did you ask him to die?"

Although he was scared by the look in his eyes, he still thought that the king was just a bad old man. How could we possibly deal with the people he brought!

The Mafia members also looked at Lin Chen with scornful eyes and suspected that Lin Chen had a brain problem.

However, the next second, almost at the same time, they felt a great force coming from their lower abdomen. Before they could react, they flew out of the window!



There were sounds of panic.

Then there is the sound of objects.

And screams!


The room was silent.

If Bill was shocked, his jaw would fall to the ground, and suddenly a cold sweat came out of his forehead.

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin also looked at the medicine king in disbelief. They didn't expect that the old man was so arrogant!

His speed just now was no different from that of lightning!

And those people all flew out of the window. NIMA is too accurate!

"What's going on? Fuck! What's going on, Chinese Kung Fu?"

With a cry of surprise, Bill ran to the window.

Anzhongzhou and his wife also ran to the window to look at the scene below. They said not to fall to death, or they would be in trouble.

I saw the Mafia members lying downstairs, and many people were watching.

Although they didn't fall to death, they were badly beaten and could not get up.

What anzhongzhou and his wife and bill don't know is that the medicine King's foot just now still carries some mystery. Although these people won't die, they will lie in the hospital for at least a year!

This is the "lesson" that Yaowang understands!

Bill turned around and saw Lin Chen coming towards him. He was so scared that he ran to the door!

The medicine king asked Lin Chen to be his master. Naturally, he could guess that Lin Chen was more powerful than the medicine king!

Now I want to run away!

I have to say that although he is fat, he is not slow to run.

But how could he escape from Lin Chen!

Lin Chen didn't see any action either, so he took a few steps to lift bill, who rushed to the door, directly holding his collar.

"Let go, let go of me! Let go of me!"

Bill tried to break Lin Chen's hands, but he felt that Lin Chen's hands were made of steel and could not be shaken at all.

Facing Lin Chen's cold eyes, he was scared and shivered.

However, he said with a fierce countenance and a weak heart:

"Fark! What do you want? Let me go! I'm from the baker family. If you dare to attack me, you'll be dead! Not only you, but also anzhongzhou and jiangmengshu!"

"The baker family?" Lin Chen raised her eyebrows.

Bill looked happy and thought Lin Chen knew the name of the baker family. He was afraid and said with a grim smile:

"Yes, it's the baker family! I'm a member of the baker family. If you dare to attack our family, you'll be dead! Let go of me, let jiangmengshu and I leave, and I'll spare your life!"

An Zhongzhou and Li Qin, seeing that bill is in this situation, are still so rampant, and their faces are dignified.

Bill is not a fool.

The more arrogant he is, the more terrifying the baker family is!

An Zhongzhou was about to say that he would not let him go when he saw Lin Chen slapping bill in the face.


Several bloody teeth flew out of Bill's mouth!

His face immediately became red and swollen like a pig's head.

Bill looked at Lin Chen in horror. Some of them were stunned by his slap.

Lin Chen said lightly:

"Baker family? No! You want my woman to shoot that kind of thing. No matter what family you are, it's useless!"

With that, he just threw Baker out of the window like garbage!



Bill was so scared that he screamed loudly. The next moment, there was another sound of objects landing downstairs!

Anzhongzhou and Li Qin are shocked again. They look at Lin Chen silently and say that these Kung Fu are good and too violent!

They hurried to the window.

I saw that Bill downstairs also fell with blood on his head. It seemed that his right leg was broken. At this time, he was rolling around with his right leg.

Fortunately, it's only the third floor here, and they don't have their heads on the ground, otherwise they will really become a corpse.

But anzhongzhou and his wife don't know. The reason why these people didn't die is that Lin Chen and the king of medicine left their hands.

Lin Chen doesn't want to delay jiangmengshu's going to the film festival tonight. That's why he didn't kill anyone.

After all, it is still troublesome to deal with the aftermath of murder in such places.

Soon, bill and the people he brought got up with difficulty, helped each other and left.

When Bill left, he looked maliciously upstairs, just in line with anzhongzhou's line of sight.

"Alas, now things are in trouble!" An Zhongzhou sighed, his eyebrows twisted into a knot, and he became worried.

He was afraid of the baker family.

At this time, Li Qin suddenly thought of something. She suddenly looked at Lin Chen, frowned and said, "Lin Chen, what did you just say? You said jiangmengshu was your woman?"

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